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Wolf Pack

I enjoyed this show.
This show is not perfect by any means but I still enjoyed it. There's really good representation for mental health, interesting characters and a mystery that intrigues me. Also, let's not forget about Sarah Michelle Gellar. She wasn't in the pilot much but I can appreciate how they didn't shoehorn the big star in as much as they could and instead decided to focus on the main teenagers to develop their story, I just hope that she becomes a much bigger role in the coming episodes. I've seen people rating it 1 star bc it's a teen show but I don't think it's fair to rate it low because it's a teen show and it's not in your demographic. It's just not for you and that's ok! Not every show will be for you and that's ok. Overall a great start and hopefully it finds it footing over the rest of the season.

The Winchesters

Beat my expectations?!??!
I'm so shocked by how much better this was then what I thought it would be. I have seen a few clues and hints in the episode for why things are different then what we saw in supernatural and that's making me very intrigued in this story. I really hope they deliver on this twist they are going for but I have all the faith in Jensen and Robbie. So far I really like the dynamic of the 4 main characters, it's fun and a refreshing change to the supernatural formula but still very familiar to it. I like the new lore they are adding with the Men of letters. I really like Carlos and Latika. They add really good comedic moments but can also have more serious moments as well. I think the tone is really well done and balance between the early seasons of supernatural and later seasons. This show definitely deserves a chance to really find its groove and next week looks so fun. I'm so glad to have a version of supernatural back, even though it's not the same it still feels like it's in the supernatural universe. Overall really great start.

Chucky: Halloween II
Episode 1, Season 2

This season started off in the best way!
I loved season 1 even though it wasn't perfect but this premiere was absolutely amazing! It is better than last seasons premiere and better than all of season 1. The tone, writing, pacing is all better and the acting is way better. Zack did a really good job as Jake this episode. Jake and Devon are cute and the atmosphere of the episode was just phenomenal. Also can't forget about the many references, One particular reference I never expected from chucky. Can you guess which one it is? I'll give you a hint, it involves a talking dog. Anyways if you liked season 1 then im sure you will love this episode. I can't wait for next week to see more mayham!


I'm actually shocked at how much I loved this show.
I don't know what to say really, it's just so much fun. It has heart and charm and it's funny. The characters are interesting and funny. It makes me want to watch more and more. I hope they keep this show going for a few more seasons. Hopefully it doesn't get canceled without an actual ending. I'm so glad I decided to watch this show.

The Fairly Oddparents: Fairly Odder

Fairly Oddparents was my favorite cartoon as a kid.
First off I'm gonna tell you this is NOT as good as the original series but I still find it enjoyable and find that it has a great message for kids. I can tell the people working on it cared. I'm only giving it a high ratings bc it's unfairly judged in my opinion. Also cosmo and Wanda is always an instant 10 in my book.

If you have an open mind and expect many changes I believe you could really enjoy it. There's a ton of Easter eggs and nods to the original and it's fun finding them all. If you don't like it that's completely fine but It doesn't deserve so much hate. I think they did good with what they had.

SpongeBob SquarePants: SpongeBob's Road to Christmas
Episode 5, Season 13

Surprisingly good!
I'm going to be honest, I don't really get interested in modern SpongeBob that much. It's not bad or anything, it's just not my thing but this episode was actually really fun and made me want to keep watching. Haven't felt that way for a SpongeBob episode since i can remember. I like how this time the real world is portrayed in animation, it gives it a new charm to it. The animation and artstyle for the humans are absolutely amazing. The animation is really fluid and flows together well. It had an adventure which automatically makes it more fun in my opinion. Just overall it's the best SpongeBob episode in years and hopefully they can make more episodes like this. You can just tell how much passion and love the team is still giving to SpongeBob, they try their best with what they are given. They are very creative and it shows. You should definitely watch this. It's not old SpongeBob but it's still really fun.

Fear Street: 1994

I absolutely loved this movie. Definitely recommend.
This movie surpassed all my expectations, it was fun and I loved all the twists and turns. I can't wait for part 2 and 3 to solve more of the mystery. This truly does feel like a classic slasher from the 90s with a twist.


This show is way better than I ever expected.
The original is literally my childhood, it was my favorite sitcom ever growing up. I was excited but hesitant on the reboot when it was announced. I'm glad it turned out better than I thought. The new showrunners really know what they are doing and really kept that feeling of the original while being more mature. Also remember, it's been 9 years, these characters are not the same ones we last seen in 2012, they grew up and changed some. I think it's realistic and really interesting to learn these characters again. 10/10.


Please be open minded.
Hi, I'm sure there are a lot of people who are upset with some of the changes and you are completely ok to have them. I just feel like we should be more open minded and think of the bigger picture. This show has the original creators, showrunners and writers along with most of the voice cast. I can tell there's a lot of love and work out into this show and we shouldn't diminish that just because we don't like the new art style or a couple of changes. This show is made with kids in mind, this show will do well with kids. This will also spark a more interest in the brand so it will become even more popular, it will be introduced to a new generation and maybe they will be curious and look up the original to watch. That's what I mean by looking at the bigger picture, this reboot does nothing to the original, if anything it makes it more popular and the brand itself. The reboot itself is good, I'm a fan of the new artstyle, I love 3D animation and so do kids, which is why they probably did it and I'm glad. If they did 2d animation it would probably be a way cheaper version and still not look like classic rugrats. I love how faithful this looks to the original. Just give it a chance and think about the bigger things the show could do instead of just hating. Thank you all for reading, have a nice day.

High School Musical: The Musical - The Series: New Year's Eve
Episode 1, Season 2

Season 2 starts strong!
I just finished this episode a minute ago and it was the best episode of the series so far and it's only the first episode of season 2. There's so much to love in this episode. I can already tell season 2 will be better than season 1. I can't wait until the next episode.

Legends of Tomorrow: Ground Control to Sara Lance
Episode 1, Season 6

Amazing Premiere!!!
This honestly could be the best season yet, I just finished the premiere and it was fantastic, it had some twists I never saw coming, it had everything you could want in a premiere. I'm someone who embraces the wacky misadventures they go on now, I know it's still difficult for many people to accept the way legends became but to me, legends is the best when it's like this. Thank you writers for this amazing show, one of the best arrowverse shows ever, and definitely the most creative arrowverse show. Oh I forgot to mention, legends is amazing at representation especially with lgbtq, they treat Ava and Sara as a completely normal couple like they should, they don't throw it in our faces, they don't make a big deal about it, they treat this couple as they would a straight couple and that's what makes this show so special. I've personally never seen a show do it this well, they deserve all the praise.

The Flash: Mother
Episode 3, Season 7

Yes this episode wasn't the best but it was because of covid
Let's be honest, this episode is not that good, it has a few good moments but overall it felt rushed and felt sloppy but it was because of covid, they needed to wrap up the end of season 6 really fast so they can start the true season 7, please do not judge season 7 by the first 3 episodes, judge season 7 by all future episodes after this. I don't think this was how it was intended to end the story but since covid got in the way and Ralph's actor being fired they had to change a lot of things. So please don't judge this too harshly, it wasn't their fault.

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years: The Jellyfish Kid
Episode 1, Season 1

Keep watching! They explain why sandy is in Kamp Koral!
This episode is definitely the weakest of the series, probably because it's 22 minutes instead of the standard 11 minutes, the episode is good but my favorite is episode 4b, they actually explained the biggest plot hole in this series and I was not expecting that we finally learn how sandy is in Kamp Koral! Keep watching, the rest of the series is a lot better. Bad first impression.

Secrets of Sulphur Springs: No Time Like The Present
Episode 10, Season 1

I love how they addressed Racism
Even though I am not black I understand how important it is to have subjects like this in shows. This show could of easily pretended racism never happened in the 1960s but they actually addressed it and I was shocked and amazed Disney show did that. It was also perfectly handled, this is a great step for Disney and hope they will address more sensitive topics that are important. The episode overall was fantastic! Can't wait for the season finale! Please god, let there be a season 2!!

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years

Give it a chance
People like to say Stephen didn't want a spinoff bug that was over 10 years ago. He could of very well changed his mind. Apparently he even worked on the spinoff so just judge the show by itself. If you hate on the show you could be hating something Stephen worked on and wanted us to enjoy. He wouldn't want us fighting or arguing about it.

Superman & Lois: Heritage
Episode 2, Season 1

Great second episode!
This show keeps blowing me away, every single scene is beautiful. The relationship between the brothers is amazing. I love the family Clarke and Lois made. Lois is also fantastic! The whole show is just perfect. Better then the pilot!

Superman & Lois

Way better then expected!!
I'm gonna be honest, I was somewhat excited but not as excited as I've been with other things. It turned out way better then I thought, I love all the characters and the twists this episode was great. Definitely worth the watch.

Secrets of Sulphur Springs

I didn't expect a Disney show to be this good.
I wasn't thinking a Disney Show could be this good. I love how it actually has a plot line and not just random episodes. The mystery is intriguing and makes me want to watch more. Definitely the best Disney channel show in years. I like the direction Disney is going and hope to get more shows like this in the future. More dark and mystery shows like this with an actual plot line please Disney!

Kamp Koral: SpongeBob's Under Years

Give it a chance
People like to say Stephen didn't want a spinoff bug that was over 10 years ago. He could of very well changed his mind. Apparently he even worked on the spinoff so just judge the show by itself. If you hate on the show you could be hating something Stephen worked on and wanted us to enjoy. He wouldn't want us fighting or arguing about it.

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous

Way better then expected!!
I've loved Jurassic Park since I was 12. I didn't know what to think of a new Jurassic World TV Series, especially with it being animated. I have to say I was blown away with how good it was. I thought it was gonna be a cheap kids show not worth it but I was wrong. The story is great, the animation is great and there were a lot of suspenseful moments. Definitely give this a shot if you're a Jurassic park fan. Just keep in mind this is a kids show after all so it's not as violent as the movies can be but that sure didn't stop them from making an awesome show. NETFLIX PLEASE RENEW FOR SEASON 2!

Love, Victor

Best show of 2020!!
This show is really good. The characters and the story was so good I literally couldn't stop watching. Barely any show can ever hold me this tight. I really suggest you watch this and if you loved Love, Simon then you'll love this! It deserves many seasons and deserves to be loved!


Amazing Film MUST WATCH
I know a lot of people are upset the original cast isn't in this one but other than that this adaption of Scooby Doo is one of my favorites. The ending was so sad and made me tear up some. I absolutely adored this version of Scooby Doo and hope they make a sequel. I got used to the new voices and actually started to like them. This movie focuses a lot on Shaggy and Scooby Doos friendship. If you are a fan of Scooby Doo then please have an open mind and watch this new version. It's definitely worth a watch.

Charmed: Witch Perfect
Episode 11, Season 1

Getting better!
This show is definitely getting better and I love what they are doing with the show! I love that twist ending when we find out that Macy's parents brought her back to life bc she died. It was something I would have never guessed, I thought she was half demon or something not dead. This is starting to get very interesting and the twists are getting bigger and bigger I can't wait to watch the rest of the season!

Roswell, New Mexico

Better than I thought!
Before I go on please do not hate on me or anything because it's just my opinion nothing more. The first episode was really good even though I've only seen the first couple episodes of the original I've seen many similarities and differences and I think this one was one of the well made reboots. I think this has a lot of stories that can be told. I think this show can be enjoyed by people who never watched the original and people who love the original just know this is a little different. But overall it was a great start to a show that has a lot of potential. Please don't let me down Roswell New Mexico.

Charmed: Sweet Tooth
Episode 3, Season 1

Give this show a chance!!! It's not the original but that's not a bad thing!
First off I know this is not the original and i know I'm probably gonna get hated on for this but it has to be said.

This show is good for what it is it's a reboot yes with different characters and stories and that's why you should give this a chance bc it's new stories with new witches just forget about this being a reboot for a little while and just enjoy tv without thinking about stuff just sit back and relax you'll enjoy it so much more give this an honest chance bc it's just a show and it's just a title so the first episode was decent but the second episode was 1000x better than the pilot so it's only gonna get better please give this a chance it deserves if you are a true fan of the original give it a chance with an open mind

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