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Head of the Class

Errrrr.. Who wanted this again?!
I actually enjoyed the original series. I was a bit younger than the characters on screen but at least related to the characters. This seems like a generic show so far with no real connection to the original.

They couldn't have gotten Hesseman to play the now antagonistic Principal? Granted I love Krista Miller. But even her role this far just screams please please laugh.. And here's some canned laughter to make sure you're supposed to think this is funny.

The same thing applies to the new batch of gifted kids. No one feels different. All just kind of bland sameness. Granted the old series were very neutral stereotyped chargers but at least they felt different. I can still tell you there was Dennis, Darlene, Arvid, Janice, Simone, Jawarhalol, Eric.. still after all these years those characters stand out. I can't even tell you the name of any of these new characters in the middle of the first episode.

This head of the class isn't even middle of the pack.. More bottom of the barrel.

He's All That

Not a zero flick.. But a real disgrace to the original.
I have no idea who this TikTok person is. But every single review mentioned her. And as someone who didn't know her? She's a horrible horrible actress. But beyond that? We really have a very shallow character that actually works hard to try and make her likable.. Or a real relatable person and succeeds at neither.

I actually watched it for Tanner Buchanan who I really liked on "Cobra Kai". He's not a great actor either. But definitely better than this.

I am not even a huge fan of the original. But the plot worried at least even though I still find the slam poetry scene cringy as hell. Unfortunately this film basically starts with that and never isn't cringy. Packed full of advertisments for everything under the sun.

It's not even a bad idea over all.. but the other characters are just so dumb and even the progression is awful. It just stickers around. The main character should be shallow and even a bit unlikable but the film goes to lengths to make her like super awesome. Which is wrong and she can't pull it off anyway. They should have made her warm up and it never works.

The one bright spot for me was the original cast members. It's just a brief appearance but still more acting than anyone else in this "production" put in.

A real shame because the original wasn't spectacularly original but had such sweet and even genuine performances from actors who seemed like real people. Unfortunately none of the teen cast in this can make that claim.

Ode to Joy

"Jane you ignorant..."
I couldn't finish that iconic SNL line for my header, but I wanted to point out something I've seen little of. Granted is a small role but Jane Curtain brings a wonderful sense of humor, warmth and heart to this film. Yes Freeman and Baccarain are fun to watch and have excellent chemistry.

The disease in the film could easily be played for the cheap laugh. And it surprisingly wasn't. A minor spoiler. One dirtbag character you think . Actually you find out isn't, but still kind of is all in the span of maybe 3 minutes.

The cast is very well put together for such an under the radar kind of film. Freeman actually is much more subtle and doesn't play it over the top which he on occasion does. So seeing him here being a bit restrained is great.

It's never going to be the A level romantic comedy drama but falls comfortably in the genre. The one criticism could be it's neither that funny but it's never that dramatic either which sets it in an odd middle zone.

Leverage: Redemption

A decent return but not a triumphant one..
Just to get the elephant out of the room. Nate Ford is gone. That alone really throws off the rhythm of the series. Also Hardison only appears in 2 episodes. His role will be taken up by his sister, Brianna. Also Noah Wylie joined the team. But he's not the leader. He is the one seeking the redemption of the title. A bent lawyer that is trying to right his previous wrongs.

Now having said all that. The show is still fun. A bit more low budget.. and the new characters haven't yet found their place in the show (yet). They are both good characters but unlike the original it felt every character filled a certain part of the whole.

Years later now those original characters who continued the good fight are very different. I relate Brianna to the con character in "The Librarians". He was a very odd character that took a while to find his place in the ensemble. Hopefully they'll give the series the time it takes for the team to gel. While they have most of the cast back they are at times more one on one and split up than working all together.

Another minor gripe is the music. Which is good and fitting but doesn't feel like "Leverage", same with the opening credits. I really do miss Nate's opening speech. Having Wylie do his own variation on it would be fitting. But over all still a fun series and the cast all seem happy to be together. So I'll definitely stay with it.

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot

Mostly the GOOD.. there's a bit of bad and ugly too...
Ok.. first off the top let's get this out there. This film is clearly a LOW budget affair. Just watching it.. it feels there are large seams in it.. and up through the middle just feels at times like an odd collection of "bits" loosely stitched together, some work better than others. There's other things for me even as a LONG LONG time fan don't quite work.. but, in the end? Much more of the film works than doesn't. And.. you even have this flick make you roll a tear or three by the end .. that's pretty good for a Jay and Silent Bob movie I'd say.

Kevin and Jay slip back into their characters almost seamlessly.. not THAT much has really changed.. although with the nature of the "smartphone" Bob now has a much more fun and expressive way to communicate, some of those bits do come through better than others. Other bits may depend on how you feel about the performers.. Molly Shannon and Fred Armisen for example are very hit and, mostly, big MISS for me.. so those scenes really dragged the film down (for my taste).

The entire middle section though has some sequences that work, but really are more for the hardcore fans.. example being the jokes about Smith and his new "vegan" (post heart attack) life style.. connecting together characters from Smith's other film "Yoga Hosers" (and actually earlier in the film even "Zack and Miri Make a Porno") to this film. The scene in Mooby's with Kate Micucchi made me laugh.. as did the button on the scene with Bob and the manager "Miss Mackenzie (the character from "Yoga Hosers", played by Smith's real life wife).

I think more than anything what I've grown to appreciate and enjoy from his work is hit big.. let's join the circus, all get together and put on a show mentality. Get your friends.. get a camera.. get the family and let's all go. Over 25 years the family in Smith's world has grown quite large though. With several actors not only having played several roles, and some reprising them here, but literal family members showing up on camera.

As I said the film is very clearly a low budget affair. Comparing to "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" there were several set pieces and action sequences while not huge did serve to piece the film together, that could have served the movie here.

But.. other things.. like "Milly's theme" by Smith's trusty James L. Venable is clearly inspired by John Williams theme for Princess Leia in Star Wars.. callbacks to music cues from previous films.. and the entire third act that, while Smith mocks "Return of the King" and the entire LOTR series in "Clerks 2", this film very much does feel like that curtain call thorughout.. showing what happened to so many of the characters. I won't name which ones, although from the announced cast I am sure you can guess many.

But what's the most surprising at the end of the day? This film is more about family.. and even manages to bring out some genuine sweet emotion to it. Its creaky in pieces and parts.. and it truly SUCKS that I can't give this a second or third watch to really review this better but that is owed to the release strategy and not the fault of Smith and co. PLUS.. for the hardcore fans? This film solves a 25 year old mystery that until the conclusion of the film never knew I NEEDED to know.

This is definitely a worthy followup to his previous entries. It's not quite as sharp.. but his dialogue is always is on point.. and even when the jokes may or may not land (depending on your tastes) odds are another one will very quickly land. And as this is a gift to his fans? I can only say.. THANK YOU Kevin Smith.. it was nice seeing you again, and thank you for letting us play in your yard again for a little while.

Jay and Silent Bob Reboot

Mostly the GOOD.. there's a bit of bad and ugly too...
Ok.. first off the top let's get this out there. This film is clearly a LOW budget affair. Just watching it.. it feels there are large seams in it.. and up through the middle just feels at times like an odd collection of "bits" loosely stitched together, some work better than others. There's other things for me even as a LONG LONG time fan don't quite work.. but, in the end? Much more of the film works than doesn't. And.. you even have this flick make you roll a tear or three by the end .. that's pretty good for a Jay and Silent Bob movie I'd say.

Kevin and Jay slip back into their characters almost seamlessly.. not THAT much has really changed.. although with the nature of the "smartphone" Bob now has a much more fun and expressive way to communicate, some of those bits do come through better than others. Other bits may depend on how you feel about the performers.. Molly Shannon and Fred Armisen for example are very hit and, mostly, big MISS for me.. so those scenes really dragged the film down (for my taste).

The entire middle section though has some sequences that work, but really are more for the hardcore fans.. example being the jokes about Smith and his new "vegan" (post heart attack) life style.. connecting together characters from Smith's other film "Yoga Hosers" (and actually earlier in the film even "Zack and Miri Make a Porno") to this film. The scene in Mooby's with Kate Micucchi made me laugh.. as did the button on the scene with Bob and the manager "Miss Mackenzie (the character from "Yoga Hosers", played by Smith's real life wife).

I think more than anything what I've grown to appreciate and enjoy from his work is hit big.. let's join the circus, all get together and put on a show mentality. Get your friends.. get a camera.. get the family and let's all go. Over 25 years the family in Smith's world has grown quite large though. With several actors not only having played several roles, and some reprising them here, but literal family members showing up on camera.

As I said the film is very clearly a low budget affair. Comparing to "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" there were several set pieces and action sequences while not huge did serve to piece the film together, that could have served the movie here.

But.. other things.. like "Milly's theme" by Smith's trusty James L. Venable is clearly inspired by John Williams theme for Princess Leia in Star Wars.. callbacks to music cues from previous films.. and the entire third act that, while Smith mocks "Return of the King" and the entire LOTR series in "Clerks 2", this film very much does feel like that curtain call thorughout.. showing what happened to so many of the characters. I won't name which ones, although from the announced cast I am sure you can guess many.

But what's the most surprising at the end of the day? This film is more about family.. and even manages to bring out some genuine sweet emotion to it. Its creaky in pieces and parts.. and it truly SUCKS that I can't give this a second or third watch to really review this better but that is owed to the release strategy and not the fault of Smith and co. PLUS.. for the hardcore fans? This film solves a 25 year old mystery that until the conclusion of the film never knew I NEEDED to know.

This is definitely a worthy followup to his previous entries. It's not quite as sharp.. but his dialogue is always is on point.. and even when the jokes may or may not land (depending on your tastes) odds are another one will very quickly land. And as this is a gift to his fans? I can only say.. THANK YOU Kevin Smith.. it was nice seeing you again, and thank you for letting us play in your yard again for a little while.


you've seen it all before.. kind of.
Ok.. we've seen lots and lots of takes.. and variations on the theme of "Cyrano de Bergerac". This is another one. BUT while it eschews the darker ending of Rostand's original story. It also does not go the compete lighter tone that Steve Martin employed in the 80s film "Roxanne". As it stands "#Roxy" for better or worse sits somewhere between the two in terms of tone and execution.

The one thing that both this and the Martin film dropped was that the erstwhile Cryrano and Roxanne were in fact cousins. And they introduce a best friend character Dixie played by Shelly Duvall who while fun is relegated to an amusing but minor supporting role that one serves to incite the story into motion. Martin's version dropped the darker war, jealous superior (as does this), and death (and nunneries).

What I did want to point out was that this film does verge slightly on the darker end, moreso than the Martin version to be sure but definitely not as dark as the original novel which sees Cyrano and Christian sent off to war, in which the latter dies. Roxanne leaves for a covent and Cryano himself is near fatally wounded and professes his long hidden love for his Roxanne with his last bit of time.

Cyrus, as he is known here, instead of a soldier or firefighter is a highschool hacker who fights bullies with his prowess. Is in love with his childhood friend, Roxy. Who herself has a crush on the nice but not so bright Christian.

The basic structure itself doesn't change too much. The film does come off with a happy ending but actually does surprisingly (in a good way) fit in some of the moments from the story. So while this can never stand up to the superior Martin adaption, this is a closer representation of the original source material and I definitely applaud that here. The cast is actually quite good.. and the film is actually surprisingly well made for a teen rom-com.

So definitely give it a chance.. I might actually put it closer to a 7.. its just a fun little movie. Its probably one I wouldn't rush to see again but at the same time its just one that definitely takes it time and does its best with the time it had. It clearly had some limitations in terms of casting and budget, this is definitely not a big budget rom-com which has strongly evaporated from the silver screen and seems more at home in the DTV streaming market.. and for that you could do much worse.

The Lifeguard

If they had cut out the may have been OK..
honestly this whole BIG thing about this movie is that Kristen Bell has a sex with a minor. The film itself tonally strives soooo hard to really hit the mark along the lines of something like "Garden State". Just even some of the music choices.. it just like like that was so bad what it wanted to be. Add to that the complexity of the relationship seems to be the huge draw of the film, but sadly its the greatest downfall of the film that is played up to the detriment of the rest of the film.

I mean.. did we have to have that element? In fact.. If you had taken that completely out and had the film been about a traumatized girl coming back and wreaking havoc on her friends' lives as they try to move on to the next stage. The biggest casualty in this I think was Martin Starr whom had great moments to shine, but very few and would have been nice to see him developed.

This holds true with the rest of the characters as well.. They get thrown into a tailspin.. Bell sleeps with the minor. Hells breaks loose and somehow at the end, everything gets kind of put back right.

That really is the disservice the film does. In focusing on that relationship which just feels like some device in the last act. It's almost like its just dropped and never really thought of again. Some "relationship". That was the largest problem I had with the film, unlike so many others filled with flashes and bangs that feel so hollow is that this film that could have had so much promise is similarly in the end just as hollow.

Sexy Evil Genius

Didn't know quite what to expect.. BUT..
Just looking at the writer and director behind the camera both alumni of the USA series "The Dead Zone" (of which Anthony Micheal Hall was the star). I will admit, off the top, I was quite dismayed with how small Hall's part was.. but that is only a MINOR quibble and in no way detracts from the film, he's just an actor whom I'd like to see more of.

Writer Scott Lew may be known for the more off beat "Bickford Schmeckler's Cool Ideas".. I don't know what the reputation is among others, its one of those quirky little films you come to.. but considering they got a fantastic performance out of Matthew Lillard (which seems rare, until lately). I would give the movie and its casting good marks.

We come to this film. And the one thing I can say is to me it was overshadowed by the darker more grindhouse driven (but similar old friends meeting in a bar) film "Sushi Girl", if you haven't seen that film I would HIGHLY recommend it.. but to the task at hand.

Seth Green does NOT SUCK. Let's just get that out of the way.. He's quite good here, as is Michelle Trachtenberg and Harold Perrineau (from HBO's OZ). I wasn't bowled over by William Baldwin in the film, then we come to the icy "sexy evil genius" herself Katee Sackhoff best known for the "Battlestar Galactica" revamp.

The basic story.. 3 former lovers of the title character all meet in a bar after a message to meet her. What are her intentions? That's the gist, and what really propels the movie forward. While the BIG twist at the end wasn't all that big a shock, its a film that's interesting to see how it got to that end as the characters bounce off crazy stories, each one seeming to relate an almost entirely different person to the others before a singular version begins to kind of form together.. before it gets pulled out from under us again. The flick isn't high on the stylish look, but it serves the film well enough and the easy dialogue keeps the film moving pretty quickly.

I won't spoil the film, but I will say its definitely worth a watch.. but I would more recommend the similar (as I said) but harder edged "Sushi Girl".. or even the Ryan Reynolds thriller "Buried" films that take place in more or less a singular location through out the entire film. The film keeps your attention for the entire running time, and while not as polished or glossy as the average big budget film giving some bigger stars and a lil more tech this could easily be in the multiplexes. Don't let that stop you from enjoying the film.

Silent Night

NOT really a remake but..
I give this film a 6. It's by far not among the worst horror films I've seen, like Leprechaun 4+ or Killjoy 1 and 2. Sadly its not even up to the whole sooooo incredibly awfully bad its actually quite entertaining that "Silent Night Deadly Night part 2" falls so easily in thanks to very bad and cheesy acting.. and just so horribly low budget you laugh, when you actually see the original footage (I'd say 3/4 of that film was clips from the first).

But in 2012 we must remake everything. Sadly, I really would not even call this a REMAKE, or a reboot or anything else. This is a (I will admit) loving homage to 80s slasher films with Santa Claus. That's really it. The film plays out as a killer is running around town and the Deputy and Sheriff are running trying to find out who it is. Is it the drug dealer? The crazy Santa who likes telling kids that their mommy and daddy is going to sell their toys on E-bay? So for most of the film we are following Jamie King who has the kind of cliché dead husband and is going through Christmas alone and her boss. And I don't know, Malcolm McDowell is so far out of left field its actually funny to watch.

There's some boobies.. some blood.. a couple of good death scene fx shots, the highlight was a guy taking an AXE to the head. But most felt like either they were behind the gun (it was shot in 17 days) and just didn't really go for the real hard core GORE. In fact at times I began to wonder if I got an edited version as there really to me wasn't anything super gory until about an HOUR into the film.

There are nods to the original film.. but don't go in expecting something that interesting. It's a fairly standard slasher, that is I will admit, filmed exceptionally well.. But the story is just so paper thin it really is just a rental.


Do NOT look at this as an ACTION film..
I must have first seen this when I was around 15. Used to have the poster on my wall actually. I used to get them from a mom and pop video store.. and I saw the dude from Airplane AND Robocop in one movie, but I always figured this would never see disc format. Like so many other movies of the 80s done under smaller budgets. I figured this one was long forgotten.

I am so glad I was WRONG. I have been looking on and off but under 50/50, not spelled out. When I ran across it today on Amazon for 6 bucks it was a NO BRAINER much like the film.

I wouldn't call it really a parody. More like Lethal Weapon for laughs.. maybe more of a farce. So glad to find the film, I remember the strongest bit was the chemistry between the two leads who play and riff off each other brilliantly. The whole they hate each other, they like each other.. then they are heroes together.

Going in I suggest, this is NOT Skyfall or The Rock. This was pre CG. So all of the fx are PRACTICAL. I can't wait to see this one again. It's just a fun one off buddy comedy, that has some action adventure. While its not as stylish or big budget this I'd put more along the lines of something like The Rundown.

Get Him to the Greek

Ummm.. was this the SAME character?
I REALLY wanted to like this movie. honestly.. I LOVED the Snow character in "Forgetting Sarah Marshall" and his weird brand of insanity.. really plugged into the movie. Unfortunately what worked in that film.. can't really sustain for a TWO hour film.

Jonah Hill returns. as a new character.. And.. I don't dislike Hill as some do. But he really didn't' add anything to the proceedings.. and as the film moves along. it feels more like MOMENTS that work well enough on their own.. but as en entire film, it never really ties together.

And as you clip along into the third act.. Snow finds his "rock and roll life" empty.. And what was with putting Rose Byrne in the movie? She had some funny lines.. but yet again, didn't add too much to the film over all. If anything.. the relationship between Aldous and his "son" is what should have been explored.. sadly the same with his father (while some funny moments... nothing really felt resolved, as you'd think.

But. that's the REAL problem here. with Aldous being the CRAZY and loopy rock star.. part of what worked in his earlier role.. is that everyone around him was kind of normal. and you even identified with SOME of the characters. You don't here really.. and the movie jumps from being "guy being smacked in the face/head" to this.. kind of slightly serious third act.

Sean Combs? I have nothing against him or his music (not my taste). But it seemed like they thought the foul mouthed Tom Cruise character from "Tropic Thunder" was a good idea.. but let's let P. Diddy drop the bombs. he really has no impact as a character.. and he has no real presence in the film as a whole either.

The movie had.. at the first minute a confusing opening.. but then again.. it makes sense giving the "music video" in Marshall.. But..

I don't hate the film totally.. there were a few laughs.. Carla Gallo shows up as a stripped named Destiny.. is a real stand out BIT for the film.. in the whole over the top level as they go. but.. it never felt they were poking FUN at the rock star life, as you'd hope.. and they never really make much of a notice of how miserable, really, that it makes Aldous to have to live it..

This is by far to me the WEAKEST Apatow entry.. It scores just below "Funny Peope" (can't comment on "Drillbit Taylor".. so I won't). Unlike "Funny People" which may not have been GREAT.. it did tie together quite well.

This is a real disappointment on ALL levels.. from the director, Stoeller who did a great job with Marshall just felt FLAT and confined here.. the casting was OK.. but the characters were so transparently THIN and really unlikable or unrelatable (Adam Green and his girlfriend being the two worst in this area).

There are some THEMES that.. it would have been GREAT to explore.. the whole idea of Aldous finding his LOVE of performing again.. deciding the rock star life wasn't for him.. or the fact that record managers are A lot of the problem telling people what they WANT to hear.. rather than what they NEED to hear.. all great things that MIGHT have given.. something to this film..

but, as I said.. there are IDEAS thrown out there.. and I did like the BRIEF callback to Sarah Marshall.. it tied the worlds together. But over all.. its not a film that's either fall out funny.. and not a film you can identify with the characters (I couldn't anyway). So it fell as a rather sharp disappointment. I was quite looking forward to it. The character had such great potential, and the idea of a film pointing out the flaws and foibles behind the music industry could have been GREAT fodder for the film. As it stands the episode of South Park about illegal downloads really does have more depth than this film. unfortunate.


The trailer makes it sound BOLD and Daring... not so much.. COP OUT!!!
First off.. I gave this film a "6".. because.. it actually from the TRAILER you'd suspect.. takes the idea of the rom-com and marks some new.. and I was actually think.. this would be a FIRST..

Unlike say "The Crying Game" which the big twist is that she was a He.. was it seemed to be what if a straight guy found out the hot chick he was dating.. was also, once, a he. So.. there'd be a BIT more weight than the traditional fluff of the rom-com. And we get that.. for a little bit.. until the last 15 minutes of the movie just COMPLETELY cops out and turns the entire film that was into just so much more fluff.

Now.. I'm STRAIGHT.. so I don't care about the big twist.. but it just seemed like the twist for the sake of the twist, and to pad the running time a few minutes longer. What could have been something of a film more on the level akin to Kevin Smith's "Chasing Amy".. turns into a movie Sandra Bullock threw to the bottom of the pile (not that you could blame her really).

Now.. the performances were, sadly, very strictly amateur theater steakhouse.. what MIGHT have saved the movie from a dollar rental (or more likely a SHAMED 3 AM viewing on some cool hipster wanna be touting this as "independent" film)... It's just not. What NERVE and courage the film mustered up in the first bit is completely deflated by the end.

The writing is kind of weak.. and I can forgive that all.. if you have something to say.. in fact, I could have forgiven this film if it had STUCK to its guns.. but at the end of the day, it wasn't that movie.. it was just some fluffy rom-com masquerading as something important.. using issues that.. I think may be even more prevalent in society as medical technology develops.. this actually seemed a GOOD time to throw in stories about acceptance.. and love.. (but like I said.. the last bit of the movie just takes a giant SPIT all over it).

It's really unfortunate too.. Like I said.. I'd give the movie a rent in the dollar rental section, and recommend it.. but the point when they FINALLY reconcile? just TURN IT OFF.. imagine THAT as the ending.. and it would have been a fine enough movie. But.. keep watching and you will definitely understand my point of view on the film.

Dead Like Me: Life After Death

Well. a BETTER send off than ShowTime fgave it..
I thought Dead Like Me was one of the... funniest.. saddest.. smartest.. and just quirkiest shows ever on the air. This film takes place, picking up 5 years later, where everyone left off.. mostly. Now the biggest complain has been the absence of Rube (Mandy Patinkin) as the boss.. a tragic loss to be sure. and the recasting of Sarah Wynter in the role of Daisy Adair, formerly filled by Laura Harris. I will only say.. not to give too much away.. but they got MOST of the cast back.. and a pretty decent.. I won't say it is a definitive conclusion, as it could be left open to more DTV films. But at least it felt there was a punctuation at the end of the sentence which had been hanging for almost half a decade.

I will be the first to admit the movie has its MAJOR problems.. but over all, rough edges and everything.. it is a pretty decent representation of what the best of the show offered, although not quite as adeptly written, or acted.. its much harder to fill in a 90 minute film with so many characters as opposed to a dozen hour episodes yearly. This does seem more done for the "fans" who've missed the show. and its still a welcome return, if not at its best.


"Chuck" IS worth watching..
** SLIGHT UPDATE 10-21-08**

While I LOVE the show.. its still not quite hit the stride as last year.. I still notice a lot of HATE for the show, and I wonder.. what the hell do these people WATCH that's so great? It's a COMEDY.. with light action.. but then the common denominator.. and let's just beat this dead horse seems to be Exec. Producer McG (yeah.. its a douchy name.. and he's made some real CRAP movies.. well the two I actually watched anyway) and Josh Schwartz who made some "tween" show on the CW, that I don't watch either.. This seems to be the MAJOR attacking point for most people that these two have the temerity to be involved on TV. OH MY GOD.. get a rope.. I don't really care WHO made it.. is it good? is it entertaining? Is it worth an hour of my time a week.. well forty minutes. Those are the IMPORTANT questions to me.. and I will say yes, on all counts. Chuck is still well above any other show I've gotten into in the past few years.. the sadly declining Scrubs that.. still does pack the whallop.. Heroes.. which has fallen.. gotten back up slightly.. now seems to be falling again, HARDER in its third season.. Prison Break which went off the rails 2.5 YEARS ago. It's NOT an action series.. its not a romance series.. its not a comedy sitcom.. maybe they NEED someone to tell them WHEN to laugh? is that it? If so.. there's plenty of other shows for people to watch. and why the feel the need to come here and tell other people how worthless it is.. they'd scream blasphemy if someone berated their beloved shows. I can admit.. the premise is SILLY.. and out there.. and yeah.. its paper thin.. but the characters are NOT! We get to scratch beneath the surface.. ever so slightly.. getting hints at things.. and that's part of the fun of the show. the mystery.. you don't HAVE to know.. but.. at least in my case.. I LIKE the characters enough to want to know... anyway.. that's all I have to say about that.


The show walks quite the fine line.. while serving up some light geek humor.. while also delivering not exactly 24 level type of ACTION.. but is a nice blend of a romantic tension (yeah.. it'll be going on FOREVER.. does no one here remember Moonlighting? the minute they hooked up.. the show was OVER!). I don't think Chuck can quite run as long on this premise as Moonlighting (t years) but the show is quite fun in doling out little bits you don't quite understand.. for example I thought the episode "Chuck vs. the Alma Mater" was a special highlight... it somehow works in crazy comedy.. a romance.. and friendship and they still find time for the occasional spy stuff too.. If you're looking for a romance show? this ain't it.. a high octane guns blazing show? nope.. not it.. something that has more of a quirky sense of humor.. a dash of romance.. and just some great cameos, John Laroqueete in the second episode of season 2 springs immediately to mind.. then yes.. you will enjoy this show.. otherwise, its probably not for you.. then again not all shows are made for EVERYONE, I just happen to think that as of now in its second season Chuck is quite fun still and has yet to have the devastating crash of FOX's Prison Break.. while I enjoyed the first 2 years.. the third was kinda meh.. and the fourth.. well I've just given up on it entirely.. there are VERY few network shows I watch and this is one of the few exceptions I make.. and considering I rarely watch new shows.. I consider that, for me and the folks involved, quite the mean feat...

not only do you have to be laughing.. enjoying the quirky humor.. but wanting things to work out.. when you know they never really will and then seeing how it all falls apart is part of the fin.. Chuck is the average Joe thrown headfirst into the spy world.. and somehow.. he seems to always come out on top.. he's the guy you root for when.. in any movie this would be the clumsy spy who has his head blown off in the first scene.. but Levi's quirky sense of humor.. and just.. plain likability is really what makes you stay with the show at first.. then you get to enjoy the other characters.. like the love life of "Awesome" and Ellie.. the dysfunctional romance of Morgan and Anna (who is a riot.. both are actually).. and the on again.. off again..might just happen relationship with Chuck and Sarah.. all in all.. its not going to change the world.. but maybe it will give you something to enjoy for the week.. I LOVE 24, even though its going down.. but.. can't say I laugh and LOVE the characters.. I enjoy the stories.. the themes.. and some of the ideas they play with.. whereas Chuck has no real deep themes.. or political machinations.. its just a quirky character comedy.. that happens to involve spies.

All the Boys Love Mandy Lane

What was the BIG deal about?
I give this film a 5.. which is MEDIUM.. and that is ONLY for the reveal.. although the exact whys and all are not answered. But for the first.. god knows how long.. I was actually BORED with this film, that I'd actually been following as it was touted as being a resurrection of the slasher genre.. some comparing it to Sleepaway Camp.. which the tone.. I can kind of see that.. but, there was a sick humor to Sleepaway Camp that is NOT present in this film.

Honestly.. at LEAST in Sleepaway Camp.. you could like some of the characters.. of dislike others.. this one really you're kind of just.. I don't really care at all.. they could be the killer.. killed... or thrown off a cliff, or hit with an Acme rocket (at least that would have spiced up the proceedings). What really we are missing is "backstory", which in Sleepaway Camp is very BRIEF.. but the opening of the film establishes it.. and you get the twist, at the end.. this one.. you kind of fill in your own answers to.. but do you really care to? Therein lies the PROBLEM.

All the guys love Mandy Lane? Yeah.. I can admit it.. guys are selfish and conceited.. and hey, we're shallow (not like you're innocent here ladies). The entire.. I'd say almost 5-10 MINUTES of the film is devoted more or less to the fact, if not more, that all these guys are powerless to struggle against her beauty.. of which.. there is no question of.. but.. is she THAT hot? or perfect? Not really.. and the other characters? I mean.. just.. stupid.. showcasing the worst in what kids can be.. its almost cartoonish! Which does make it kind of funny.. but as much as this film had been lauded on genre site "Bloody Disgusting" that I enjoy reading.. it felt like a very big let down.

It's a film that is very much in the cookie cutter tradition an homage to the 80s low budget slashers, not the Freddts and Jasons.. but as I said earlier, it did as someone pointed out most remind me of the original Sleepaway Camp, especially with the very last frame it almost SCREAMED it.. although this is a.. common film trick.. but its something I associate with that particular film.

I don't want to get into spoiler territory here.. but the whole premise of the film.. about guys bringing out a bunch of girls.. one of whom has always been kind of.. stand offish in a bid for all of the guys, it seems, to take her virtue and be the guy to score Mandy Lane.. but for a film really honoring the whole 80s tradition of BAD acting (and there is A lot.. just deal with it) there's really very little in the way of over the top gore and nudity, which were staples of the genre.

So.. in the end.. while the reveal is interesting.. you have a rather just.. I won't say bloodless.. but gore lite, badly acted, lousy characters (and writing), while at times interestingly shot film.. that just falls flat until the last.. 15 or so minutes..which are interesting but by that point is much too far gone to save the film. I know it sounds that I HATE the film.. but I don't.. I just.. meh.. its an OK film.. but we've seen better, even when they were making these films (20+ years ago). And while it may be a fun diversion.. that's all it'll be.. maybe a bit better thought out than just a plain old.. crazy guy with no explanation hacking away.. it it a bit more.. intelligent, at least like I said.. as I assumed what the motive was (you really don't have a motive which is odd in itself, you are left to infer it). Which is another problem.. trying to paint what is a very much B grade slasher as an art picture? Which.. it clearly is NOT by any leap.. It's an interesting watch.. but to see something more recent, and actually interesting in this genre I actually recommend "Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon", its a weird.. and unwieldy title.. and I had not given it a shot.. but is actually an interesting take on the "slasher" genre, giving it a new twist.. not more of the same old..


Well.. it's no Bourne Identity... or even Mr. and Mrs. Smith
I'd say... as far as movies go today.. I'd say.. a 6 or 7 is as high as I'd give it.. sadly Jumper falls flat in a lot of areas.. yeah its diverting.. Rachel Bilson is GORGEOUS.. and say what you will. but Hayden Christnsen isn't all that bad of an actor.. then again.. what kind of "chops" do you really need for a movie like this anyway? While.. I found the action "fun".. unlike Lyman's previous "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" which.. I thought.. wow.. there's a hell of an idea.. but.. its like at the end of the movie.. Lyman just gor BORED with it.. and said.. let's just END this thing.. "Jumper" sadly.. goes the other way at a very BRISK running time of 88 minutes.. there's the almost super hero origin which takes up a good 5 or 10 minutes.. but, like the rest of the film it is very TIGHT and effectively told.. the problem is, as others have pointed out.. what are we being told? There are soooo many plot lines.. and as others have also said.. this one just feels like you're at the MIDPOINT of the movie when it fades to black. Sadly I don't see sequels blinking into existence.. although if they do, I'd definitely check them out to see where the story goes.. maybe the idea of "jumping", the Paladins that have tracked down the Jumpers through thousands of years.. the character of the mother.. and even see if Rooker returns.. but it was to me.. kind of like Unbreakable which to me was a very very very slow to go film.. which just ends at its HIGH POINT.. "nooooooooooo.. that's the story I want to see!!".

Jumper has a lot of set up.. but.. we never get to see that story, although there are a series of books (although the movie series is just based on the "concept" and not the characters in the film). I kind of wish it had had more time to really.. flesh characters out.. Diane Lane was in the movie.. maybe all of 3 minutes.. PERIOS.. I was actually kind of interested to see her in the film when I read her name on the box.. ditto with Rooker who is rather one dimensional for most of his time, but acquits himself nicely I thought.. and again its like other people said.. the end.. it felt a lot like.. the end of "The Bourne Supremacy" 'he's out there'.. and he's running from the bad guys.. I can't really disagree with any of the reviews in terms of content.. although.. when I watched the film.. it oddly.. felt ALL there.. and very complete for its very brief running time, 88 minutes.

Still this is nowhere near the return to form for Lyman as with Bourne.. or Go, a vastly underrated and so far under-sequelized film (I think they could have at LEAST milked those characters for another movie, even jokingly hinted at in its closing credits).

as.. for an eye candy film.. you really can't do much better.. big fx.. big stunts and action.. the acting isn't Oscar quality.. and.. like I said.. the whole film just felt like a mad rush to get wrapped up.. and in only frustrating that it feels more like it was meant to be a back door for a sequel, that will more than likely never materialize..

still for just a silly no-brainer action.. sci-fi film. you could do a lot worse.. but, you could also do a lot better too.. still its a fun lil ride.. I know its really hard to say if I RECOMMEND this film.. and I really can't. It's just OK.. and if you want a lil mindless action that's sadly paper thin.. something you'll see.. and go hey.. that stunt was cool.. Jumper would be for you.. but for most people, I'd have to say pass.. unless they fill out a more complete "series" that makes the film feel a bit more "whole" which it doesn't in its first foray onto the screen..

The Librarian: Quest for the Spear

A spoof? not really.. an enjoyable ride? YES..
I give the flick a SEVEN.. its very solid entertainment.. I don't see it as a SPOOF as one review commented. I see it as an homage, and a loving one at that, to Indiana Jones which in turn itself was an homage to the old movie serials. This film succeeds MORE wildly than the similar The Mummy and Tomb Raider films that never felt right.. Noah Wyle has a bit of an ego. while being insecure at the same time..

as a career student Flynn Carsen has been in school MOST of his life, with 22 degrees to prove it. Honestly, I'd compare his character to a REAL LIFE adaption of the character Micheal J. Fox played in that Atlantis cartoon, can't quite remember the name of it.. super smart, who has to rise to challenge that's presented to him. He's not exactly the tough guy but he has to use his wits to get out of a jam. Its a more modern Raiders with a bit more camp.. BUT its fun.. not silliness that seemed to stall other similar films that try and knock off Jones, as I said Tomb Raider that at times took itself too seriously.. and others not enough, or The Mummy..

Not just is Wyle great.. but a good supporting cast with Bob Newhart, Jane Curtain and Olympia Dudkakis. It's a fun little adventure.. granted there's no depth, it has as much depth as a pinky finger nail... but its just a fun and amusing ride.

In Good Company

In Good Company is.. pretty "Good Company"
The Weisz Bros. have made some interesting films.. they co-directed the original American Pie, which reinvigorated the teen sex comedy, giving it a new level of gross out jokes, but.. did something its 80s fore-bearers never did and gave it a bit of heart... Their next big project an adaption of Nick Hornby's "About a Boy" which I mention only in the context of it being a very close model in some ways to this film.. about 2 disaffected men that form a strange father-son bond. Whereas the characters there were a 12 year old and a mid 30 something bachelor, this comes at the other end of the spectrum with Quaid's character being 51 and Grace's young buck being 26.. but, let's not jump ahead.

Dan Foreman has a pretty good life. Two teen daughters, one away at college, and a beautiful wife. He has a job that means something to him.. he works as an ad seller for the nation's top sports magazine, and he's good at it.. an old pro.

When the company gets bought out by millionaire Teddy K (a very small Malcolm McDowell cameo) Carter Duryea is brought in to replace Dan who's given a demotion. The only thing, even Carter himself admits, is that he doesn't know what he's doing. He's a good salesman, but.. he's never actually had to sell anything to a PERSON before. He's an idea man, but he's also neurotic.

This starts something of a competition between the two.. the young buck vs. the old lion.. with this part of the film, i was a bit disappointed.. as the relationships at certain points.. just don't quite seem to have the time they need to develop, and this is the one knock I will level against the film. Is that the Carter and Dan relationship that forms, changes, and evolves throughout the film.. just feels rushed.

BUT.. I will say this. Dennis Quaid is at the top of his game, and Topher Grace shows a silliness but likability that isn't just limited to TV. He's almost a young Tom Hanks kinda every guy. But.. to me the real scene stealer was David Paymer who's character comes and goes throughout the movie. He's kind of the barometer of how the wind is blowing, so to speak.. and he gets most of the really great and funny lines.. but also, at the stop of a dime you watch his face and want to just cry for the guy... Paymer is not in enough films, which is too bad.. this one he flat out almost stole the movie.. not quite, but almost.

As you can tell from the trailers to the film. Carter meets Dan's oldest daughter after falling out of his 7 month old marriage. After his marriage falls apart, he begins looking to latch onto someone.. and finds it one night in the person of his newly designated "wingman" Dan Foreman. The daughter and Carter hit it off right away.

But.. don't get confused to think its a romantic film.. it's not, even though that may be where the marketing lies. The same with it being a fall down drag out comedy, it's not. In fact I would say a lot of the CORE of this film deals with the boardroom, the office, and the meetings these guys make to keep themselves going.. and the odd relationships that form.

Quaid is like the big father to a rag tag bunch of ad salesman.. and he wears it proudly.. But when forced to lay people off, he feels even though he's no longer in charge, to be the one to let them down easy. Buying, selling, downsizing, corporate synergy. All of these words seem to come with a hollow ring. And the ending is mildly ironic, surprising, and funny..

I really don't want to give too much away.. while I didn't like the relationship as it was shown to evolve which felt cut up.. I have to judge what's there on the screen.. and kudos all around, to the Weisz Bros. who's About a Boy which is about a boy that grows up.. somewhat.

Good Company is about one man that has grown up.. but he's trying to put the wayward son he always wanted on the right path.. but, the son can't quite see the path out ahead of him.. yet. It's about finding your way without the stock Hollywood ending. There are some conventions, but its not the happy schmaltzy ending I could see some exec. wanting to slap onto this movie. It's more a.. choose your own adventure, and at the end.. I think we can see what may some day come.. but, not yet.

The Girl Next Door

An eccentric teen movie?
I had read the similarities between this film and "Risky Business" which launched Tom Cruise into stardom. I hadn't really thought about it that much, even while watching the movie as much.. Even the next day now, I still really hadn't connected it as much until I read someone pointing out very very specific instances, and I do see them now more clearly.. But, Risky Business was a product of it's time.. Whereas this movie, it doesn't seem as much to be.. oddly. Starting with the rather eccentric soundtrack, in the opening scene? Queen and David Bowie's "Under Pressure", this eclectic song choice fits the main character, quite well..

As do some of the other musical choices, while some are of the more obvious "soundtrack selling" titles they all seem to make sense taken in their proper context, while most of the soundtrack seems more a throwback to 70s and 80s.

The more risqué elements of "Risky Business" have been more or less jettisoned, although there is some topless nudity, (I refer to the UNRATED CUT on R1 DVD). Unexpectedly though, there's more of a relationship story in the film than I expected as well.

The one thing in Risky Business I never really considered, would these two people stay together? While they had a fiery sexual tension.. I didn't really see a "relationship".

Another similarity, in a nod to Risky Business is the bad guy.. who is actually given a bit more screen time. Joe Pantoliano only got to establish himself as the "heavy", also the friend characters (Curtis Armstrong, Bronson Pinchot) were never given much time to develop as characters in their own right.

Those are not missteps, but character development was not high on the list of that film's priorities. Aside from the main character of Joel, and his lady. Even then there seemed only more growth in Joel, which remains similar in this film with the male lead getting most of the development.

This film.. although a bit more "silly", although not going for the slapstick of American Pie, than the film I would consider its spiritual father figure.

Both characters share the same problem. They both have daydreams.. but,it's not the daydreams themselves.. but their inability, even as this one in its closing moments puts it dead out there if you hadn't been paying attention, to live for the moment and not see every bad thing that COULD happen.

This happens several times to Joel as he imagines scenarios, that go horribly awry.. this is acknowledged early on in this film in a scene where the main character is planning to "ditch school". How he sees how everything could develop, and where it could go bad. And in the end chickening out.. in the end, both characters learn to live in the moment and step up, so to speak.

As for the performances, I can actually only give good marks all around. From the leads, to the eccentric friends, and the two are they, aren't they bad guys.

What surprised me most was the work put into the "bad guy" character played by Timothy Olyphant who can be a nice and charming older brother one moment, and then a cold, calculating, and menacingly evil the next. But.. in the end, he's really not a clear bad guy.. sure he does bad things, as his interest in the film is the "money". He's a businessman pure and simple, and when his business is threatened, he isn't shy about letting people know.

Sadly the under used parents.. mostly Timothy Bottoms, who plays the father, who I last saw doing quite the image of our Commander and Chief George Bush. But, for what's there.. the characters, are much more explored and used well... the friends are definitely caricatures but they are funny and well used. Whereas in Risky Business the friends just, almost seem to vanish later in the film, whereas this one is much more using them throughout.

Even to the detriment of not showing "The Girl" of the title as much. The story becomes more and more about her, and trying to fix the problem he got himself into, much like in Risky Business, but gets rather.. I would say complicated, but that is the wrong word.

But her character seems to disappear in the background, and it becomes more of the leading man's character to try and save her from herself, and the world she's falling into. Although she isn't on screen, she's still very much a part of the story.

Special nods though to Cuthbert, Hirsch and Olyphant in their respective roles. Cutherbert who has such a sensual demeanor, while sometimes not even realizing it. Uses that to full effect, while also showing moments of vulnerability, and humor. Hirsh of course is the "good looking" geek guy.. Who goes from being scared to growing up by the end of the film. and learning what many of us do, sometimes you have to do the wrong thing to do the right one.

Olyphant though I single special praise though.. Because he goes from such a nice and almost charming older brother, to a menacingly and slimy character with such ease.. Your initial thought would be, what a slimeball, but he turns that perception quickly on it's ear.. but then, later in the film pulls the 180 being the bad guy you thought he was the whole time.. but even in the end, he does hold respect for the kid. I think it was really a tricky performance, to make someone you shouldn't like likable, then makes you hate him.. but in the end, you still get a smile in his very small ending moment.

In the end.. I liked that all of the more main characters got their moment. Their time to do something. Sometimes silly, sometimes sweet.. It definitely was not the average teen sex comedy farce I'd expected..


Another stoke to the flame...
Having lived in the buckle of the bible belt, Oklahoma.. I can see a lot of some of the fantatacism the film portrays up close.. and some of the hypocrisy as well.. those people who act so pious.. but aren't. I really don't have a central belief so perhaps that will temper my views as I can't say this was against "his way", etc. But.. I believe I do have a firm enough grasp on faith in and of itself to understand the film.

The film is saved most literally by its performances.. and I have seen some denigrating and even harsh remarks regarding him.. but,

Macauley "Mac" Culkin was actually the biggest stand out in the film. He gets the absolutely funniest lines.. And is more of the darker edged wit.. but not a darker edge character, which is a fine line.

The main thrust of the story starts though, with Mary (Jena Malone) who plays a young girl who when after the admission of her then boyfriend who thinks he is gay.. And after a conk in the head in her pool believes (this is an important note to me) that Jesus spoke to her to "heal" her troubled boyfriend. So she believes giving her virginity to him will cure him of his gayness.. It doesn't and he's shipped off to a reprogramming center.

Which introduces Patrick (Patrick Fugit) the son of the school's pastor Skip (Martin Donovan) as the guy who vies for Mary's affection as she tries to hide an even growing unplanned birth.

Also throw in Eva Amurra (sp?) as Cassandra a Jewish girl who is stuck in a Baptist school after being kicked from her own. And Mandy Moore as.. well her name is totally escaping me for the moment.

But.. the film delves into ideas of faith. and some of it with a very dark humor.. The "exorcism" scene itself was priceless for anyone acquainted with a certain classic horror film. I just had a very large smile.

I'll admit.. the film does get into some sermonizing at points.. But, I think its a point that needed to be hammered home for Mary, and some of the other characters as well. As religion makes you look at the book in black and white, this is wrong.. this is right.. But none of the characters, not a single one, are on "THE PATH." Because people aren't black and white.. there are those grey areas where most of us do live. I am not saying our areas may be as much as having a child out of wedlock, or being gay.. but, every person lives in the view of religion in a grey area.. I find it impossible that anyone is "living the life", as it is meant to be.. We can't really achieve perfection but we do strive for it. That is my interpretation of "the faith".. But, the movie is what I am here to talk about.

Buoyed by a good cast, some well written dialogue.. It does fall into a bit of a simple ending. And the biting edge that was part of the earlier sections of the film are replaced as we realize all of these characters have in some way lost their way, as the bible would say.. But they are trying to live the life and reconcile their lives, as they are, with the religion of which they have chosen, or in some cases thrust upon them.

Mandy Moore's character is a perfect example.. As she dutifully pushes her brother around.. BUT, she won't for one moment let him forget she's doing it either. The whole idea of serving burdens with quiet dignity is something that has easily escaped her character.. As the Roland (Culkin) character has to reconcile that he's bound to a wheelchair and doesn't want to be dependent on others.. All of the characters grow towards the end of the movie.. and yeah, these aren't exactly approved by the book growth moments.. BUT, they are living in the real world.. or at least a slightly exaggerated version of.

At times.. I had wished the film would have taken itself in one direction.. some of the darker and more biting.. or to the more dramatic. But it's a tough balancing act that really only comes to a strange head in the final scenes at which point they do have to wrap things up.. with nothing really answered.. but they are still looking for those answers.

I think THINKING you know the answers is quite often the problem with the more fanatical of any religion.. WE KNOW this is wrong.. WE KNOW this is right.. I am not just talking about Christians here, so don't believe I am picking on you (them). This is true with any religion set with absolutes, as they all have.

THIS IS THE WAY.. THIS IS THE RIGHT WAY. This is the way to HEAVEN.. that is the stepping stone to HELL. They are very clearly delineated.. For example.. smoking makes you a bad Christinn? As you are desecrating your body.. some believe also tattoos and earrings, but such things are popular with many Christian rock bands. So this becomes that grey area.. Is being a good person not enough? Or isn't it? Maybe it's not, or maybe it is.. but you still try to be.

That to me is the perfect analogy of faith, of any kind.. and why I enjoyed this film. As many films will very easily tip toe around the idea of faith.. and it is a given.. there's no questioning to it.. and granted, the questioning as it were was not as effective as I had hoped.. and it really wasn't that boundary pushing.. I'd like to see more films follow in a question, not just giving answers. Because life is like television, it comes in many colors.. with many variations and shades. We just do our best with it and hope its enough.

OK.. the film wasn't quite enough.. but a smart enjoyable film that is a cut above the average teenage film. Following more in the tradition, although definitely not as biting as the darkly satiric "Election", I refuse to see any real correlation to this film and "Heathers" although you could argue the whole cliquie thing.. but I think of that as more Jesus' pom pom squad, and cliques are hardly anything new in High School films.. or in High School for that matter.

When you strip all the questions of faith away though.. you have some genuinely funny moments.. with some nice characters that you get to like, and know.. and some you don't like quite as much just trying to find where they fit in the world and in "the plan". And if you want your teens to watch a teen film, well most of them would be much more damaging than this film.

Jersey Girl

Another look.
OK.. The film is coming to video soon and I think it's time to look back. Soon Gigli will be gone from the cable nets.. and hopefully the bad taste will wash out of people's mouths to try and give this film a FRESH look.. But, first let me explain something.

There are two types of fans:

There are KEVIN SMITH fans.

There are Jay and Silent Bob fans..

OK.. granted, Smith did create Jay and Silent Bob.. but liking one isn't necessarily the same as the other.. If you like Jay and Silent Bob, you won't necessarily like Jersey Girl.. and vice versa.

It all started in 1994 with a small black and white film chronicling the small events in a convenience store.. two clerks, Dante and Randall.. They talked about their problems while handing out barbs and making people around them miserable some more vocal than others. Chasing Amy, yet again, a very similar themed smaller film.. with a more romance slant.

Now comes Jersey Girl. Kevin Smith fans those who followed him.. were the age of the Clerks, or close, can relate.. and are probably at the age of Ollie when Jersey Girl was released. It's about after you've grown up, put the childish things away.. And become an ADULT.. Ben Affleck plays another selfish character but plays him with a sympathy and charm..

But the real star who steals the show is comedian George Carlin as the gruff father. The film is about fathers and sons.. and fathers and daughters. This reflects how Smith's life has changed from being behind the counter to being behind a bed pan at night.

Granted.. the film is a little idealized, and can sometimes be schmaltzy.. but the dialogue is still there.. OK, so he's not talking about weed.. but there is Coked out whores!! OK so it's not a Jay and Silent Bob movie. It's not a slap stick roller coaster ride about shopping at the mall and coitous in elevators.

This is a much smaller, simpler story told with a smart and funny script.. Good acting, and the best looking camera and sets Kevin Smith has YET to work with.. Everything really clicks but sadly. This film just was not meant to be. One.. putting it in early Summer was a death knell.. The day I saw this film, that night (I was in San Antonio at the time) had a huge gala premiere.. The summer blockbusters (well not in that case) were winding up.. and it was much harder, so I hear (I had no trouble finding it), to find this film playing.. Sadly it left theaters quickly..

Well sadly.. The reason being Even Smith fans I think were a bit taken back by him actually receiving a PG-13 rating.. and the salty language he's been known for.. Even without the R, I thought Jersey Girl actually got away with quite a bit of language for its rating.. BUT, with his reputation I think it kept the families away.. and the subject matter kept the kids away.. So it really was a lost film, but the funny thing about things that get lost is that they can be found..

If you're a Smith fan and passed this one by.. and you are a SMITH fan, not a Jay and Bob fan, then give this one an honest try. OK.. it's a bit corny.. and a bit sappy. but its also sweet, funny, and one of the better relationship films in a while. George Carlin gave a wonderful performance as did every one else.. even J-Lo and Liv Tyler, and aside from her wotk in Lord of the Rings.. I really can't say I recommend her work all that often. Affleck gets a chance to try something new, and do some acting... something he has had little chance to do in most of his films it seems.

So.. it's not Mallrats 2.. or Clerks: Again. But, it's still a good film.. IF it helps.. try to not think of the Jay and Silent Bob logo.. and ignore the credits.. don't even think of it as a Kevin Smith film.. Just watch it as a movie.. Give it a chance, maybe it won't enchant you as it did me.. but then again, it just might.

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