
IMDb member since October 2012
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    11 years



Good Kids Movie
Everyone is comparing this movie to Cars. Obviously it's of the same style with similar voices, but it's not really the same. There are some twists and turns that one might not expect. I found this movie less predictable than cars in the subtleties to the point where overall it was a quite different movie. I have to wonder how closely those who are saying it's just another Cars movie actually watched it. It's easy to tune out once you recognize the voices and the style of animation and think you've seen it all before, but I bet they missed some key points that those who come at it from a fresh perspective would've appreciated. It was a great movie for my 7 year old son and I - one that actually provoked some meaningful conversation which Cars, although enjoyable - did not. I thought Cars was much more simplistic and predictable.

The Lorax

More than just trees
I was surprised at the low rating of this movie. I even had a friend tell me it wasn't all that great so I had low expectations when I finally got around to watching it. I'm not a big movie watcher, but I love Dr. Seuss and having seen the previews, I couldn't skip it. Contrary to what I'd been led to believe, I thought the movie was fantastic! Perhaps it's the point of view people take when they see it. Is it just about trees? Or are those trees ideas? Is it about the potential that we have to change the world when we're not afraid to follow our heart? That's the movie I saw.

The music didn't enthrall me. It just wasn't my style. I could've done without one of the cliché scenes that eluded to our unfortunate war torn history with another country, but the movie still has a great message. Perhaps in order to really appreciate this movie, we have to knock down some walls in our minds.

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