
IMDb member since November 2012
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Short and Simple Review
I gave this a 10 out of 10 for good reason. TMNT being my favorite childhood series I didn't think I could ever see that "magic" again. Nickelodeon has surpassed that with this new series. The personalities with each turtle goes much deeper than the simple catch phrases and slap stick persona's we grew up with, yet maintains it with a fresh new approach.

The humor in this show is undoubtedly to be enjoyed by both children and adults. Never have I really given a chuckle to a kids show like I do with this series, and every episode! This is the turtles at their best in any kids series throughout their history, hands down. (IMO)

To the old fans who are still whining, please change your huggies and grow up along with this new generation.

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