
IMDb member since October 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


Choose or Die

Short Review: Not bad, not the best.
It's a decent story... entertaining. No deep character development or psychological breakthroughs but a mediocre work of entertainment. You'll find it more enjoyable if you have an interest in this genre.


Is this a high school project?
Who invested in this garbage? I'm sure it had so much potential. The video quality is amazing, and I even got to give credit to the cameraman as shots and angles are decently done but the acting is so amateur-hour it looks like some goof off project a group of lesbians pulled off for a high school project. The scene transitions are awkward and the storytelling is extremely hard to follow. The audio could have been improved as well. Not sure if they were going with a "live-like" reality tv show feel, but it's just a slippery slope of a disastrous mess. I might be harsh, but I need a warning label that says "budget series" to get my head right before I spill into a series with higher than needed expectations.

2 stars for video quality and the attempt. Had potential. Acting and narrative broke it.

Cowboy Bebop

Enjoyable, witty, and fun.
It's disappointing that viewers rated this version low because they compared it with their nostalgic treasure. If you compartmentalize this take of Cowboy Bepop and expect it to be something it isn't, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.

I will say that I had to get past one or two episodes to really fall in love with this series but it was worth it. The aesthetics are beautiful and the CGI is quite stunning. The storytelling of space cowboys on an adventure is fun and delightful. I have also enjoyed the character development. I have watched the anime before which I did enjoy but this is also a blast.

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