
IMDb member since November 2012
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    IMDb Member
    11 years



Could have been much better
If they hadn't tried to include comical notes in what is basically a drama. Perhaps if it had been really funny like in Trainspotting instead of just mildly comical (the Spanner character). Lead character Johnno goes through the entire movie looking like a rabbit in headlights and it gets on your nerves very quickly, because who does that? Okay I get that the boy is anxious, but does it have to be that over obvious? It is hard to take the serious stuff seriously because of that.

The Souvenir: Part II

Was so bored
I really like arthouse movies so I did not expect to be so bored throughout an entire movie. I kept going, hoping it was going to deliver but nah. Just a lot of tedious dialogue about nothing and arty fartiness. Most of the time I had no idea what I was watching. I gave it two stars for trying.


Checking off all the cliché's
If you have never seen a stalking thriller, this may be entertaining. If you have, it brings absolutely nothing new. All the cliché's get checked off, the pet gets murdered, the husband doesn't believe her, etc etc. It leaves you annoyed having spent the time watching this.

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