
IMDb member since August 2012
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An Action Hero

Created by Mallya, Nirav Modi sympathisers
A movie actor, Maanav, unintentionally kills the younger brother of an incumbent political leader, flees to the fraudster sanctuary aka The United Kingdom, gets followed by the vengeful politician 'Bhoora' whose brother he killed by accident, and a cat-and-mouse chase ensues.

Bhoora sneaks into Maanav's London house and kills 2 policemen to frame Maanav. Maanav flees the house and tries to secure CCTV footage to prove his innocence. However, he is dragged away by goons of a gangster who fled India and now lives in the UK. Maanav had given out controversial interviews to the media in the past, stating that the Underworld is no longer relevant. To assert his dominance, the gangster makes Maanav dance at the former's granddaughter's wedding. Meanwhile Bhoora arrives at the scene, tries to kill Maanav but ends up shooting the gangster by mistake.

Maanav tries to convince Bhoora that he is innocent, Bhoora replies that the "pehlwan" (ego) within him can't accept that. Maanav ends up shooting Bhoora with his own gun. He surrenders to the London police and inks a deal with the Indian criminal agencies, pretending to have been the one to kill the gangster -- saying that the agencies might lose public faith if people come to know that Maanav shot dead a high profile gangster in a single day -- something the agencies couldn't do in 30 years.

Maanav is welcomed with garlands in India. Agencies disclose to the media that Maanav was sent on a secret mission to the UK to kill the gangster. Everyone forgets about the politician and his younger brother.


The movie tries to convince you that Maanav is innocent. He is not, atleast not without a trial. It tries to show the media in a bad light -- one day the media is condemning Maanav for the killing, conducting media trials and writing sensational headlines for TRP; the next day, they are praising him for felling the gangster.

The world conveniently forgets that Maanav still has to face trial for the killings even if he is a hero in the public's eye. The judiciary is not subject to popular support.

The movie mentions that when a rich man is having a bad day, the poor will pounce on him and make a mountain out of a mole hill. Could be true, but the rich aren't "doodh ke dhule" either with how they abuse their money and power to get out of difficult situations.

HIT: The First Case

Plothole in climax
The movie tries to look intelligent, and it is able to, for the most part. Until one watches the climax. Then one wonders that if Sapna called Preeti from a PCO on the day Preeti went missing, why didn't Sapna's call get noticed in Preeti's call detail record. If the police would have interrogated the people around PCO booth, they would have established Sapna as the criminal very easily. But then that wouldn't make for a very intriguing story, would it?

There are too many cut scenes, the movie is very fast paced and gives you little time to think but you will still enjoy watching it like me. Aside from that the movie presents a good look into forensic procedures and criminal thinking. I hope they give careful consideration to plotholes in the planned sequel because this series has great potential.


A film about shrewd corporate interests, government apathy and mental instability
A mentally unstable engineer takes to terror bombing to extort an apology from the government for suppressing the news of the death of his father, who died along with 2 coworkers working on a government construction project.

An apathetic and egoistic government is willing to risk the lives of innocent citizens at the hands of this maniac as it won't offer a simple apology to a terrorist.

A news anchor serves as the medium of dialog between the government and this maniac on live TV. He defies his TV network's orders and chooses to buy time so that government agencies can track down the terrorist and put a stop to the bombings, whereas the network wants him to provoke the terrorist for TRP. When the anchor loses his estranged wife in the bomb blast and is made a scapegoat by the TV network who accuse him of being hand-in-glove with the terrorist, he loses his own sanity and bombs the TV network's building, killing himself along with an anti-terror squad.


Good action, the love triangles need to be tuned down tho
I liked the movie and loved the superhero action. Of course there are some major issues. Like when you create a new line of superheroes in the same universe as the MARVEL heroes, you can't just say they didn't take part in the fight against Thanos because they don't indulge in "human wars". Thanos was clearly an inter-galactic villain, not just a foe to humans. His intentions to remove half of the universe's population clearly clashed with the duty of the Eternals to let Earth's population burgeon so that Tiamut could awaken.

Also, I think the love triangles were a pain in the a$$.


Better than Hollywood horror
I would rate it above most Hollywood horror films where ghosts and demons mindlessly create chaos in the human society. Most of them don't have purpose and can be shooed away by petty exorcisms.

The ghost in this story has a purpose of staying around and the movie delivers a good message.

The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It

Couldn't scare me, treat this as an adventure film
The movie couldn't scare me. You will enjoy it if you treat as a dark adventure involving witchcraft and magic, but you may be disappointed if you expect be scared.

Bunty Aur Babli

Good movie for its time
Watched this movie for Bunty aur Babli 2. It is a good movie for its time. All songs are iconic chartbusters that are still played to date. Of course one may feel that the heists and robberries depicted in the movie are too convenient and can't be actually pulled off in real life in 2021. But we must not forget that this movie released 15 years ago. Good movies are only as intelligent as the people watching them. We are only smart enough to nitpick about the plot 15 years down the line.

I do feel that the movie can be somewhat shorter in length.


Didn't like the ending
Good movie that emphasizes on family values, cherishing yourself and the people around you and not trying to change yourself to impress others.

That being said, I would have preferred if the family didn't get back their powers by the end of the movie. Not every change (good or bad) in life is reversible and the movie fails to deliver this message to its young target audience. With their powers back, the family members will eventually fail to appreciate the message of the movie once again.

Jungle Cruise

Good watch for adventure lovers
Voyage through the Amazon has become a separate adventure genre itself. The story here is similar to other Amazon films like the Anaconda series where Europeans and Americans try to find an exotic herb/resource in the precarious jungle that would revolutionize science and medicine. Of course there are plotholes, but which movie hasn't? Like I still don't know why Lillie was so depressed when Francisco was captured by the jungle at the end, two drops of Amazon's water was literally what would bring him back. But all in all, a good one-time-watch.

Hum Do Hamare Do

Twisted take on the Hindi saying "Hum Do Hamare Do"
It was a cute concept but the ending felt a bit rushed. An old widow abandoned by her son, her college soul mate who she could never marry and our hero, a self-made businessman orphaned at a young age and left to fend for himself, all unite to give an appearance of a happy family to the latter's love interest. Eventually in the course of this drama, they all find a sense of purpose in staying together as a real family but our hero's beloved comes to know about their lie. Will she choose to stay with them or leave?

Free Guy

Unique concept but not without its loopholes
It is a unique concept and a breath of fresh air. But there are many plotholes, like why didn't Antwan order the servers to be rebooted after kicking all players out since Millie's player would no longer be able to influence Guy's AI. Or how come Millie just waltzed into Soonami's office's restricted server room. But do watch it for the awesome concept.


Sending the wrong message
The movie portrays and promotes divorce over trivial reasons.

Maze Runner: The Scorch Trials

Not as suspenseful as part 1
The movie is not as suspenseful or mysterious as part 1. But it does throw the viewers a challenging question: whether to support the attempts to find a cure to the Flare by inhuman experimentation on immune children for the "greater good" or support the protagonist (Thomas) as he fights for his and his friends' lives.

Mortal Kombat

One time watch, OK-OK movie
It was an OK film. Raiden Temple set felt very artificial and unnatural. Lord Raiden, despite being an Elder God and having the knowledge that the Outworld was flouting the rules of Mortal Kombat tournament, took no step to disqualify them or something. Despite that, you can enjoy the fight scenes and superhuman powers.


The kills are unrealistic
My only issue with this otherwise good movie loaded with humour is that the kills seem unrealistic. Deadpool's enemies don't have bones or what? Because they are getting splatted like pancakes in the most unrealistic ways.


Typical Zombie movie
Typical zombie movie. Dad dies at the end although he could have saved himself by cutting off his arm to prevent the virus from spreading.


This movie got this much attention only because of the Oscars
I didn't feel their was enough buildup to justify the abrupt criminal act at the end of the movie. Felt contrived and forced.

Bhoot Police

Good comedy movie
Don't go by the poster, the movie is not horror but full comedy. It capitalizes on Saif Ali Khan's playboy impression and puts Jacqueline's accent to good use, making it sound convincing.

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader

Shallow, simple plot
The movie was shallow and the plot was simple: defeat the "evil mist" by collecting 7 Narnian swords given by Aslan, to free some kidnapped people.

New characters in the movie, like the Magician Coriacin and the Blue Star Lady (Ramandu's daughter) are barely fleshed out. They don't have any background story/history and are just there to hand out our heroes their missions. The heroes don't even investigate if they can trust them, why do they have to do this mission, what is the evil mist etc.. They just do the missions mechanically.

And how come Aslan gets to go in and out of his country but others who enter can't come out? Is this a death/heaven parallel? Seems unfair... my complaint is that no character is curious, questions anything or tries to make it convincing for the viewers.

Pokémon Journeys

It's pretty lame
  • New supposedly "side character" named Goh catches all Pokemon with a single Pokeball throw, throwing out years of Pokemon anime drilling into our heads "you shall not catch pokemon without weakening them in battle/bonding with them first".

  • Ash has become dumb. He's got uber strong Pokemon (probably one of the only plus points of this series), but rarely uses them or even carries them along on his adventures for God's sake. It's all a big set-up, contrived so that Goh can catch all the Pokemon and shine at the expense of Ash. The anime has to be dumbed down to make Goh's miracles work.

  • Goh catches an army of Pokemon (even hurt legendaries) and dumps them at Sakuragi lab. So much for bonding with his Pokemon.

Godzilla: King of the Monsters

One time watch
Watch it for the VFX and epic battle scenes, that's about it.

Monster Hunter: Legends of the Guild

Rushed and forgettable
Movie is extremely rushed, we are not properly introduced to the universe and the puns and references the protagonist makes fly above your head. It looks like a movie based on a video game (?). The plot is very simple: our heroes must defeat a big bad Dragon who is destroying everything in its migratory path. The groundwork for a sequel is laid.

Haseen Dillruba

Nice movie
The story completely turned around at the end! Good watch.

Feels Like Ishq: Star Host
Episode 3, Season 1

They compressed an entire love story in 30 minutes
Two strangers meet on a long weekend and fall in love in 2 days. The girl is fresh off her relationship with a condescending ex-boyfriend who used to treat her like a child and cheated on her, yet she is ready for a new hook-up. The boy is the girl's accommodation host, and is expected to maintain formal relationship with her and respectable distance. But they roam around Mahabaleshwar one day, kiss and viola! ISHQ ho gaya. In just 30 minutes. Feels more like teenage hormones, instead of ISHQ/PYAAR. And you wouldn't know if the language is English or Hindi. Just watch it for Rohit Saraf.

Trollhunters: Rise of the Titans

Good on its own, but not at the level of the storytelling seen in Trollhunters series
I liked the movie visuals but the plot was weak, quite unbecoming of the Trollhunters saga:

1. For some reason, everyone is treating Jim as a leader -- this does not connect with the Wizards series.

2. Nari's body is abducted at the beginning of the movie even as Claire could have simply teleported her away instead of staying to fight once their plan went astray.

3. Nari talks about the Chronosphere and "9th formation" just as her spirit is about to leave Deuxie's body when she could have easily told all this before. Very convenient, so that she doesn't have to divulge all the details to the Trollhunter and leave him on his own to figure out the meaning of her riddle.

4. One doesn't need Nari's consent to awaken the Titans, just her presence as the other members of Arcane Order can conveniently control Nari.

I could nitpick more but I guess I made my point.

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