
IMDb member since October 2012
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Dune: Part Two

Hollywood and Villeneuve Batardise Another Original
Once again the idiots at hollywood decided to screw up another brilliant source material, for no apprent reason.

The only people loving this joke are the onces who have never read the original book.

If Villeneuve wanted to change things so much, he should write his own bad stories like Synder.

The supposed lovers have no chemistry zero, zilch. The character of Chani, so beautiful in the book has been butchered by a wooden faced actor only scowls through the entire movie. The mother seems to be pregnant for like years, I mean it's mother of all pregnancies.. With no end in sight. Lol 😂 The powerful spacing guild is totally missing, so are the bene gesserit. And who killed the baron, really...

Compared to this abomination, even the 1984 Lynch version, though it too was flawed, can still be considered far superior and Oscar worthy.

Personally, I will continue to stick with SyFy channel's 2000 version of Dune, which too did take some liberties, but stayed much closer and true to the original story.

If you really want to enjoy the world of Dune, just read the book. No film will be able to do justice to it's epic span, characters, politics and religion and story telling, specially something coming from hollywood.


Just plain Stupid
Why would they murder a loved franchise this way, one cannot imagine.

There is no acting, only screaming and dumb jokes. No characters you can actually believe or associate with.

The women replacements of the original well loved characters are so far from the originals, its like comparing an apple with tree fungus.

The apparent wokeness is a well placed kick on the face of the viewer. Stop this Idiocity Hollywood.

Any positive review is just a fake one. Any positive rating is a fake one. No one in their right mind can actually sit through this travesty and not throw up in disgust.

Not worth watching at all...

Thor: Love and Thunder

Ruined by a poor director
Overall, the movie had some promise. It would have been great to build up the character of the God Butcher. Christian Bale is amazing as the twisted antihero and he deserved better.

But, what a waste of a movie.

The Guardians of the Galaxy are in it, but not really.

Zeus is also in it, but not really.

Regulars like Hiemdall or Lady Sif are a blink and a miss, which is also pity since both are established characters.

My take is that Taika Waititi should stick with directing comedy films only. He really has no understanding or love for the Marvel Universe, to churn out this drivel of a movie.

The way Zeus is treated as a character (supposed to be an equal to Odin in the comcs) or how the Pantheon of elder gods is shown is really cringeworthy and shameful.

Only saving grace is Gorr, played in ernest by Bale and he required more character building, back story and screen time.

By far, his is by far one of the WORST ever marvel movies. Totally unworthy.


Among the worst Marvel Stuff
Ok, will keep this short.

BLACK BOLT got taken down by like 5 steet cops... It was the most traumatic experience watching a TV show (ok, maybe on par with that idiotic Iron Fist) ... But traumatic nonetheless...

Wish I could give like -1 ... Or at least a 0 ...

But 1 is all I have got...

Better spend your time elsewhere...


7/10 for effort
Overall this could have been son much more. Thought it falls somewhat short of being brilliant, it's not a bad watch.

So, don't understand the hate.

Sure, the story has some plot holes and the back story is not well detailed leaving much to the viewers imagination which could have been managed better, since a fuller backstory would have really engaged the audience.

However , that being said, the acting is overall good and the cgi/sci-fi special effects are well done.

It's well worth a watch.

London Fields

Not so bad
Not sure about the hate but found this to be reasonably enjoyable for one watch.

The movie is stylish and has a certain fantasy based surreal feel that may not go down well with many people who want a cut and dried plot.

The acting was overall ok, a bit over the top sometimes but we have seen worse.

My only gripe with this movie is that I found the plot transparent. I guessed guessed the second half of the story including the end, fairly easily, which means it did not offer anything different from other such genre movies.

Alien: Covenant

Still cleaning up
I did want to write an honest to goodness review.

But I threw up all over my keyboard after watching this drivel of a movie and am still cleaning up. But the real problem is that I cannot unsee the monstrosity that I have seen.

And so died the Alien franchise.

Enough said.


Why the hate?
An honest to goodness drag em out and shoot them movie... Trust me, have seen worse that cost a 100 times more ... Lol Ok, you know the moves and what's gonna happen next but that typical of this genre.

Have a swing at it.


Really Bad
In the middle of a heated battle the junior is refusing a direct order ... If the Americas really had people like the hero, they would have lost the war double fast ... Thank God that idiots like him can only be found inovies... Enough said.


RED meets The Equilizer
Ok. This was a romp.

Went in without too many expectations and was blown away.

So, the storyline is too typical. We have all seen similar movies.. even a la John Wick... But, everything being said, it's a good fun movie. Starts slow and finishes strong.

Army of the Dead

Poor Movie
Bad acting. Poor direction. Silly and comically senseless story. Too many plot holes and goofs.

I mean really... Ok, it's so bad, that I really don't wanna spend time to even write a review.

Nuff said.

Black Widow

An average affair
Firstly, we needed more Budapest ... Secondly, the Taskmaster was wasted ... Thirdly, the villan was not really menacing...

But, honestly was expecting to see more of the Black Widow before she came to the Avengers... This was only covered as an afterthought in a few conversations, really...

Definitely a movie that missed it's potential.

Sad, as this could very well be the last we see of her, until a reboot perhaps...


A Quiet Place Part II

Was ok
Not bad, but could have been better.

But a few scenes could be improved to show less improbable situations.

Only for these improbabilities I'm giving a 6 on 10.


It Actually had Potential
This could have been a good movie if someone had actually tried.

Feel sorry for what finally came out...

Zack Snyder's Justice League

Finally the fans are vindicated
This movie proves beyond a doubt the real problems with DC. Their real villains in DC are the bigwig idiots calling the shots there. Zack was setting up the DC movieverse the same way Marvel did theirs, just too bad the DC idiot brigade got in the way. I mean, look at the recent junk from DC like Batgirl (I mean really), Stargirl (I think I passed out) and WW84 (oh god, if I could just wish it away)...

And here we have an amazing movie that would not have seen the light of day without the fans clamouring for it.

Time for the DC idiots to wake up and trot off...


It's a bad movie
Ok. Having said that let me add that only rarely have I watched a movie so bad that it's actually good.

The acting is passe... The story typical ... At least the one good thing is that it doest pretend to be what it's not.

Just a quirky and sometimes funny move with a cast that could possibly act better. If you have 90 odd mins to kill, then watch it. You may get a few laughs from it.

Wonder Woman 1984

Hmmm... Not What we were Promised
Honestly, it could have been better. But the story was all over the place, obviously the amateur writers hired had never read a Wonder Woman comic in their life... And could write to save their life... If DC cannot hire good content writers they are gonna dig their own grave soon. This obvious lack of quality writing is seen across all DC genres including their last Batgirl offering... You won't miss much if you miss it...

Battle Drone

Actually Enjoyed It
Well as far as B Grade movies ho, this is pretty good. Sure, has elements of Matrix style fighting with the characters loosely based on The Losers and The Expendables and The A-Team and RoboCop and Predator and maybe more. The story is passable and the acting and action was quite good. The close up fights were well synchronized. Overall not a bad deal. Trust me I have seen much worse movies which were supposed to A grade. Go for it :)

Ji zhi zhui ji

Ridiculous Story
That's 90 mins my life I won't get back... Actually they forgot that a movie needs a plot... And oh yes, having actors really helps... I tried to wash out my eyes with soap after watching this, I mean anything to forget the scenes burned into my brain... The scars will remain forever...

I really need to stop there and move on ...

Chick Fight

Don't Take it Seriously
One of those comedies that offering a few laughs with a don't take it seriously message... I actually enjoyed this movie over many supposedly good comedies... So don't listen to the nay sayers... Instead... Use your head ...

Brawl in Cell Block 99

Vince can do serious roles
Not a movie for the faint hearted. Vince is clearly in his element as the tough ex boxer cum drug runner. This is one of his best performance as an actor. Need to see more this Vince. The fights are brutal and bone crunching but mostly believable. This is a good offbeat movie with no frills, just a simple predictable story. But worth a watch.


A Poor Show
This is DC just playing up for the millennial crowd. The show is mediocre, childish and irritating at best. This is what happens when you hire writers who have never read the original comic stories, have no sense of the history and ability that goes into reinventing a great group like the Justice Society. I just hope there is no season 2.


You ever see a duck that couldn't swim !!!
Don't listen to the nay sayers... This is a fun cowboy style road movie ... With a theme that's like Rambo meets the Road Warrior with a bit of laughter thrown in... Go for it :-)

Damascus Cover

Actually its quite a nice movie
I really believe that some of the negative comments are misplaced. Though it's not the best spy movie, it's definitely not the worst. This is an even paced old school realistic spy movie. So James Bond fans may not get it. All in all its a good watch.

2036 Origin Unknown

Good Concept ... Missed Opportunity
I think the template for a good sci-fi flick was there but some poor story telling and poor direction specially towards the end just killed it. Overall a missed opportunity.

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