
IMDb member since July 2004
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Army of the Dead

Not a zombie movie. Not an army of the dead. Synder really needs to learn what an army and dead are. More of a monster movie that made no sense. The whole story line is stupid. Get money and get paid? Why lie about the mission? Just tell them to get a head of one of those "zombies". That's the mission. No need to lie about the mission. But the biggest problem was that they were not zombies or dead. If you can be pregnant and actually grow a baby, you are not dead. Also a nuke has radiation, but the last guy can just get out of a lock vault and walk away? Haha. Stupid movie, but good gore, action and acting. 3 stars for that. Turn into a zombie and you will enjoy this movie.


So much better than the Boys and I like the Boys. The first episode was good until the ending. Then it was great. For some reason, the show seems to be put together amazingly well. I think the human part of being a superhero wasn't really developed before like in this show. Everything is really well done. Can't wait until the next episodes. Can't really wait until the make the movie. Hopefully sooner than later. Also, how does Image comics not get sued by Marvel or DC. Some characters are copies of their characters.

The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Boring and filled with plot holes
Pretty boring show and it doesn't really make sense. How can these people become super soldiers? They tried before but they failed because the hosts wouldn't accept it. That's why basically there was only one super soldier. If any one could be a super soldier, there would of been thousands of capt Americas, but guess what? There was only one or more? The black old super soldier man was never talked about in the history of Marvel, except on this show? But Bucky knew him? The falcon has a billion dollar wing system, but his sister is struggling with her business? And if they needed money, why not ask Tony to help with a loan if they don't want charity. Even Bruce Wayne helped Clark's mother with her farm and Clark just said thanks. Oh wait, that's a different universe. Haha. Also, the new Capt. America is kinda of a dick. And finally in general, why doesn't these guys have disguises? I mean everyone knows who Capt America really is and same with the Falcon. Can't the bad guys go after their families? That's the point of the disguises, to protect your friends and families? I guess not with Marvel characters?

The Paper Tigers

Very Enjoyable Martial Arts Movie
The fighting was good, acting was good and comedy was actually funny. How is this movie boring? Don't listen to the bad reviews. If you like comedy and martial arts and not rated R stuff, this movie is for you.


Just Stupid...
So there is only one guardian on a ship of 30 people? And then he goes out in space where anything could happen and of course the worst happens. They need medicine to keep calm and normal? Most of them go crazy for no reason and listen to a crazy guy? They believe in an alien when there is absolutely no proof. The bad guy killed the guardian and people still listens to him? He's a liar and a murderer. The bad guy says the alien could be in anyone, but they kill just one guy? The bad guy can stand the force of space and the cold without a space suit. He should of froze right away. Once the bad guy is gone, everyone turns back to normal? What ship has fuel for more than 86 years? Stupid after Stupid.


Within the first 5 minutes of the movie, you ask yourself how the hell did these people survive? The boy can't shoot and the father and the boy almost dies right in the beginning. The acting and production is good, but the story and how these people can survive is nonsense.

For the Sake of Vicious

Brutal, violent and pretty good.
The production was good, the acting was good and the fighting and violence were over the top. Some reviewers don't know what action, horror or mystery means. It doesn't mean a Oscar story line without any plot holes. You can nick pick any movie to death, but that is not a good review. Yes, a lot of things didn't make sense, but are you watching an action, horror movie to make sense? Review the movie for what it is. It's a brutal violent action movie. Did it deliver in that? Yes it did.

Jakob's Wife

it starts slow, but ended up pretty good
It was a pretty good horror. Some real good extreme gore. The acting was good and phil brooks (cm punk) can actually act. He should do more movies. I know he's done a few now. No need to go back to wrestling.


Action Movie Folks
I just love how people write that it has no story or bad acting or over the top and so on. It's an action movie, not an Oscar movie. For an action movie it was good. Lots of plot holes, but again it's an action movie, not a drama, not anything to take too seriously. Some idiot actually complained, it was 3 guys vs. 50???? Did you ever watch any action movie? John Wick is one vs how many? Every Arnold movie is one vs how many? If you like action, violence, and guns, this movie will be for you. If you are looking for a story, great acting, a drama, or something else, move along.


So much better than the Boys and I like the Boys. The first episode was good until the ending. Then it was great. For some reason, the show seems to be put together amazingly well. I think the human part of being a superhero wasn't really developed before like in this show. Everything is really well done. Can't wait until the next episodes. Can't really wait until the make the movie. Hopefully sooner than later. Also, how does Image comics not get sued by Marvel or DC. Some characters are copies of their characters.

Zack Snyder's Justice League

Good, but..
Why take out some of the best lines? "do you bleed" by supes to bats. bats says "the world needs you to superman" and supe replies, but do they need you?

the strength difference between characters were off. wonder woman can kind of fight both supes and stephanwolf, but supes absolutely destroyed stephanwolf? so shouldn't supes destroy wonder woman too when they fought?

why did they make darkseid look so weak in the first battle? darkseid is like a living god and can beat superman in a fight. darkseid was pretty easily defeated by an axe, arrows and lightning? also why did they let darkseid easily get away, when they could of killed him?

also the epilogue didn't make sense, cuz in that world, it looks like injustice, joker tricked and drugged supe into killing a pregnant lois and supes went mad and killed joker and then ruled the world. why was joker still alive? why would anyone change that story line? and even if joker is alive, why would bats use joker? what possible use would joker be in that world?

Shookum Hills

You know it's a bad movie when the title has nothing to do with the movie. It's a monster movie, not a devil or demons movie. Not only the movie was really stupid, it made no sense. Crappy pieces of metal for a floor gate with jumper cables for electricity is a great way to keep monsters away. But don't try to cover up the hole with maybe concrete or even dirt? No one is standing guard so anyone can just open the gate which they did. Don't tell anyone about these monsters cuz no one will believe? WTF, just show them the monsters. So how long were the people guarding or whatever from these monsters? The monsters were locked down below so shouldn't of the monsters die from hunger? One star for the good production and one star for the hot lead woman.

Superman & Lois

Pretty good, but...
Why would you start a family if you are a superhero. Your life is always in danger, but now, your wife and children are also in danger. Superman has freeze breath so he could of just blew the nuclear plant, instead of freezing water and bringing back. No way a suit, no matter how advance can be faster and stronger than superman. It's funny how Superman's enemy almost kills him and pretty much defeated him and he doesn't mention this to Lois. It was like it never happened? Supe almost died, but I guess that's something you don't discuss with your wife? haha. And the biggest problem is that Clark and Lois didn't tell their twins about powers or non powers. What if suddenly one of the kids accidentally uses his powers and kills someone? That almost happened. That is very poor parenting. They should of found out if they have powers and taught them right away, how to use and control their powers at a young age. Also, if one of the twins have powers, he should of had it since birth. He's not a mutant, where the powers come during puberty. haha. Other than those issues the show was pretty good.

Await the Dawn

Not Unbearable
The other review person must have some personal beef with the director or someone involved in the movie. The acting was just fine or above average for a b movie. The gore was great. Yes, the story was kind of stupid, but it's a b horror movie. Do you expect an oscar movie? I've watched literately 1000's of horrors and this was pretty decent.

Wrong Turn

WTF storyline?
3 stars for the gore. Good gore, but what a stupid story and a lot of stupid things. how the hell can and backwoods people find you living in the normal world? they don't know your family and your last name too. this makes no sense. why did she kill her blind friend? if he wanted to die, he could of starved himself to death. you go and hunt the bad guys, but only bring rifles and 3 people? the hunters are supposed to be good, but one falls in a hole and the other sets off a trap? then the other people in town comes to the rescue? why didn't they just go kill the backwoods people before since they knew the backwoods people were kidnapping and killing people? dumb movie.

A Glitch in the Matrix

Interesting but...
If we all live in a simulation, what is the point of living. If it was true, some people would go crazy and some, like me wouldn't give a crap. So, it's a sim. Are you going to quit your job, leave your family, kill yourself? I'm not. If it's a flat earth or round earth, who cares? Yes, there are weird things happening with the Mandela Effect, but again no one can do anything about it. If everything was revealed, nothing will change. That's the sad part.


At least I got that tenet spelled forward and backward is the same. After watching about a hour of this movie and not knowing what the hell was going on, I gave up trying. So I just watched for the action. The action and acting were fine, but most people, like me, won't understand what the hell was going on. You can get the overall story line, but what they are actually doing is confusing as hell. The first scene where he met the lady should of gave me a clue. I had no idea what the hell they were talking about, even when she explained it to him.


Ok to Watch but..
It was an ok movie, but some things didn't make sense. The scientist or NASA or whoever would of known of the comet and real problem and not just alert people right before it hit. They alert the family on the tv, where anyone can see it? The government don't know the kid has diabetes and only turn them away at the last moment? And the should of ended the movie with the flashback and black screen. But they show them opening the door which was stupid because they didn't know what the outside was like. It still could of been no air, on fire and so on. And they had radio communications? Everything on earth was destroyed but radios still work?


A cinematic masterpiece
Ok, someone wrote that in their review. haha. No it's not even close. It was ok at best. Someone wrote that the cast couldn't act. No, they were all fine. This was more than a b movie with good production and gore and ok acting. The story was stupid like most horror/thriller movies. The bomb thing was really stupid. It can detect who died, who's closest, how many left, and then auto shut off for the last person. haha.

The Call

So Stupid
There is no back story why the phone works or why the old lady is a ghost or whatever. They could of easily just show us that she was a witch or something. So there is magic phone and the ghost old lady that shows your past somehow and torments and kill you. ok? The best part was probably the new kid didn't do anything or know anything but the old lady killed him too? 1 star for visuals and 1 star for acting.


Why Are Some Movies So Stupid?
The guy walks in the house full of people and shoots the guy? Somehow they switched his drugs? He never once goes to the police? One of the partners records all his findings and puts it on a dvd and hides it in the attic? WTF? I would give it to the police or upload it to youtube. U r trying to warn people, but u put it in the attic? And he never shows any of it to his partner? And the best part is why bother with all this? The monsters or whatever they are can just kill anyone. And a ghost gives the guy the tapes? And why explain everything to the guy in jail? He escapes jail? Kills his husband and daughter and himself? And he said no one will questioned it? WTF? I guess people escapes jails all the time.

Follow Me

And not in a good way. These guys can perform special effects on the spot like it was a movie? This was so stupid. Also in the end, everyone is watching and filming the main actor, but let's just wait until he kills the guy before coming out to tell him it's all fake?


Wtf is this listed as a horror? Absolutely no horror. This is one of the most stupidest story lines ever. Why would the black people even participate in this? I know the bad guys have guns, but I would fight them until they or I die. Especially when they kill your wife or whoever. You know you've been kidnapped but you can easily fight and grab their guns. And the black people had many chances to kill their captives. They fall asleep and u can easily kill them or at least knock them out and escape. And that guy just leaves his phone on his horse? And how long does this reenactment take place? And what do they do with the black people once the reenactment finishes? And anyone can go do the reenactment, but they r all bad people? I mean killers and rapists and so on? No decent people ever join and see how the black people r really treated? And the ending was the best. NOT! She rode the horse for what, 5 minutes and escaped? The visuals and acting was fine, but the movie was total crap and made no sense.

David Blaine: Ascension

3 hrs of him preparing and holding balloons and landing. I think there was one magic trick? I skipped and fasted through this crap. The landing with the parachute was like 30 mins alone. Why David, why? What happened to you David? If you thought his other stunts were dumb, watch this if you don't fall asleep half way through.

You Cannot Kill David Arquette

Mental Issues
The film was very interesting but David obviously has mental issues. How and why would his family and doctors allow him to wrestle? He had a heart attack and a lot of other body issues. The biggest issue I had was that his current wife was 2.0 of Courtney Cox. That was just gross.

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