
IMDb member since November 2012
    Lifetime Total
    IMDb Member
    11 years


I Am Malala

A complete fake story to highlight negativity about a beautiful land and its people
Pakistan is not what it pictures. Pakistan is homeland to 160 million people. With one of the biggest telecomm sector in the world. Over 40 million smart-phone users predicted by end of 2015. Men and women so commonly get education here like myself, a middle class Computer Science student from local university from where Microsoft hires every year. Much, much more female students becoming medical doctor than males as trend suggest. Almost all my middle class, lower middle class friends(Women and Men) go to college/universities. We have business, industry, universities, army with advance tools to fight foreign funded few Taliban working for dollar and using religion falsely.

We are a nation of much potential and love. Film does no justice by giving false picture and hiding facts. Every country has some issues, doesn't mean that it is all about that. World needs to understand the true issues only then we can have solution.

He Named Me Malala

Seriously!! In fact its the opposite
Pakistan is not what it pictures. Pakistan is homeland to 160 million people. With one of the biggest telecom sector in the world. Over 40 million smart-phone users predicted by end of 2015. Men and women so commonly get education here like myself, a middle class Computer Science student from local university from where Microsoft hires every year. Much, much more female students becoming medical doctor than males. Almost all my middle class, lower middle class friends(Women and Men) go to college/universities. We have business, industry, universities, advanced army with tools to fight foreign funded few Taliban working for dollar and using religion falsely.

We are a nation of much potential and love. Film does no justice by giving false picture and hiding facts. Every country has some issues, doesn't mean that it is all about that. World needs to understand the true issues only then we can move to the solution.


Get Ready to be Surprised
A much required film for Pakistan and Pakistanis. I have to admit that the film surpassed my all expectations. What extra ordinary can you expect from a 100% Pakistani film if you got a taste for top Bollywood and Hollywood films with millions of dollars budget but I have to admit that the director and his team has done an extra ordinary job.

The thing which I liked most about the film was that it shows very real and positive image of this country and nation no propaganda/agenda hidden in it. Speaks truth to viewers.

To produce something equivalent to or better at times than a top action Hollywood film with a team from Pakistan in Pakistan is unbelievable.

There was margin for improvement in story/climax it could have been more enthusiastic/unpredictable but full marks for a 1st effort. Every thing improves with time.

Whats most Special thing about the film is that its Pakistani film from Pakistanis for Pakistanis.. go watch it and get amazed :)

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