
IMDb member since August 2012
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What happened?
Let's keep this short and sweet.

The first season was solid, I didn't have any expectations going in, but I eventually became excited to watch a new episode every week. Even at this very moment I'd recommend watching the first season.

Fast forward to Season 2 and we have fallen off the path. It's strange and I don't really know what happened. Right now we are halfway through this season and things need to pick up fast or there will be no Season 3.

I give it a 5/10 because Season 1 was 7/10 and Season 2 so far is a 3/10. I hope this changes, but only time will tell.

On Chesil Beach

Good movie, could have been a gem!
One of my least favorite things to talk about it when a movie

On Chesil Beach

Good movie, could have been a gem!
One of my least favorite things to talk about it when a movie

47 Meters Down

Could have been better, way better. This is how it should have ended.
I came in expecting this to be absolute trash, like it should have premiered on SyFy, but it wasn't that bad. There's really only two things I'd like to point out and it all occurs in the last 10 minutes. This review contains spoilers....

Okay, so we finally hit the point of the movie where they need to get to surface before one of them (who was bitten by a shark) bleeds out. Not only are they swimming in the dark with little to-no vision of these massive sharks around them, but they have to sit for 5 minutes to stop the Nitrogen Bubbles from going in their brains -- which would kill them too! This was the moment where I thought the movie would SHINE, 5 minutes -- in the dark -- in ultimate terror -- with sharks all around them? Let's do this!!!!

Nope.... the 5 minute timer 'starts' and no more than 15 seconds in, the man from the boat calls out 4 1/2 minutes to 3 minutes left. We are just starting this "5 minute" scene and it lasted no more than 45 seconds, if that. I'm not saying it should've lasted the FULL time, but the audience missed out on all the suspense it was building.

Then, we get to the surface to have this corny scene of the sharks attacking them, even to the point where they were being pulled onto the boat and one came up out of the water to bring one of them back under again... Now after all of that I'm rolling my eyes like "corny? yeap --- that all just happened," but then I was pulled back again.

Everything we just saw from her finding her sister, escaping the cage, the climb, getting back on the boat --- was all an illusion from Nitrogen narcosis. I was like YES! This movie just mind f#$%ed me and we are getting the dark reality of this tragedy. It's the darker side of the stereotypical "happy" ending. I was with it!

BUT!!!! once again, DENIED! The following, and closing scene, shows her snapping out of the hallucination to have the coast guard comes down, rescue her and bring her back to the surface.... yawn.

Movie ends right as she's hitting the surface. No follow up. No extra info. No dramatic scene with the sister. Nothing.

If I could change anything: End it with her in an hallucinated state and the oxygen tank meter reading zero. I know that's dark --- but man, that would have been an ending.

The Circle

Girl Goes Kayaking - Plays on the World Wide Web - Goes Back to Kayaking
While this movie had a very realistic outlook on the future of social media, it hits a wall when it comes to bringing it full "Circle" in the movie sense. You can see a lot of what this movie has to offer with the plot explanation and trailer.

By no means is it a terrible movie --- I feel like the POINT of the movie passed too quickly, there could have been so much more if the POINT had more depth, more darkness and more consequences played out so the movie (if it was trying to send a message) could come to fruition.

Head to your local Redbox and rent it, it's worth a watch, but most likely not a second one.

The Good Dinosaur

Not Pixar's BEST, but still solid. All these LOW reviews are off.
The fact that this movie still holds a score of a 6.8 with hundreds of 1/10 scores shows you just how good it is. I'm not here to preach that it's an awesome movie, but give it the score it deserves. (It's not PIXAR's best, but still fits the bill of a good movie.)

Honestly the highly negative scores are just because people were not BLOWN away. A PIXAR movie sets the bar so high, so the fact that this one isn't an A+, people are bashing just to bash.

I watched this with my cousins, all at the time were under 10 ( 7 & 9 ) and nothing was too scary. Could it be over the top for 4 or 5 year old, of course, but it's not that bad. The Lion King is regarded as one of the BEST Disney films ever and there are similar scenes with death, scary bad-guys, hard times, etc.

Give it a watch.

CSI: Cyber

As much as everyone complains, we all still watch the show because we love what CSI used to be!
I am a LONG time CSI fan & it's on the list of some of the most legendary shows on TV. With that, I am trying my best not to sit in all of this negativity, but here is my two cents after watching the Season 2 finale. Is this show in any way comparable to the original CSI? No. Is adding CYBER to the title taking advantage of a good name? Yes. Is this an overall good show? It's border-line. Do I want the show to go away? NO!

When this new show CSI:CYBER came along I was excited. We get a new CSI based show based on tech and DB was coming with it! I was ready! As much as it doesn't compare to the original, if this is what I can get I will always record it and watch it because some CSI is better than none. Nothing will flow like CSI did and if this series continues I will be just fine with it. CBS put some more $$ into this guy and if it really flops just let it go in peace.

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