
IMDb member since August 2012
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Could've been so much better
I consider this a decent movie, but, with actors like Ben Foster (the only reason I watched the movie), Michael Caine, Til Schweiger, Matthew Goode and Sophie Lowe this could've been a blockbuster. It felt so disconnected, it just didn't flow. The acting was phenomenal, which is the only reason I gave it a 6. The characters were very interesting and with the history, at the time, there is so much more they could have done with this movie. You really couldn't tell who the characters were, what they were about, or, what they were even fighting for, until about a third of the way into the film. Ben Foster's character (Jan Ziska) had very little dialogue and I understand being a man of few words, but, this is a movie. In my opinion, the directing and editing is what failed this film.

The Sandlot

Great Family Movie
I absolutely love this movie, it brings me back to my younger years and the close friends that I had, growing up in North Carolina. I love how the new kid comes in and wants to get involved, with the local boys. One of the locals befriends him and the rest is history. The acting was great, for these young actors and how they always seem to be getting in to mischief. I love how they bring in the local legend of the "beast" who keeps all of the baseballs the guys hit into his yard and how they have to get back a really special baseball that has gone over the "beast's" fence. Great storyline and all around great movie that I will definitely watch, again.

The Meg

Pretty Decent
Although this movie will not win any awards, it was a good way to kill a couple of hours. The acting was really good, really believeable. The action and the effects were fantastic. The only problem I had with this movie, is it's about 30 minutes too long; there were places where it seemed to lag and get a little boring. All that said, I really enjoyed this movie and would not have a problem watching it, again.

The Super

This was really bad. It had great potential and even decent actors, but the writing and cinematography, were horrible. And the dubbing in the end, was terrible; it was like they didn't even try to make it look good.

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