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Jonas Brothers Family Roast

This was not a roast
Disclaimer: I'm not a Jonas Brothers fan. I kind of know about them. I have a few Nick Jonas songs in my spotify liked songs so I don't have a lot of the backstory for them. I watched this because it was there. The only real opinion I've ever had on them is that it was probably really hard for them to be the purity ring band and that probably left some scars and that's pretty much what I felt after watching this.

The mood emanating from pretty much everyone throughout this was "tread lightly", something I probably should have clocked when I saw the notoriously mild Kenan Thompson was hosting. There were no guests that are known for going hard on the roastmasters. No Jeff Ross, no Jane Lynch, no Snoop Dogg, etc. Almost everyone was related to the Jonas Brothers in some way or another. Gabriel Iglesias was mentioned as a featured guest then only showed up in the credits. Pete Davidson was a gentle and kind soul making more fun of himself than anyone on stage. Lilly Singh and Niall Horan were pleasant. The brothers also seemed most at ease with Lilly Singh and Priyanka Chopra's roasting. The two women seem to have mastered making fun of them in a way that feels fun rather than hurtful. John Legend (another super nice guy) popped in to tell them they were not the Beatles (something I don't think they ever were aspiring to be) but they were actually better than the Beatles in one particular way because none of their amazing, wonderful, beautiful, spectacular (as everyone kept saying) wives didn't break up the band. Also, when you put that much emphasis on how much better a person's wife is than them, that kind of goes hand in hand with making fun of how that person looks, but that joke seemed to be off limits as well.

Even so, everybody still seemed tense. I believe Kevin mentioned that Nick's the most sensitive of the three. I definitely got that vibe. He looked very on edge. Kevin also made a joke that he was high and it came across like it was more of a "I'm high so the jokes will hurt my feelings less" than a "Haha. I'm high." comment. Their father had the energy of a parent who was very proud of the accomplishments of his children who had risen above severe bullying but was still to this day angry over said bullying. Which makes sense because that's pretty much what happened here. It was actually Sophie Turner who seemed the most unhappy with the situation. She looked actively ready to fight anyone who said anything she didn't like about her husband. Which was actually nice to see. A woman standing by and defending her man is nice.

Kevin is married to a woman named Danielle. Whenever I see a spouse that is not famous married to a famous spouse I always have the thought of oh that must be hard. A lot of fans and media outlets don't want to hear what you have to say. Very similar to how a pastor's wife often feels at church. So it was then pretty hilarious when she literally didn't speak at the roast. I don't know the backstory there. Maybe she really did lose her voice. Maybe Kevin told her it'd be too hard to hear her say anything mean to him publicly. I don't know. But she had prepared some real zingers... like how big Kevin is. I'm sure every man hates to hear that lol.

The two main intents here seemed to be promotion (Joe's in a band called DNCE) and dispelling some hurtful rumors. Nick has normal sized nipples. They were not completely the lame virgins they presented themselves as during the whole purity ring thing. All the guys are straight (they love their wives and Kevin had playboys).

I think this could have gotten just as many views and maybe even a higher rating if they'd called it "Jonas Brothers Family Appreciation Show" or even "Jonas Brothers Family Reunion". Then the rest of us would have known this was just something to watch, which is what I walked away feeling. This was purely for the fans, and certainly not for the people who had any interest in seeing them roasted. I'm sure the fans had little Easter eggs in there they enjoyed and those little "That's so Sophie!" or "Awww Nick and Priyanka!" moments so I think if you're a fan it will be really enjoyable to you. All that being said, they seem like a wholesome bunch. That doesn't really gel with a roast, but this wasn't a terrible way to spend a Wednesday afternoon.

Fourth Man Out

This was a wonderful and uniquely funny film and the ending fit the theme of friendship between straight bros and their gay friend perfectly. I wouldn't change the ending at all. Now what we need is a sequel where Chris goes through his bisexual coming out journey and Adam dumps "Saves the Whales" dude for him because they are literally perfect for each other. The world is ready for that.

Catfish: The TV Show: Kim & Matt
Episode 3, Season 1

A sweet and heartwrenching episode
This episode told a really sweet and raw story of two people, beautiful on the inside and out, supporting each other through very tough periods of their lives. The horrible things they felt about themselves and thought about themselves I wouldn't wish on anyone. The world can be a really cruel messed-up place and it's wonderful that they found healing and friendship in each other. My favorite episode so far.

Say Yes to the Dress: We Don't Always Have a Say Yes
Episode 1, Season 20

Randy was so transparent this episode
"I can see your nonexistent bulges in that dress but look here's a dress from MY collection." lol.

Cruel Summer: Hostile Witness
Episode 10, Season 1

It was a bit of a letdown but overall it was good enough
The premise of this show and the commercials were so good that I had a really difficult time believing there was any way the finale and the big reveal were going to live up to it, so I am happy my expectations weren't too high. I liked the multiple twists that played out in the last episode. It really stayed true to the formula of the show. However, the ending has several problems.

The first problem was all it did was highlight a huge plot hole from episode 1 that I kept thinking was going to be explained somehow. That plot hole being Kate asserted that Jeanette saw her through the window but everyone seemed to be under the impression that she had been trapped in the basement for the entire time. So why did no one (especially the police) question how someone could have seen her when she was trapped in the basement? There is one window in the basement but it's very high up and covered with wire. The only way someone could have seen her was if they were crouching outside the house looking through it, not running away and stopping to look back from a distance like Kate stated. Considering how much this was investigated and how many reporters did exposés on this it's impossible to believe no one would have noticed this huge problem with Kate's story.

The second is it's unclear why Kate seemed to be so sure that Jeanette saw her. Her claim is she only lied about the eye contact because she was 100% certain that the person saw her but how could she possibly have felt 100% certain without eye contact? Is she just that much of a narcissist that she believes people can tell exactly who she is in the middle of the night in a dark room with mostly closed curtains? Why would it not ever cross her mind that Jeanette assumed she was someone else or that someone's first instinct seeing a woman standing freely in a living room wouldn't be kidnapping?

Another plot hole was how this became such a huge story and seemingly no talk show made any effort to get Jeanette's side of it. I could see them all not believing her, but not attempting to capitalize on the opportunity to get the accused girl in front of their camera and hopefully get caught lying on television for ratings? That's just not how people in show biz work. They would have tried to bury her worse than Britney.

Finally, the snow globe. There was no reason why Jeanette would have given it to Mallory and there was no reason why Mallory should have been packing in the last scene. Mallory wasn't present for Kate and Jeanette's conversation so why would she feel she needed to leave town?

There are also still a lot of open plot points and stories that didn't quite come to a resolution. Did Kate know that it was Jeanette's brother who printed her chat and not Ashley? Did Ashley ever confront Jeanette's brother? Did Jamie really "ruin Ben's future" with that car accident? The extent/permanence of his injury was never firmly established. Are we expected to assume that his career plan was to go pro and that he had the skill to even do that? I don't think that was ever established either. Also, why are we supposed to accept Mallory as a likeable character now, when all she has done throughout the series is be jealous of the popular girl and bully and peer pressure people into doing what she wants them to do? Also how out of line was Ben for how he treated Vince? When he said Vince calling him was painful the assumption was that Vince had broken his heart but Ben actually basically dumped Vince for caring about him. Holding his hand is definitely something that a straight guy may have done for a friend they were concerned about. I find it hard to believe he was sitting around fuming over that for a year.

All of these unfinished plot points combined with the plot holes gave me the impression that the story wasn't fully fleshed out from beginning to end before some of the episodes were written which you absolutely cannot do with a show like this. Every "I" needs to be dotted and every "T" crossed before pen even touches paper.

All that being said they did ok resolving it after backing themselves into a figurative corner. I personally would have kept the misunderstanding twist and had all girls be fully innocent. Instead I would have had the finale end with a violent confrontation between the three of them ending with a possible death that we would learn more about in season 2. This would have established the narrative that a pile of lies and misunderstandings can turn any innocent girl into a killer.

However, since they wanted at least one girl to be plainly evil the twist at the end was fine. It could have been improved slightly by having the scene where Jeannette hears Kate in the basement play simultaneously with Jeannette's interview on the Marsha Bailey Show. Right after we see Jeanette choose not to let Kate out of the basement, end it with her saying "I forgive you" on camera and looking so happy and popular while the studio audience erupts into applause for her, with the "Creep" song playing of course. But, the ending is fine as is.

I don't know what's going to happen with season 2. I'm not too interested in Jeanette anymore and surprisingly I think this outcome may have been the best for Kate's mental health and closure, even though it's a lie. I'm kind of split on if I want them to move on and establish a whole new story with completely new characters, or shift to some minor characters like Vince or Ashley. I guess I'll have to tune in next season to find out.

Weakest Link: Who Needs a Recipe to Make Ice Water?
Episode 2, Season 1

Most dramatic episode so far
There were no standouts in this episode so who you want to win comes down to likeability. Arielle quickly becomes the typical Weakest Link villain that takes all decisions personally and votes and reacts to other contestants vindictively as a result. Despite that she has a few good rounds when she is given easy questions while the other contestants struggle with harder ones.

It comes down to Anoelle, Carlos and Arielle. I think most viewers expected Arielle to get voted off but instead it's Carlos who gets the axe as he has had it out for Anoelle from round 1, even though she was the strongest link that round. Now it's a nailbiter. I initially wanted Arielle voted off instead of Carlos because I didn't want her to have any chance of winning, but watching her get spanked so hard when given actual trivia questions in the final round (proving that one of the other contestants was right when they said she was only doing well because she was getting easy questions) was a sweeter victory. It was a well-deserved victory for Anoelle, who played more strategically and smarter than everyone else.

Friends: The One Where Rachel Goes Back to Work
Episode 11, Season 9

This might be my least favorite episode of an otherwise great series
Gavin is introduced as the insufferable character no one wants to see: the single guy with no kids who thinks having kids is easy. He shows up and immediately starts violating workplace discrimination laws which Rachel's boss backs him for doing and is then presented as a hero for eventually showing basic decency. To make matters worse he might be a possible love interest. Overall it's just cringy watching someone bully a vulnerable new parent and then that parent has to grovel and thank the person who tried to take advantage of them for not following through on their threats.

Selling Sunset: If Looks Could Sell
Episode 1, Season 1

Insecure women being insecure
When you show up and act rude you're rude, and when you act nice you're a brown noser lol. Passive aggressiveness is so played out. It's not the 50s anymore. Women can open their mouths and be direct now. Let's see if Chrishell has the strength to stand up for herself directly. There's nothing that throws a passive aggressive woman off her game and leaves her gaping like a fish like being told how rude she is straight to her face.

Million Dollar Beach House

It's a reality show focusing way more on the cast than the homes
This is not a show focusing on the properties or giving any real information about the beach homes being sold in the Hamptons. Instead it focuses heavily on the reality show drama among the team of four 30 somethings who haven't been in the game long enough or learned the trade well enough to sell homes at these price points. These guys were definitely not ready to venture out on their own and really should have been interning for someone with experience so they could learn the trade. The team consists of:

J. B. - A relatively uninteresting guy who is going through a mid-life crisis at 29 apparently? I guess his eggs are drying up.

Mike - A guy with the voice and cartoonish personality of Kevin from The League who is stressing about how he's going to afford the gold plated diapers he seems to think his baby will need. Remember when Kanye said he needed to start making a ton more money when Kim was pregnant with their first child? It's an average Joe version of that.

Peggy - A woman who reams Noel out for nearly losing her a potential client, then immediately starts trash talking him to his client because it's only Noel who needs to be professional apparently.

Noel - A guy with all the attitude and zero ability to accept any input from people who obviously know more than him, including the buyers.

Oh and some baby-faced guy named Jimmy shows up periodically to brag about all the sales he's been making.

While there is some light drama to be had, it is disappointing that such lovely homes aren't being showcased to their fullest potential and we're not getting a true look at the tricks and trades of the Hampton beach house real estate market.

Bridgerton: Diamond of the First Water
Episode 1, Season 1

The reviews are skewed so ignore them and decide for yourself
There has consistently been a large and concentrated effort to downvote shows and films with a larger black cast on IMDB by people who have clearly never even seen those shows and films. I've seen ratings of episodes of other shows with consistently horrible plots on this website with nowhere close to 6% of people giving it 1 star like they have been with this show.

Much like Black Panther which was flooded with obviously B. S. 2-4 sentence reviews by people using buzzwords and phrases they were told to use (boring, overrated, terrible CGI, Lion King, etc.) this show seems to be receiving a similar treatment. Except this time the buzzwords are things like "predictable", "uninspired", "unrealistic", etc. Or someone just reciting a summary of the episode they found on IGN to make their review seem to hold more weight while offering almost no criticism to justify their poor rating of the episode.

I'm not leaving this review to encourage people to #SupportEverythingBlack or anything like that. What I am telling you is to just watch the show and make up your own mind. Maybe you will find it predictable or uninspired or maybe you will find it to be enjoyable, but you're never going to find out if you just use the reviews as your decision marker. The overwhelming number of 1 star ratings compared to the 2-5 star reviews gave away the true intention of many of the people leaving these ratings, their hidden agendas, and the fact that this show never appeared on a lot of their Netflix queues in the first place.

Empty your mind of anyone else's opinion and give this show a shot. If you don't like it, that's fine. Give it the rating that best fits. But at least you'll know it's you that made that decision, not anyone else. If you do, that's fine too. Again give it the rating that best fits. For me this one was an 9 and I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.

WandaVision: The Series Finale
Episode 9, Season 1

She's suffered enough. Leave her alone Marvel! Leave Wanda alone! She's a human!

WandaVision: Previously On
Episode 8, Season 1

So relevant during Quarantine
I need everything that is good and wonderful and beautiful in the world to happen for Wanda Maximoff.

Suits: Pilot
Episode 1, Season 1

Very Intriguing Start
The dialogue in the beginning was so predictable, overthought to the point that it didn't even sound like real people talking, and cheesy that I was initially sure that I was going to give this a six. Then about halfway through this story really picks up. It's giving us a solid peek behind the curtain as to some of the tricks unethical people use to cover their tracks and the characters were noticeably more likable by the end of the episode than they were in the beginning. Solid start.

South Park: South ParQ Vaccination Special
Episode 2, Season 24

A Little Weak
Compared to the Pandemic Special this one was a little weak. There weren't too many laughs and they could have gone on Q a lot harder. There's tons of comedic material there to use. Overall in terms of the insights and messages this one just felt a little behind on the times. I like Mr. Garrison coming back like nothing happened though. That's a pretty amusing angle. Also idk what show the people complaining that this episode didn't present both sides were watching, but it definitely wasn't this one. They surprisingly offered some sympathy for Q supporters and made Donald Trump the hero of the episode.

Finally, the new direction this show is taking makes me extremely nervous. The boys haven't historically been at their strongest when they're apart and I am really really really worried about the redemption arc Cartman's character is going through. He's starting to approach good guy territory which is alarming. All that being said I'm doing my best not to be afraid of change, and plan to keep an open mind for the upcoming season.

Coming 2 America

As usual, people's expectations were too high
It's a fun film. It's just meant to bring the old cast together so we can all have a little nostalgia. If you were expecting it to be as good as Coming to America that's on you. You should have known it wasn't going to be the same quality when you saw who some of the new cast members were. Plus it was free with my Prime membership and it discussed class discrimination among black people and the tension that often exists between black Americans and Africans.

I came in with no expectations, had a few laughs, got a few warm fuzzies, and left feeling about the same as I felt after watching the Fresh Prince and Community reunions. Sure the plot was done do death and Semmi was underutilized but this is really less of a movie and more of a reunion show.

Saturday Night Live: John Krasinski/Machine Gun Kelly
Episode 10, Season 46

Not funny but it was nice to see Machine Gun Kelly and John Krasinski at least
The skits were overall just weak and not particularly funny. I smiled once or twice but that was it. Machine Gun Kelly was great and his friendship with Pete Davidson is so pure but John Krasinski wasn't even allowed to be the star in his own skits. I hope they give him more to work with if he ever comes back.

Drunk History: World War II
Episode 8, Season 5

Randall Park was an excellent choice
That "you know you're a redneck" joke was laugh out loud funny, then it just KEPT BEING FUNNY. The more you think about it, the funnier it gets. And yes, I am still laughing. Two thumbs up!

Supernatural: Carry On
Episode 20, Season 15

I decided to go back and change my review...
Originally I rated this a 10 because after how they did Cas in 15.18 I lost the last shreds of my hope that the finale would be any good. I figured it was going to just be the Dean and Sam show, Cas would stay locked in the Empty and never mentioned or mourned, and they'd have a crappy ending. So I found myself grateful that I even got what I got. Even though Cas wasn't in the episode and the mourning for him has been extremely lackluster I was just grateful he was mentioned as being alive. Even though Eileen was never confirmed as Sam's wife I was just grateful they didn't confirm she wasn't. Even though the message they screamed throughout the final season was that family does end in blood and the friends they made along the way don't matter at least they mentioned that they at least felt kind of bad about Cas, and at least Bobby came back. And Jared and Jensen's acting during Dean's death scene was phenomenal and the score was perfect. I figured given how much it exceeded the nothing expectations that had been drilled into me that it was *good enough*.

But I realized that's honestly not enough for a 10. Some of us have been beaten down by so-called fans who have only ever wanted the show to be about Dean and Sam. We've been told to accept Dean's sudden shift in attitude and treating Cas like a lackey since season 8 as just a part of his character, instead of an obviously out of place character shift caused by things happening outside of the show WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN KEPT OUTSIDE OF THE SHOW INSTEAD OF BLEEDING INTO IT. We've been told that wanting more for Cas means we must just be shippers with ulterior motives instead of just acknowledging that he's a valued and loved character on the show. We've been told to just shut up and accept the fact that it is the Dean and Sam show even though it hasn't been since season 1. And wanting Sam and Dean to grow and emote for someone other than each other for once is going to somehow ruin their characters because God forbid strong men actually have any way to process their feelings other than to shove them deep down until it turns into a tumor. God forbid characters actually experience long-lasting growth. Well no. It's not the 1950s anymore. The definition of a strong man is not just a blunt knife who fixes things, and rarely cries or admits he has feelings.

So when all the people who'd been saying everything I've listed above to us for the last 8 years turned on the finale and gave it a 1 because Dean and Sam didn't get the super awesome rockstar ending with explosions you guys wanted I laughed at your ignorance because I'd already given up on the show doing right by any of the characters a long time ago. I gave it a 10 for giving me back some shred of hope. But you know what? A 10 star episode is not one that gives you the ambiguity to make of it what you will. A 10 star episode has the balls to commit to an ending while realizing that some fans are going to love it and some fans are going to hate it, instead of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalkering it up. But I won't give it a 1 because Jared and Jensen and Jim and the directors and people in charge of the music and editing clearly worked hard and it shows. I won't give it a 1 because Misha stuck his neck out for Cas and took the brunt of the criticism that should have fallen on the CW because of it. And I'm sorry if every person who didn't give this episode a 1 pisses you off. But guess what? If the finale was really that devastating for you that means you haven't been feeling disappointed like some of us for the last 8 years over the direction this show has taken. So for all the people who have been telling us to just get over the jerkish qualities and lack of empathy that have been steadily introduced into Dean's character over the years and Cas being treated like a second class citizen on the show who are now devastated over how it ended for Dean and Sam: Now you know how the rest of us feel. I guess it's your turn to just get over it and move on.

Supernatural: Inherit the Earth
Episode 19, Season 15

I went against my instinct and watched this...
And I'm now very scared the finale is going to be a very long clip show.

Also, just to be clear, people can be upset over the emotionless way the show wrote Dean handling Cas's death without having an ulterior shipper motive. Dean threw a fit AND A CHAIR when Kevin died and he really didn't know him. He cried when Madison died JUST FOR SAM. He treated Ben better than he did Cas. He lost his marbles over his mother and he knew her less time than he knew Cas. He has been way more emotional every other time Cas has died before this. If Cas is like a brother to him and he's cried buckets and lost his mind every time he lost his actual brother, he should have a bigger reaction than no reaction, followed by a brief cry and then zero emotion in the next episode. And yes, when it comes to resolving his relationship with Dean, they did Jack wrong too. Shutting down Destiel didn't mean Dean had to become an emotionless robot who literally doesn't care about anything but himself and Sam.

Supernatural: Despair
Episode 18, Season 15

I Don't Think I Can Take Anymore
I'm going to ignore 90% of this episode because no one came here for that. We all came here for the same reason: Castiel's goodbye. First, Misha already confirmed that Castiel's feelings for Dean were indeed romantic if the "The one thing I want is something I know I can't have" wasn't clear enough. So naturally this episode is an emotional roller coaster. There's the joy of at least half of Destiel being confirmed as canon. There's heartbreak with Cas being killed off for good. There's some relief at Dean actually giving in to his emotions and feeling his feelings for once. There's righteous victory at Cas finally telling Dean all the things about himself every viewer watching already knew and has been yelling at the screen for 15 seasons! Depending on which side of the Destiel coin you land on there's rage over the bury your gays trope being reinforced, the Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker level of ambiguity and trying to please everyone, and Dean's unclear reaction and lack of response. Or if you're one of those people who just hate the idea of Destiel and you don't follow Misha, there's joy over the show choosing not to commit to it entirely.

The episode itself is devastating enough. The simultaneous joy and disappointment is shattering. Misha confirming that this was indeed his last day on set and dashing all our hopes of him even making an appearance in the finale is even more devastating. Him admitting on Twitter that the bury your gays message is problematic is absolutely gut-wrenching. He should have gone out exactly the way he wanted to with absolutely zero regrets. Misha earned that.

In the end with Misha gone I think I've run out of reasons to watch the last two episodes. No one expected a happy ending but we expected bittersweet. We expected to feel the glimmer of hope that we have always felt watching this show. I think most of us are aware Dean and Sam aren't making it out of the finale alive. The idea that they could meet up with Cas in the afterlife would have been that bittersweet feeling we were craving, but with Cas in the Empty that's gone. And if, by some miracle, Dean and Sam survive after defeating Chuck there is no joy to be found with the two of them continuing to live on earth with no purpose and just each other. Or even with Jack and Eileen or Bobby or Donna. Cas was the glue that held them together. It hasn't been just the Dean and Sam show for a long time. They have evolved beyond their co-dependent relationship with one another. They need more than just each other now to feel anything resembling happiness. They need Cas.

Misha's acting should easily bring this up to a perfect 10, but the aptly titled level of Despair leaves me unable to fully commit to giving it. If the inevitable conclusion that sometimes life just sucks and people die alone, underappreciated, and unhappy is something you enjoy seeing I wish you luck with the final two episodes. I already have real life to tell me that, so I think this is the end of the road for me. What a ride it has been.

Frozen II

A Great Way to Conceptualize Colonization of Native Americans to your kids
Frozen has continuously tackled progressive topics in a way that is both true to the history of this country while not being so pushy with its messages that it forces them down your throat. The first movie was an LGBT allegory. This one does an excellent job explaining one of the darker times in American history, including lessons that it's ok to be afraid of change, but that change is often beautiful, and that giving into fear is the most destructive weapon. Love, caring and togetherness are major themes. As is the message that the America that has already been built can survive and continue to thrive if it gives a little more and loves its Native American citizens.

Tournament of Laughs

At Least They're Doing Something?
I'm not gonna lie, it's pretty terrible. However, in theory it was a good idea and a nice try with the Rona upon us. There are a few funny skits by Michael Rapaport and Tim Dillon. For the rest of the comics the highest honor I can give is that a few were were interesting. Those comics being Preacher Lawson, Fortune Feimster, and Piff the Magic Dragon. Everything else is pretty much a waste of time.

Also I really don't understand what people find funny about Chip Chipperson. Maybe it's an inside joke thing among his fan base.

Overall the show is a good example of why comedians need writers and, when creating a skit, a director and the proper context.

13 Reasons Why: Tape 3, Side A
Episode 5, Season 1

Good episode overall but...
I actually got into this show pretty recently and heard "The Night We Met" quite awhile ago. It is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard and this episode nearly ruined it. It restarted and replayed it so many times. We get it. The song represents their relationship, but we don't need that spoon-fed to us. This episode could have been so much better if they just played it one time, or if whoever was in charge of the music had listened to the song a few times first so they weren't coming into it with the whole "omg this is the greatest song ever! I need to play it a thousand times!" reaction we all have when we hear a new hit.

Seinfeld: The Masseuse
Episode 9, Season 5

Somebody knew something
Elaine chooses a name for people to not associate with a serial killer and that name just happens to be O.J.? A year before the murders? They may not have known that murder was going to happen, but some writer definitely knew at the very least that O.J. was capable of murder or that he'd already killed before. If putting this information in a script instead of reporting it to the police isn't evidence that there are a lot of sociopaths in the film industry I don't know what is.

Jim Jefferies: Intolerant

Pretty Good
I kind of went back and forth between a 7 and an 8 on this one. The latter half of the show was very funny and Jim as always is a spectacular storyteller. I don't know where he finds these horrible women lol. And I will always be a fan of his comedy. He also has some funny anecdotes during the first half of the special.

If I had one criticism it would be how much time he devoted to the new comedian talking point of how woke culture has ruined comedy. He's not wrong but I'm just bored with comedians complaining about it. Bill Burr and Dave Chappelle have already talked it to death. SNL has already done a ton of skits. I watched Deon Cole storm out of a comedy club over it. Everybody knows millennials are too sensitive and I just want to laugh without having to hear all the whining about this anymore.

As comedians there are always going to be people who hate you and they aren't going to change their minds when comedians they already hate tell them to stop hating them. Sometimes you just need to put that aside and tell the jokes you want to tell and just realize that if some people don't like you for it that's their problem. Let the C word, fat and political shaming, and misogyny fly, Jefferies!

Sincerely, A millennial

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