
IMDb member since October 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


Le trou normand

Bourvil as good as usual
It is not one of his best roles but he plays it well. A great actor.

Here he is Hippolyte the village idiot who inherits a inn in a small town in Normandy. There is a condition, he must pass an elementary exam.

His aunt covets the heritage and will use the love of Hippolyte for her daughter Javotte ( Brigitte Bardot) to trick him and make him fail the exam.

Bourvil is supported by a great cast : Pierre Larquey, Jane Marke, Noel Roquevert etc.

And of course there is the lovely Brigitte Bardot playing the cousin Javotte. It is not here best movie either but each part where she appears is a funy one.

It is a charming old movie for all the family.

La petite Fadette

Bad adaptation of a good novel
It has nothing in common with the book, and it is too bad because the book is very good. Here the movie is shallow, most of the story is missing to focus on a mundane love story. The book is more modern than the movie. If the direction, acting and scenario were outstanding it voule be a good TV film but it is not the case. It can be easily forgotten, or even better, skipped.

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