
IMDb member since July 2012
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Low scoring here should be illegal.
Having stumbled across this Scottish drama by accident i was hooked after the first episode and managed them all in 2 days.

The acting was fantastic as was the story and betrayal. Best thing to come out of Edinburgh since Trainspotting. The lead role played by Morven Christie was impressive. As my first time seeing her on screen i sure become a fan and will be watch more from her.

As a long time Peter Mullen fan he executed the role perfectly. I didn't expect anything less.

I don't really understand what others expected with the low scores as this was an outstanding binge worthy series that is up there with the best of dramas. You must give it a chance.

It Snows in Benidorm

I couldn't wait for it to end, so i could do housework.
I like Timothy Spall as a actor and the fact i live near Benidorm made it a bit more interesting for me looking for cast extra's i know. The film started off great and then nothing happened. If anything it confused my as to why someone would spend such a budget and why Tim accepted this lead role.

Some of the scenes were plastic looking compared to the real life Benidorm, especially in the nightclub areas, it made the movie look like, almost amaturish. God knows why it was nominated, as after he arrives in Spain and realises his brother is missing, nothing else worth substance really happened. It got really boring, really quickly. It was so exciting, i couldn't wait till the end to start some housework.

Nothing Compares

A great insight to a huge artist.
She was so far ahead of her time, while the rest of the world were not ready, it destroyed her career.

She many be only recognisable to a generation for one track, but this film takes us back to her roots and tells of the pain she suffered as a child, which is incredible.

We then see her move to London and become more confident and follow the ups and downs of her life, with only Sinead and other connections as voiceover's.

I really enjoyed this film and it goes to show, if you don't toe the line the media and everyone else can very quickly destroy your career and cause severe mental health issues. We do live in a messed up world at times.

I really wish Sinead all the best for the future. She was a young beautiful woman who won many battles, but lost the war. She should be proud of what she has achieved.

The Last Bus

Slow and full of unrealistic scenarios.
The main character is an ill old man who's speech and walking pace is so slow, it must add about 20 minutes to the movie and can be really annoying. The scenarios that he gets into are so unrealistic and come across really fake with cardboard acting from many unknown faces.

As a fan of Timothy Spall since the days he worked in Germany with Oz and the lads on a building site, i wanted this to be a success, but it's just not going to make it with cringe worthy scenarios. I'm not sure what world the script writers are living in. The flashbacks brought very little to the movie and seemed pointless.

My score of 5 is generous and I'm really disappointed in what could have been a great movie, going by the original concept.

Don't F**k with Cats: Hunting an Internet Killer

Netflix have done it again.
Another outstanding documentary from Netflix. I binge watched all 3 episodes. A must watch. Very cleverly put together and the ending when the pieces are put together is just wow!

Line of Duty: Breach
Episode 6, Season 3

Edge of the seat stuff!!!
What an end to a fantastic series. Amazing TV! 11/10.


A missed opportunity to be a total smash.
I was really excited to see Beats from the day i seen the trailer. Having lived though the rave scene in the 1990s, especially 1994, and taking part in demo's against the criminal justice bill.

Two friends, from two very different backgrounds create a special bond and attending their first rave together. At the start of the movie there was a tune that i recognised instantly, but i was expecting so much more. There was a huge techno scene in Scotland in 1994 and this movie failed to capture it. The movie failed to have a full soundtrack of bands such as TTF (The Time Frequency), QFX, Ultrasonic, The Rythmic State. Huge bands in 1994 and all were missing. This was a huge opportunity to grab the audience with a superb sound system in the cinemas, where the hairs on the back of you neck stand up and flood the theatre with memories and good vibes. It didn't happen. I doubt there will be a soundtrack album, which is a missed opportunity as these tunes are still popular today with the younger generation, especially in Glasgow.

At one point in the movie where they both have taken their E, we were entertained to a few minutes breaking away from the movie and having some visual effects as well as a steel factory being blown up. It was so weird. I related it to Trainspotting, where Renton goes down the toilet after the pill. Totally weird and not really relevant to the movie. This would have been acceptable if i took an E before entering the cinema. lol

As for the actors. I had never heard of any of them before viewing beats, but everyone involved can take a bow. It was an outstanding performance from them all and i can't criticise them, as i feel it was the movie and soundtrack that let me down. I'm now a fan and will be watching out for more of their work in future.

The full movie was in black and white which i though was nothing more than try to be different for no reason. Maybe they were just trying too hard. How can you create a 90's rave movie without seeing one single yellow high vis vest or a glow stick in beyond me.

Over all. I enjoyed it, but feel lack of research let it down. I feel i got my monies worth, but only just. If only tunes like Obsession, Freedom, Soap on a Rope and maybe one of many TTF anthems included would have seen most of Scotland talking about Beats over the weekend, but It's not going to happen.


McAvoy deserved an Oscar for this.
What a tremendous movie. James McAvoy was pretty outstanding playing the role. I'm a huge fan of his other work, but this is up there with one of the greatest screen performances ever. It's like he was just made for the role.

The movie was a lot more than i expected. It's a must see. Why i have never heard of it before now, i don't know.

Bohemian Rhapsody

Queen fan or not...It's a must see.
Phenonmenal movie! Outstanding performance! Emotional rollercoaster! Getting close to who freddie was! Live Aid like it was the genuine gig! This movie had everything i wanted and expected. Worthy winners of multiple awards. It's a MUST SEE and i was never a Queen fan in my younger days.

The Krays: Dead Man Walking

Couldn't manage till the end.
Who done the casting for The Krays? I'm sure they couldn't be any further from the actual Krays. Is it possible they got the casting requirements mixed up with the Stan & Oile movie? They looked more like Laurel and Hardy, rather than the Kray twins.

I normally have a look at the ratings and then give a movie a look to make my own mind up. Looking here, i thought surely it can't be that bad? It can! Even worse than bad. I actually feel guilty for giving it 1/10.

I gave this movie 32 minutes of my life that i could have used doing more constructive things, like taking a nap for example. There is so much wrong with this movie and I'm not going to waste any more time by going into detail. A pathetic waste of money and an embarrassment for the people involved.

Avoid at all costs.


I discovered this by accident one night and was really enjoying it until the last (6th) episode of the 1st series.

How can Vic have the lower half of his leg almost hanging off and just after having an operation he was running to the car? He managed to gather up most of the living dead with very little effort, which did not involve a gun. Just shouting and holding on to them one handed. This made the acting look rather wooden, to which up until this point had been great.

There seems to be a lot of questions and not enough answers in the show. After the first few decent episodes it seemed to slow down, but i managed to stick with it waiting for that "woooow! did that just happen moment" which i thought was never coming, until the last 30 seconds.

Over all it is worth watching and a surprise for an Australian drama. Not exactly up there with Underbelly and Wentworth though when it comes to our Aussie friends dramas.

On to season 2 now.

Cobra Kai

Outstanding! Blast from the past.
I really enjoyed this. One of the best series i have watched this year. I binged watched the full series in one shift (working night shift, with nothing to do).

The charachters, storylines, acting, flashbacks, 80's soundtrack, amongst some quirky comments refering to the first movie made this for me. It did not disappoint. I can't wait for season 2.

This was money well spent. It has such a high score for a reason.

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