
IMDb member since July 2004
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I <3 this movie, it was a fun movie to watch in the theater.
I saw this for my birthday in 2010, and I wasn't sure I was going to like it, as I am not too horribly a fan of possession movies, and by the trailer this looked to be one. I am glad it was a different kind of "possession" movie, I loved that it wasn't just about possession, but it was a true haunting. It felt like a Fun house, a haunted house, it was just awesome in theaters because everyone in the theater was jumping and exclaiming when the jump scares came around, and not in an annoying way. I will say I loved it more in theaters than watching it at home, I liked the big in your face scares, when they are smaller(size wise) it is a little harder to get into, but that is true of most horror movies I suppose.

Instant Star

Instant Star is awesome!
I love Instant Star. I didn't like Alexz when she replaced Fi on So Weird because I liked Fiona and was used to her character and no "spirit animals"(like Alexz's). I know it wasn't really her fault. The actress wanted to leave the show and Alexz stepped in. I love Alexz Johnson. Alexz is a great actress. I saw commercials for this show at my friend's apartment at first and I was curious. I have loved the show since it's first episode and it has aways became better and better. I can completely relate to Jude, from people not being what they seem and trying to hurt to her to her parents not being quite who they seem. I love the music. The themes are interesting, thought provoking and identifiable. I can not wait for the 4th season. I wish it would air. SOON.

New York Minute

Don't say it is a bad movie if you have no real reason!
It was one of their best movies so far together. I loved Roxy, I loved her rocker attitude, clothes, outlook, name, everything. I think Ashley's character Jane made things interesting. Overall just saying, I hate this film, it was the worst, is not enough to qualify a review. I think the film was funny, the characters(especially Roxy) were interesting, and mostly I think the only thing people truly have against this film is it was the "Olsen Twins". There were quite a few other people at the very first show at the theater I went to, it was a mixed crowd, but mostly people my age(I was the same age as Mary-Kate and Ashley) and higher were there. If you want to criticize the film, at the very least see it first.


Not as "Magical" as the book series :(
Overall this movie was really lacking what makes T*Witches "magical" for lack of a better term. This movie lacked the depth of the books and was made into a hokey comedy. After waiting years for this I am very displeased at what they have done to the books. It makes the books look corny and hokey, but they aren't. If you haven't read the books I suggest them to you, I think many will enjoy them more than this poor excuse for a movie "based on them" more like extremely loosely based on them. They probably should of went for the ages in the books since that's what Disney's age group target is around. They should of stuck to one of the books, or something. Actually I think they should of done a TV series it would of made more sense. The movie was not the most horrible thing I've ever seen but they could of done so much better with the material presented, or actually read the books! Or maybe have the authors come in and fill them in on the books if they don't have time to read them for the movie. It just sucks that this is what T*Witches fans have waited for years for, and this is what they get and it's all they will get. Which totally does, suck. I want to see the 5ft 4in, gray eyed, auburn haired, 14-16 year old twins from the books. I want to see their adventures played out, but I guess that'll never happen. :frowns: I guess I'll just re-read the book series when I get done with the book I'm reading and make my own movie in my head...

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