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Magic in Mistletoe

This is a keeper!!
We really enjoyed "Magic in Mistletoe!" The script is great, the leads have excellent chemistry, the acting is great. Paul Campbell really creates a character that is sharp tongued and somewhat prickly but also kind, thoughtful, and sincere. I think this would have been caricature instead of a character in many other actors hands. The script really excels with the flirty dialogue between the leads and the communication between the three friends since childhood. It also excels in not creating bogus conflict or understandable conflict bizarrely over reacted to.

I would love to see Lyndie Greenwood and Paul Campbell make more Hallmark movies together. I would love to see more scripts by Skyy Blair. I'll be looking!

Homicide Hunter: Never Give Up

Where's Carl?
This is an excellent tale of patience and thorough hard work. All that is missing, and it is big, is Carl Marino. I'm sure the other guy is great, but Carl is known and loved as younger Joe. It will not be the same without him. I hope this was a scheduling conflict.


This was a really fun interesting show
How could this show possibly have such a low rating? I looked forward to it every week and watched it with my best friend. It was fun and really interesting. I think that he did not know why this happened to him or really much about how to control it and nothing about ending it was a strength. How could you know? What kind of lame explanation could you dream up? It was a good choice. I was very sorry when this did not return for a second season.

Ildan Ddeugeobge Chungsohara

This an excellent story with real insight
I don't understand some that have said this is just a light hearted rom-com. It is a rom-com that has a light touch but real issues are dealt with realistically and with sensitivity. Yoon Kyun Sang portrayed someone struggling with obsessive compulsive disorder related to germs in such a realistic way and with such sensitivity, I definitely want to see him in other roles. This wasn't played for laughs or disgust or tears. To portray such a difficult role so deftly and with such insight was amazing. Everyone was great, but his acting to make something so hard to portray so natural really stood out. As far as the age difference goes, when two people with such compatibilities, attraction, and complimentary personalities find each other when no one else has ever spoken to them in such a way, who cares! They are both adults. Live is short. Make it the best one possible!

Frankie Drake Mysteries: A Family Affair
Episode 10, Season 4

How can this be the end???
I just found a way to watch Season 4 since I don't have cable or Ovation. I love this show and I binge watched the whole season. Of course it ends in a cliffhanger, so I looked for news about when Season 5 will be out. Are you serious? Not one storyline is resolved. Some of them are left perilously hanging. This could not have been the plan. Will anyone else pick up this awesome show? Will it be left in Purgatory Hell? This is a great show full of fun and engaging characters, well acted, good scripts, just the best. All I can say about this if it never comes back is WTH!*#^%¥!!! BTW, it seems impossible to rate this episode. The episode is great, but it leaves the viewer in a terrible place so 10 or 0. If I can submit this without a score, I will.

Who wants to start a campaign for a TV Movie to wrap this up? I have no social media presence, so it can't be me. I can jump up and down and write emails, etc.

Gaet-na-eul cha-cha-cha

Lovely rom com with substance
This is a fun thoughtful rom com. It deals with the baggage we carry from big or little events, but it always keeps a light touch, or at least returns to a light touch quickly. It is such a loving look at Gongjin (Pohang) look like such paradise.

I've thing I have to discuss is how sooo many of the actors listed as being in this K-Drama are incorrect. There is one role listed twice, the role of Yeo Hwa-Jung. The actress that played her, Lee Bong-Ryun, is listed, but so is someone that was not even in the cast. There are others that are completely incorrect also. If you want to know who is in the cast, look up the entry in Wikipedia.


This is a fun sweet show!
I love this show! When I first started watching it, I liked it. Over time I've grown to love it and all the characters. I love there is no hidden evil or weird agendas. Everyone has their issues, living or dead. If you have ever met a human, or looked in the mirror, you know that is true. At its core is a kindness that is often hard to find.


An amazing show killed by the writer's strike
Others have said much better than I how clever Reaper was, what great chemistry the characters had with each other. I particularly enjoyed the demon Doris who delivered the assignments at the DMV. I loved loved loved this show. The writer's strike took it and pretty much everything off the air for what seemed like eternity. It was the true beginning of "reality tv" where writers could be eliminated or at least reduced tremendously and no real talent was needed. It also was a time where show promos did not run as often as they do now. When Reaper came back, it was on a different day and time, and I missed all but the last episode of season 2. I had no idea there was a season 2 until then. I think this show was amazing and could have run many seasons if outside circumstances had not derailed it. So so so good!

The Prom

Such a good story, so well done!
I loved this movie! When I heard Keegan-Michael Key had a new movie coming out and it was called The Prom, I quit listening because I think he is that great and I knew I was going to watch it right away. I was surprised it is a musical, but it was a delightful surprise. I was only surprised because, as I said, I quit listening.

All the musical numbers are quite good, some are really excellent! I thought everyone, and there are sooo many important names in The Prom, was wonderful. The amazing Meryl Streep is here and so so good. To think how good she is in so many different characters is unfathomable. I loved Andrew Rannells in The New Normal and it was so wonderful to see him here. He brings something special to everything I have seen him in. I have never paid attention to James Corden before, but he was really great. He was funny and selfish but also selfless and poignant. I don't see how you could watch the movie and think that he was not wonderful. Nicole Kidman was great as the most thoughtful one-on-one of the Broadway bunch. She is so beautiful it is hard to wrap your head around it. That's not important to the movie, but it is unmistakable. Kerry Washington was so convincing as narrow minded and defensive. Django Unchained convinced me that she is the most beautiful woman in the world, and this one had me seeing her as one of the most controlling mothers in the world. It is the role of actors to see the character and not the actor walking around. They were more than wonderful.

The movie made me think about whether narcissism rooted in abandonment and self survival is less or more deeply entrenched than narcissism rooted in pure conceit and entitlement.

This movie made me very happy even if I also sobbed like a baby more than once. If you do not know what it feels like to be an outsider no matter what the reason, I cannot image what kind of life you have had. The reason here is played out over and over all over this country and many others. To have the story told with a peaceful resolution is not simpleminded, it is modeling. We all have the choice to do better. This shows that eventually happening.

Hwansangui keopeul

Such a great retelling of Overboard!
I love the Goldie Hawn Kurt Russell movie Overboard, and when I found this I was excited to see how it would be retold. It starts off in essentially the same place but then diverges very differently in its details. It is a great story! Don't think you gave to know anything about Overboard to appreciate this. You do not. It stands very well on its own. The actors are all so excellent and the story is just so well done. Han Ye-Seul is one of my favorite actresses. She is so different in every role. I search her out. She is that good. I love movies etc about second chances. This will make you happy.

Agatha Raisin

1st 2 seasons so good
It is difficult to rate Agatha Raisin because the first 2 seasons are so really great, but season 3 is awful. I can't even finish season 3. I don't know if they got different writers or if there is a different show runner, but so many fundamental aspects of character and nuance were completely changed in season 3. If season 3 was season 1, I would never have watched it. I so want Agatha Raisin renewed for a 4th season with a return to the 1st 2 seasons thoughtfulness, skills, etc. Seasons 1 and 2 and so fun, Agatha is very observant, she and James have amazing chemistry and work so wonderfully together, and they care for each other. I'm not saying she was a perfect person, she's not. She's prickly, and even though she understands how people think and react, it is difficult for her to behave like a normal person. She'll blurb out inappropriate comments without any sense that those words are hurtful or inappropriate. Yet she does care about James and her cohorts. Bring Agatha Raisin back but only as she was and not as she was tweaked.

Mr & Mrs Murder

This is so much fun!
I just (2020) discovered Mr & Mrs Murder and so enjoy it! The characters are so much fun and seem to really enjoy each other. The plots are well formed. It is a thoroughly enjoyable show and I am so sad that there are only 13 episodes. Well at least there are that many!

Queens of Mystery

Enjoyable show that I hope returns
It took me a bit to get used to the narrator, but this is an enjoyable show with likable characters and stories that make sense. The show has just started, just created the characters and fleshed them out. I hope it returns.

Making the Cut

Too much emphasis on the judges
I've been a devoted watcher of other fashion designer competitions. I've watched Project Runway and Project Runway All Stars for years. Now I am watching this and Next in Fashion. What I like about Making the Cut is the fact that contestants can return to the fabric store if needed, that there is a seamstress to assist them, and Tim Gunn. I have always been annoyed by the unnaturalness of the one trip to the fabric store for a project. It seems completely bogus to me. That they have a seamstress also seems reasonable. I have missed Tim Gunn so much. It is a pleasure to see him. He really seems thoughtful and concerned with excellent insight. What I hate about this show is split screens focusing on judges faces while a model is walking the runway, listening to judges make snarky comments during the show, and focusing on Heidi and Tim tooling around Paris sightseeing or whatever. I don't care if Heidi wants to dance on stage. I don't want to look at judges instead of the designers' creations, and I sure don't want to hear petty snarky comments from judges. This should not be about the judges. It is supposed to be about the designers. As it is, the designers are bit players and the judges are the show. I only care about the judges because their role is to elevate fashion, not show how they can outshine each other in in attention grabbing. If they want this to be about the judges, then name it How I Became A Devine Name In Fashion Critique. Having said all that, sone of these judges are clearly more concerned about actually functioning as judges instead of personalities. Edit this show! Quit showing split screens and airing snarky comments!

Fools Rush In

Fun, great chemistry, & more meaningful than expected
I love love love this movie. It is very rare that a movie deals with the repercussions of choices. It is even rarer that one deals with how issues that come up could easily derail the relationship and show a process of working through them. It is not just meet cute, struggle over simple things, then live happily ever after. It is a lot more than that. I watch this every time I see it's on, plus of course I own a copy.

The Crossword Mysteries: Abracadaver

Poor ratings here are NOT about this movie
The low ratings are due to anger at Hallmark promoting this like crazy and then switching at the last minute to one of their endless supply of Christmas movies. The audience for the mysteries is most likely not the same audience for the Christmas movies. Hallmark! Start a Christmas channel and keep your mysteries channel!! Have mysteries set at Christmas if you want, just give us mysteries!

The Crossword Mysteries is one of Hallmark's better mystery series. I've watched them all, love many of them, like some, tolerated some, etc etc. Here there is a really nice chemistry between the leads. Also they are both intelligent and thoughtful characters. Although all mysteries require a suspension of disbelief, this is so much less ridiculous than so many out there. In fact, in the world of mysteries, it is just about realistic. I grew up watching and reading mysteries with my Mom, so I have seen and read a ton. I really love Crossword Mysteries and look forward to the next!


9 before episode 10, 2 after episode 9
I am unfamiliar with Carl Tart, but he wrote or co-wrote episodes 2-9. After that, the show changed dramatically. It is no longer funny or quirky. It is just sad and depressing. New characters that add nothing to the show have been seemingly added randomly. They have no apparent skills, they have not been funny, and they seem to do no work. It was a small agency with a small group exploring actual events. Now it is a small agency with a large staff doing nothing. One of the new characters seems to be seriously mentally ill. As to their new boss Merv, get to the point. He is a horrible conventional man in a role that requires anything but. He has to have something on someone to have gotten that job, but I guess this will never be explored. Every episode I hope his tedious tenure will be over. I keep watching hoping things will turn around. Oh bring back Carl Tart!! The basic core cast is wonderful. Perhaps good writing could actually incorporate the new characters. I realize this show was recently cancelled. As it is, I'm not sad. As it was, it is such a loss. I used to so look forward to this show.

Deception: Transposition
Episode 13, Season 1

Super sad how the series ended
I was just sick about this show ending. I was hoping they would use the foreknowledge to end the show with the major elements wrapped up. I don't really care if life isn't that tidy. I don't watch shows to exactly reflect my life. I can stare in a mirror for that. Were the major issues wrapped up? Not hardly. It ended essentially in a cliff hanger. Is this a ploy for another network to pick them up? You don't have to convince me or the other viewers that this a great show. I wish I was a network executive. I would have already snatched this show up. Meanwhile it just sort of ended in a bad space, where everything is just left dangling. I am just so sad that the writers or the creator or whomever chose to end it like this.


This show is so much fun!!
I love this show so much! I look forward to it every week. I love the playing with the nature of reality, the elements of head games, the great characters. It is fascinating!

Living Biblically

Can the canned laughter!
The canned laughter is extremely disruptive and unnatural. People say a line, wait for the canned laughter, say another line, etc, etc. The show dynamics would be completely changed if the canned laughter would disappear. I love Jay Ferguson, the lead, & I love AJ Jacobs, the author of the book, but this series needs to be a lot of tweaking. It is annoying and preachy as it is. Surely with such great components, awesome actors, this could be made good. I hope they are able to fix it. Start with that horrible laugh track!!


This show is so much fun!!
I love this show so much! I look forward to it every week. I love the playing with the nature of reality, the elements of head games, the great characters. It is fascinating!

Living Biblically

Can the canned laughter!
The canned laughter is extremely disruptive and unnatural. People say a line, wait for the canned laughter, say another line, etc, etc. The show dynamics would be completely changed if the canned laughter would disappear. I love Jay Ferguson, the lead, & I love AJ Jacobs, the author of the book, but this series needs to be a lot of tweaking. It is annoying and preachy as it is. Surely with such great components, awesome actors, this could be made good. I hope they are able to fix it. Start with that horrible laugh track!!

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