
IMDb member since September 2012
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Maria sama ga miteru

Maria ga miteru.
My favorite series of all times. It's not only a yuri. It's a story of love, fun and perseverance. It's a catholic school where girls are figuring out who they really are. This is how I found out I was a lesbian. From this series I started editing yuri manga including citrus. I was inspire by Sei. She was my favorite character in the series if you have truly seen the series you will know why. It's elegant and beautiful. The roses 🌹 pick a sister and is their choice weather they wish to pursue a relationship with them or keep a valid friendship. Sei and Shimako have a thing going on but Sei's heart is and belongs to Shiori. The cousin is just in the way of Yumi and Sachiko and wish he would have move out of the way completely out of their relationship. There is also heterosexual relationships in the anime between one of the roses and a zoo keeper. It's an anime for all woman around the world. Coming of age anime. It was thanks to this anime that I realize I was into girls only. This day I see this anime with my girlfriend. I feel like this is anime you will miss out in life if you don't watch it's incredible. All the way to the fourth season. If I had a chance to watch all over again I will.


MTV is dead
As you read it in the title. No more rock man. I remember the amazing music videos when Bon Jovi and Motley Crue use to rock the channel. The channel was name MTV because it's for music entertainment but it fuse into a galore of ridiculousness as the title of this show. 13 and pregnant then came this they put the nail to the coffin to MTV. No more rankings in music videos. Nothing. I even enjoy the other music channel mundo2 where the black eye peas and daddy yankee and even Don Omar made a name for themselves in the hip pop and era back in the early 2000s. We miss the music channel we miss the talent even showing local bands would help them and encourage them to keep making music than showing this disaster.

Vicky Cristina Barcelona

Woody Captions
I thought they were captions and wanted to turn them off right away. His voice is so irritating. Basically two friends one of them want to get laid the other one in a committed relationship. Woody captions made it unbearable to watch but the actresses save the movie. I admire Penelope Cruz work and Scarlett was on her prime on this movie. Watch it for them not for the movie the entire movie was narrated. Why bother making such beautiful view of a city if you don't explore it and you don't shut up. Enjoy the scenery and record its full splendor. Could have been great without the captions which I always turn off before watching.

Atomic Blonde

The story is incredible
The script is good the acting is good, action everything in the film is good. Even Charlize can portray a great lesbian character. People who are offended probably never had the glory of meeting a lesbian and befriending them. I'm an avid fan of James McCoy. All his movies are good starting with Atonement even the magical creature he play in Narnia. Yes he's not a tall athletic man with huge muscles but his intellect and personality makes up for any jocks of this world. Don't listen to the negative reviews I'd you like John wick or wanted you'll enjoy this movie. Skip the gay scenes if you feel offended.


It is nearly perfect the actresses are trying and I can see their work projecting in the screen it starts picking up on episode 3. More training less talking would have help it had a nostalgic feel to it similar to matrix 1 for some reason. More fighting sequences. Sabine did more training than Rey ever did so I am thankful for that. Ahsoka is like a Master Roshi in action. Keep up the good work and that 7 would rise. I like this far more than Obi Wan but it's close to the Mandalorian work of of art. I have high hopes for the series and it didn't lose me it capture me and the main characters are down to earth and hard working their personalities project well on the series as they portray their characters to their full potential.

Mom, Don't Do That!

Same relationship with mom
I have the same relationship with my mother and it makes me laugh. This is life that is how it works. Money doesn't work like that. You have to save your money and invest it well. Work hard do something for yourself. It makes me laugh because that is life. I understand where mother is coming from. But expenses add up more than ever. Everything even from feeding a cat comes with a cost. This drama is what I needed in my life right now it really helps me heal in so many ways. I love the cast you grow to love them and hate them at the same time. It's so funny I couldn't stop laughing perfect 10. Japan culture is the best.

The Ultimatum: Queer Love

Lesbian in the house
Being gay is incredible. I love this show. It's so raw so realistic. The couples truly love each other. I myself have been with my partner for 10 years and I don't see myself being with anyone else. I love her unconditionally but this is an awesome show. It shows us as we are. This woman are so matured. Even with all the cheating they move on. They learn to move on. They put their love above all the bs. The only one who bother me a bit was Yoli but other than that I'm glad she was able to get thru. Years of being with someone knowing them fully doesn't just go away. I feel like destiny picks our partners you don't need to do much. Just be faithful and love them unconditionally because they are there for a good reason. Don't throw it all way for passion.

Before All Others

A little harsh rating
It reminded me of the video I did when I was in high school. All we had was adobe premiere pro to work with. Yes it's almost impossible to get a good video program and during this decade now you have Cgi, the power of Final Cut Pro, high definition and so forth. But it was a fun film to watch. I actually enjoy it because it reminded me of the school film we did lol 😂 thought not super budgeted it work to get us thru the subject. I like it because it works with what it has. Don't expect a James Cameron film. We are not investing billions of dollars but it's truly sentimental for the purposes I just mention.

Madame Claude

Admiration for this woman.
I had no idea she ever existed in real life. But I somehow always knew there was prostitution in this world. This movie really hits in the depths of the heart. It talks about the ugly side of the world the ones they hardly talk about. I like how honest madame was I love the line that she said and she was right men have the power but she got to enjoy herself too. This woman teaches me something that even thought a goat is all you have as a friend you must keep moving forward with life. Nothing has change people now sell themselves on OF what difference does it make. It's the same bs but it has modernize and nothing ever changes.


Pretty heavy subject
At first I didn't feel any sort of connection for the woman. She did a lot of things wrong first failing to write the license plates or even gather evidence from the cameras to see who was driving. As time went by I grew empathetic and to appreciate her effort in trying to solve this entanglement of corruption. It talks about really heavy subjects like organ trafficking. I would go in this series with a very open mind and ability to view hard to digest scenarios. People are truly evil and they would do what it talked to benefit themselves from others. This series teaches you to never trust no one and always be aware of your surroundings.


Wanted to go to the gay route but couldn't deliver.
Call it as it is two best friends move in together. One of them a serial dater who keeps dating guys in and out and the other a rock star. They build a good bond but it goes as far as just being platonic. I'm going to be the one to have the courage to say it. This is known as bait anime. I'll call it as it is. It lures lgbt audience to ask what if? What if they actually became a romantic couple they had everything to make it work but somehow they just couldn't because they were straight all along. I got annoy with Nana #2 not the rockstar because she knew what she wanted in life. She mature and little annoying nana I don't think she will ever settle.

Kannazuki no miko

One of the best anime's I have seen
Grew up with yuri when I was just 16. I love the anime and it help me grow as a person. Today I'm a 30 year old engineering student. A woman to its full extend. Yuri help me come in terms with my sexuality. Ayako did an incredible job voicing Chikane in Japanese. It's her birthday on March 31. Noriko Shitaya voice Himeko and she did an excellent job. I was surprise the English dub was so good Michelle Ruff who also voices Rukia in Bleach did an incredible job voicing Chikane. Stephanie did well voicing Himeko. It's a beautiful girl love story. I don't regret ever getting into anime when I was in high school.

The Last of Us

A beautiful story
It's a beautiful show. Everything in one zombies, action and love. A beautiful innocent bond is form between a man and a girl. He sees her as his daughter. Pedro pascal does a great job portraying Joel. I am in love with the story. Me and my brother bench watch it. The action scenes are incredible and so it's the pace of the story. Not everything had to be zombies to fully enjoy this story. Love it from beginning to end. For anyone saying is boring it's because it's not only about wars and zombies it's about survival. Who to trust who not to. It's a survival adventure voyage these two characters take.

Perfect Match

The moment I saw Shane I knew it was over.
I can't stand that guy so annoying. He had a strong relationship going in love is blind. Threw it all away for double dating. Nothing is real. None of this people are serious about a relationship if you want Only fans and instagram promotion just name it like that looking to boost my of. Everyone has being with everyone at some point. It's been a while I have seen a show with Someone decent. The bachelor with Sean and Catherine is as real as it gets. I haven't seen chemistry like that in a while. I'll give it a first season but I know Shane would never be honest. People never change that is reality.


Went from being interesting to a complete mess.
I started liking the show because it was drama and intriguing how the kind of a sociopath worked . But after Beth was gone it was kind of meaningless. How can this guy not get caught so much evidence it's ridiculous. Where are Benjis and Beth's parents. Make it more realistic and it would have been interesting. Jenna Ortega enter the show and I was like nice but not even she could save this. Focus more on actual crime shows like forensic files and you will find out how many things could get you caught easily like a hair, even a fiber . The third season don't even bother as pitiful as GOT final season.

Queer Eye

Great show for the LGBT hearts
I am a lesbian and enjoy this show since I feel for the first time I am targeted as a audience. Every time I watch a reality show is targeted towards mainly heterosexual couples and stories there is nothing wrong with that but I needed something new. I feel more at home with this show. I love the representation not only to lesbian, gays but to trans as well. The wonderful job they do to change people's lives.

ATV: Quad Power Racing 2

Atv 2
I play this game as a kid it was the greatest game ever. Soundtrack like no other. I would not hear a soundtrack like this in another racing game. It's a atv racing game and it has challenges you master tricks and skills. I will always remember this game.

Space Jam: A New Legacy

It's so sad it didn't turn out to be good
This is not a money grab is a cash cow. Advertisement everywhere. Were is the plot the story line that the previous movie gave us. The script is what makes a great story. You don't have great writing you get this. It's so sad it was miss opportunity.

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