
IMDb member since September 2012
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The Donor Party

Good ol' reliable Admiral Ackbar predicted this one decades ago, and yet, here we are. A woman whose biological time-bomb is running out is desperate to have a baby, yet failed to establish a proper relationship in time.

What an idiotic premise for a comedy movie, when baby-trapping and false paternity claims are rampant in today's society. Good cast, for the most part, wasted on a terrible script. Hopefully. They got compensated enough to be in this embarrassment.

I wonder how funny Thom Harp (the writer) would find it if it turned out that one or more of his three kids weren't actually his? Ha ha, right?

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent

Unexpected Good Time
After so many straight-to-video Nick Cage movies of varying quality (mostly bad), this one was quite entertaining. The humor was present throughout, and the action was in small segments here and there, and not fatiguing CGI time filler such as a Marvel movie.

Well worth the time.

The Matrix Resurrections

Who is this mess for?
So, this is what happens when you take a popular movie franchise, use *some* of the same actors to play the same characters, and put them in a convoluted, non-sensical storyline? Ooooookay.

The magic of the first movie is not here. This was a waste of two hours.

Prisoners of the Ghostland

A Hot, Low-Budget Mess of Bad Continuity
What the Hell was Nick Cage thinking when he did this trash heap? It's like 3 random people filmed parts of a move, and a 4th was given the content and told, with no context, to make a movie out of it.

It wouldn't be so bad if it was entertaining, but damn, it doesn't even have that. It's just a weird, awkward waste of time.


Well, It Killed Some Time
Another "super-powered-mutants" action flick where you can put your brain in airplane mode. How does an entity from another dimension know martial arts so well? Why is a stun-stick and a little forearm shield considered an effective counter to the various mutant powers? With all the various guns available, why does just about every fight devolve into martial arts fighting? Were they playing that Kung Fu Fighting song on the set while this was being made?

It's slightly better than The New Mutants (2020), so there's that.


The most boring action series on TV
So, it took three tries to make it through the pilot episode. For a show billed as "action, crime, drama", it's more snooze and booze. There's lots of moping or pensive facial expressions, and only one pathetic "fight" scene. Does CW stand for Crap Writing?

Bullets of Justice

Holy Hell, What A Wild And Crazy Ride!
The first 10 minutes will give a new perspective on the phrase "when pigs fly". This movie is chock full of over the top gory violence, unexpected humor, bizarre random vignettes, and truly WTF moments. Plus, there's plenty of nudity - some great, and some.....well, nevermind.

Sure, the story seemed disjointed at times, and the English was lacking at times, but that just added to the overall experience. Fun times for those who dare.

The Walking Dead: World Beyond

The Walking Dead: Teen Angst Apocalypse
Here's another instance of hack writer(s) getting a decent idea and then screwing it all up with illogical and implausible execution. So, we're supposed to accept that 10 years into the zombie apocalypse, most have no experience fighting zombies, everyone has spotlessly clean clothes, perfect grooming, and there's tons of food.

I say tons of food because one of the main characters is so thick, she's obviously been getting double or triple rations. Forget about Zombieland Rule #1, she's not effectively running away from zombies anytime soon. At least not in a realistic-minded script.

In addition to that, the rest of the main characters are just as annoying, and I hope they all get eaten. I won't be watching to see if that ever happens, though. Just like the rest of 2020, this show sucks.

Darcey & Stacey

Botched has a spinoff?
What's worse than a show about a Joker-faced narcissist? A show about twin Joker-faced narcissists!

Please, TLC, stop with these plastic surgery freaks.

Doom: Annihilation

Ugh, another strong woman saves the day movie without the strong woman.
Story-wise, it's okay sci-fi. Not a whole lot of references to the Doom video game it's based on. There are only a handful of monsters from the video game rosters that make an appearance in the movie.

But the biggest crime is casting puny waif-like actresses in the roles of "special ops marines". They have no visible muscle tone AT ALL and look like the type of women glued to their smartphone all day. So, these are supposed to be marines, huh? I guess the budget was too low to hire real bad*ss females. Sad.


A little slow in the beginning, but the investment is worth it
An interesting story, and something different from the garbage/sequels Hollywood pumps out. It comes across like a good episode of The X-Files or The Twilight zone. Can't really say too much more without spoiling it.

Bullet in the Face

The world needs more Gunter Vogler. The world needs more Alan Spencer.
I'm writing this 8 years after the show came out. I recently decided to watch/enjoy it again and realized I never wrote a proper review, so here it is.

One short season of six incredible episodes is such a shame. This show should be on season eight by now. The dark, sarcastic, and anti-PC humor are a delight. The dialog is snappy and filled with great one-liners which I will not spoil.

The low-star reviews are for people that have sticks firmly lodged up their backsides.

68 Whiskey

Comedy? What comedy?
For a show with a TV-MA rating, there's a wide open range of possibility for comedy antics. Yet this show is so not funny, it's painful. Add to that, it's polluted with agenda "issues" that are shoehorned into the story line which feel completely forced and out of place. Absolute garbage and not worth watching.

Loss Prevention

Decent - entertaining and watchable
Loss Prevention is not a terrible low budget action-ish movie. I've seen far worse from the WWE studio. But it's certainly not a "10", either. Good shootouts, decent acting, one major continuity gaff, and acceptable writing. Except for the overuse of the "corporate America bad" trope. In the end, it's worth a watch.


So bad, my buddy fell asleep midway through it
I was psyched to see this movie after watching the trailer. It looked like it was going be along the lines of horror/comedy. Something in the realm of Army of Darkness. Oh, how wrong that impression was...

In the place of a fun and enjoyable movie was a 90 minute pain-fest that felt like 2 1/2 hours. Really, really bad zombie makeup. Continuity problems. A samurai sword wielding female soldier killing zombies by stabbing them through the chest or slashing across that same chest, yet it was clearly established early on that headshots are the only kill method. Sound problems (or mumbling actors, who knows).

And it was obviously made by someone who doesn't know anything about military tactics or how to use military weaponry. Shooting a .50 cal sniper rifle from the hip? Really? REALLY?!?

At least this movie doesn't hold the title of "Worst Zombie Movie I've Ever Seen". There's that.

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