
IMDb member since December 2012
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Arcane: League of Legends

Storytelling at its finest
Astonishing animated series fully deserving of its 9+ IMDb score. With storytelling this good, and animation this sublime, this is the way forward for difficult to film subject matter.

Everything from characters, to world building, to voice acting...there is absolutely nothing that cannot be made if done like this. THIS is now the benchmark.

If you do not like animated series, this will change your mind.

The Irregulars

Not as bad as I thought
As a die hard Holmesian I was fully prepared not to like this, but after my initial surprise at the first episode I found myself enjoying where they were taking it. (Although I've never read it, I was aware of the graphic novel and I think this series needs to be compared to that context and not the traditional Sherlock Holmes we all know).

I would have preferred it stay a bit truer to Doyle's Holmes as it was an opportunity to introduce a new generation to that. However, it does stay true (I believe) to the graphic novel, which I am now looking forward to reading, and so that is what it should be judged against.

Yes it a YA series, but all in all this is a thoroughly enjoyable story that has surpassed any expectations I had of it, with a cast that I genuinely cared about. And to all those that balked at the "modern" take on it, bet your all cool with Cumberbatch so back in your box please. If your cool with Sherlock Holmes having a mobile phone then you can certainly put up with this.

Zack Snyder's Justice League

The vision it should have been
This is not the Snyder movie, but his "cut" of it, and ultimately it still shows.

Had Snyder been allowed to fulfil his original vision, this saga could have been a defining moment in the DC universe. Instead, he was left with an awful first product and the dregs on the cutting room floor as a backbone.

However, what he has done is use that backbone to reshoot, develop and cut a fine, character driven story that surpasses the Whedon version is every way possible. It is astonishing what he's managed to do.

BUT! As much as I loved it, and while the 4hrs is a absolute joy and no chore whatsoever, this is still NOT the movie(s) Snyder would have made had the studio not been so driven to reproduce Marvel's Avengers. Which makes it an altogether more bitter pill to swallow when we know we are unlikely to see where he would have taken us next.

Still, a solid 7.5/10, rounded up to an 8 for the sheer brilliance in doing what he did to make this what it is.

Tian · Huo

Brilliantly silly disaster B movie
Unbelievably silly, totally preposterous and absolutely brilliant! The terminator of volcanos that just keeps throwing everything at them. Who cares how ridiculous it is, it's got great CGI and some really great stunt work. Just sit back while you and the family are munching into your Saturday night take away and revel in it.

30 Days of Night

Real Vampires
No souls, no angst, no creepy falling in love with teenage girls...finally, vampires that just eat you. Love it! Old school horror at its finest.

Da 5 Bloods

Surprisingly Bad Movie
Maybe I wasn't in the correct frame of mind, perhaps it's me...but this is the first movie for years I have given up watching half way through. Completely disjointed and (for me) while the acting was...ok, the script was so bad the stellar cast had very little to work with.

Maybe I'll go back and give it another go one day and think it's great...but I highly doubt it.

Andy Murray: Resurfacing

Fantastic Insight
This is not only a fantastic insight into what it takes to be at the absolute pinnacle of your sport, but it is also a superbly made film.

Olivia Cappuccini has put together a beautiful documentary on how one of the best sportsmen on the planet desperately tries to get back his fitness following a potential career ending injury. We see that for a sportsperson like this it is not a solo endeavour; he is part of a team, and we see how much Andy relies on the inputs from that team, and the consequences of not listening to them.

It successfully demonstrates how incredibly small margins that mean nothing to us mere mortals, are the difference between continuing or ending a professional sports career.

It is beautifully made, and Andy Murray himself lays it all out for us to see...and more importantly, the love and support he has from his wife Kim, who is a partner who completely understands what it takes to support someone to achieve greatness.

Liking Andy Murray himself is not necessarily relevant to the enjoyment of it, although that does make it all the better.

War of the Worlds

Why the hate!?
I cannot understand the hate for this show. I get that it's not War of the Worlds in the Wells sense and if you're expecting an action series then this is not for you.

The script can be a bit clunky in places, but all in all I think it's fairly well acted for the most part. I like the characters and the 3 different POV works really well to progress the story. Another reviewer commented that the aliens reveal was a mistake and that I do agree with. When they were out of shot and seen only in flashes they were far more menacing and added to the tension. Hence why it's not an 8/10.

It deserves a 2nd series to see where they go with it. An enjoyably solid 7/10 for the first season so far.

Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker

OK movie, but the damage was already done...
I enjoyed this better than the first 2, but the damage was already done in the previous instalments; especially TLJ.

Overall, this final trilogy was a missed opportunity to expand the universe into something special, but ultimately ended up a big fat, meh, plastered with disappointment with a splattering of genius here and there.

Pity, as living through the original movies this was what we wanted more than anything in THIS galaxy, never mind one far, far away.

Alita: Battle Angel

A surprising disappointment
This was set up to be be a movie I would love. Everything about it screams 'favourite'! Director, producers, cast, cinematography...all favourites.

Yet somehow they missed the mark. It looked fantastic and the script, awful as it was, was well executed, but the story was just not there in any fashion. It moved from scene to scene with no real natural flow, and plot revelations were crowbarred in all over the place.

Sure, I wasn't expecting an award winning flick, but from this ensemble I expected better.

Personally, I think it would have been better as a mini series where Alita's character arc and the darker aspects of it could be explored. We were also only shown the surface of the world that was built and that should have formed a huge part of the movie. It looks amazing, but it was just...there...with very little explanation as to why and how.

All in all I enjoyed it as a 6/10 is an OK movie in my book, I just wish it was more.

Children of Men

Needs a second viewing
I can understand why people don't rate this. On my first viewing I didn't rate it highly either (6/10). Personally For me, it's one of those movies that's deeper than you think, and unless your in the right frame of mind you'll miss a lot.

A couple of years after I had initially watched it, and with everyone praising it, I found myself sitting for a second go.

It left me with questioning whether I actually watched the movie the first time. It was a totally different movie experience: layered, thoughtful, insightful, and many other descriptions. But most of all I noticed how polished it was. Cinematically it's fantastic, performances complement the wonderful script perfectly.

Definitely worth sitting sitting down and giving it another go.

The Outpost

Not GoT and not trying to be!
Why does every new fantasy series constantly have to live up to GoT? GoT is an exceptional series, but it has a monumental budget to play with. This little series has enough fantasy tropes to make it an interesting watch. The MTV abomination that was The Shannara Chronicles this is not!

The script, acting and action is a bit by the numbers, but there is a lot to work with. The characters have grown as the series progressed and the relationships work well.

There have been reviews stating that it's clichéd and suffers from muddle storytelling! I've been reading fantasy for decades and there is enough originality here to remove the term cliché. And after Tolkien and Martin everything is cliché anyway.

Firstly, Talon, a female lead, is a serious kick ass and leans toward the anti-hero rather than the "clichéd" sweet farmgirl who finds out she's a wizard. Yes, I would love her to be even darker as would add to her character more.

Secondly, and perhaps more interesting for a show like this, her male co-stars while interesting in their own parts at no time upstage their female lead.

All in all this is a show that deserves a second series to see if they can develop it further. It's certainly not going to be GoT, but we need more of this genre on the box. In no way as bad as some of the reviews. A definite watchable 6 or 7 for the first series.


Ultimate popcorn...
Ridiculous, preposterous, unbelievable and totally awesome!

A great example of an old summer blockbuster b-movie. Cheesy...check, cliched...check, fun nonetheless...check.

Turn up, grab some popcorn, sit back, switch off and enjoy.

*contented sigh*

Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

Oh, nicely done...
Having never liked the original, I took the kids to this more for them than me...oh how I'm glad I did.

This is a funny movie. A genuinely, surprisingly, funny movie.

Every performance is spot on and there are a fantastic blend of action, acting and touching moments Did I mention it was funny?

Orphan Black

Perfect television
My rating of 10 out of 10 for a review means that it needs to be, in my opinion, one of the best things I've seen. This is normally reserved for Star Wars, Blade Runner and their ilk. This easily stands tall against some of the best TV I have ever watched, GoT and Walking Dead included.

I have never enjoyed binge watching a series as much as I did this. Tatiana Maslany is mesmerising and it is phenomenal how often you forget that the 'sestras' are all her, so distinct are the separate personalities; and she finally received a well deserved Emmy for it.

It may be solid sci-fi, but the science is secondary to what the show is about and that is what it means to be a family.

In my opinion it is hands down THE best TV series I have ever seen...period, and that is saying something for me. My only regret is that it took so long for me to get round to watching it.

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