
IMDb member since July 2004
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    IMDb Member
    19 years


A Little Princess

A faithful adaptation of the book. True to characters and story.
This is one of the best adaptations of a book ever done. Amelia Shankley captures the character of Sara with a marvelous performance. She maintains her dignity and her natural kindness in spite of the most difficult circumstances. Maureen Lipmann's performance as the selfish, conceited head mistress is also very good. In fact, all of the performances are really very good. And best of all, for once the writers of the screenplay did not feel compelled to significantly change any of the story. The scene with the starving little girl in front of the bun shop is very well done and true to the book. This is a wonderful movie and I am hoping that it will soon be available on DVD.

The Sins of Rachel Cade

A good presentation of bridging a culture gap.
The performances of the principles in this movie are really very good. The story is interesting and the presentation is balanced in regard to all of the characters. Both the native African and the missionary viewpoints are well presented and believable. The Head Witch Doctor, the chief of the tribe, and Rachel's chief assistant are both believable and representative of a different cultural viewpoint. The way in which she finally puts herself on the line to gain the trust of these people is compelling. Her guilt when she feels that she has failed to be true to her preaching and beliefs appears genuine. The difficult decisions she faces at the end seem to be realistic. All in all a very good movie.

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