
IMDb member since September 2004
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The Predator

The Aliens/Predator franchises decline hits rock bottom...
Unbelievably bad. I was stunned.

This film would be awesome MST3K fodder as this is at best a poorly made B-movie of the worst kind. Actually I take that back. The MST3K movies that they riff seem to be made with an earnestness and love that is totally absent here. This is some messed up calculated 'product' and not a movie or film. It's actually even worse than Alien:Covenant, and that's saying something. That was a movie that should have revoked Ridley Scott's right to make films and left him stranded and naked in the middle of the Nevada desert.

I have to wonder who is in the drivers seat of these series lately - just one bad decision after another. Either of these series needs a Rogue One kick-in-the-pants to help breathe some life into it. THAT team got it right. Overall it just bums me out that Hollywood is destroying these great franchises. C'mon guys....get it together.


Fascinating look inside Venzuela...
This seems to me a fairly balanced look at the Venezuelan revolution, spearheaded by Hugo Chavez. Definitely something you should check out to allow you to form your own opinion. I can imagine this film being difficult to find in the US. I can also see how some ignorant American viewers might be unable to stomach the perception of the large amount of harm the USA has done to the world since the second world war - and especially in Latin America.

I wish there had been a little more discussion of the issues separating the left and the right. I can understand that large corporations interested in maintaining power and money might be upset at the nationalization of the oil corporations - but those resources do belong to the folks that live there and should probably benefit them. As well, I am often astounded that rich and middle class people everywhere seem to think the poor are lazy and want to do nothing to pull themselves out of the holes they are in. That being said, I never saw any interviews or stories that specifically illustrated why the right was so opposed to helping the poor with medical clinics, helping to build farms that are self-sufficient or any other social or financial issues that separated either side.

When you see the abject poverty in the barrios (in Caracas, the poor make up more than half the population) and nothing was done about it for decades, you have to think that the American backed elites really didn't understand that people - the majority - had had enough. The film does indicate the steps of revolution (historically all taken by the French, the Americans and the Spanish) and how it applies to the current situation.

Love him or hate him. Chavez makes many excellent points in terms of humanities survival and extreme capitalism. If humanity continues on its present course, we are endangering our survival as a species.

Anyway, check this film out and decide for yourself.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Man was I pumped for this one. As a long time fine of the the first Indy flick, I was hoping for a more mature, interesting film about the character that was Indiana Jones. Boy, was I disappointed.

There were so many plot holes and disconnects in the action, there was a missed opportunity to make more out of the punishing of innocents in the Communist witch-hunts of that era, and so much of the rest of it seemed silly - in a bad, ridiculous kind of way.

The special effects were fine, I blame it on the lame story coming from George Lucas and its subsequent script. George Lucas seems to have done nothing worthwhile since The Return Of The Jedi (and even that seems to be hotly debated amongst fans) or The Empire Strikes Back (my personal favorite). And Steven Spielberg should know better - I can't believe this is the same guy that did Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan and Schindler's List.

This film could have been a smarter, and deeper look at a character's limitations in the face of aging and the changing world - it could still have had the action...just a little more realism and smarter humor.

I think this was a real missed opportunity - rent it when it comes out, but I'd save my money for a better DVD.

Death Race

Kinda like
I've noticed that lots of people seem to trash Paul W.S. Anderson as a filmmaker, but I think they take him way to seriously. I enjoyed the Resident Evil series, and loved Event Horizon. I even forgive him the abomination that was Alien vs Predator. The guy doesn't make movies that are necessarily exploring deep themes or making grandiose statements, it's entertainment....get over it already.

Death Race is kinda like The Shawshank Redemption if there were car chases, mounted machine guns and decapitations in a depressing post-modern, corporately-owned future. There are a few great actors here earning a pretty good paycheck I imagine...anyway, don't expect a great deal of depth in Death Race, however, it is definitely a fun ride. Worth checking out as Jason Statham is definitely the man.


Boy, I have seen a lot of cheesy and bad movies. Some of them made into brilliant set pieces by the MST3K crew. However, I'm not even sure they could save this one. It really stinks. It looked like it was made for 25 dollars in some guys basement.

The acting was appallingly bad. The first 20 minutes in the 'cryo-chambers' was laughable - you could see that the walls were made sheets of cloth or something. I love how the cheese-monster also peeled away the plastic that was the glass sealing in the astronauts for their 15 year voyage.

Gilligans Island was more realistic than this absolutely awful grade-Z movie.


Silly and inaccurate....
Talk about a brutal movie. I thought it started fairly well but then it descends into a pretty inaccurate portrayal of the air war in WW 1. I can imagine what this film might have been...however, I sadly saw what it actually did become.

Not sure why every German fighter plane was red....or was a Fokker Dr.I. Cliché-ridden interactions between underdeveloped characters followed by often silly, and improbable action scenes - ie. biplanes flying like X-Wings, cheesy music rising in the background at the worst times, etc, etc... I thought James Franco did what he could with what he had - almost a James Dean-like quality which was interesting. Jean Reno (great actor) was totally wasted in this film.....

I was soooo looking forward to this, and was terribly disappointed with this cinematic suppository. The scene where the main character rescues the downed pilot in no-man's-land was so improbable I almost died laughing. His hand was stuck under the crashed plane? Come on!!!

Rent it....and enjoy a few good belly laughs or better yet, get a copy of The Blue Max or The Great Waldo Pepper.

(2005) had so much promise....
This is another AvP. A major disappointment. The source material was pretty rich with a lot of possibilities. So much could have been done with it. The film LOOKED fine, but the pace was so slow and the character's were never really developed. Alien is a great example of character development in a movie of this type.

The whole demonic/gates of hell thing is ditched in favour of some genetic experimentation, taking away the real core of the whole original Doom VG storyline. I found myself actually bored by this movie and not caring what happened to the people in it.

Also, I don't ever recall seeing a film starring 'The Rock' that I could sit through without fast forwarding.

Wait for the DVD and rent it.


Ewwwwwwww...this one really stinks!
This has got to be one of the lamest attempts at copying the style of the Matrix series of movies. I find it quite remarkable that the cover on the DVD states that this film is even better than the Matrix!!! I was quite skeptical, but I was willing to give it a chance. Unfortunately, the story is lame, good actors are wasted - Sean Bean, Sean Pertwee and Christian Bale - on a mostly cheesy plot, and lame plot devices/mythologies - Gun-Kata?!? Give me a break! The blatant rip-offs from Ghost In The Shell, Bladerunner, and the Matrix are so pathetic. These actors have all done much better films...don't waste your cash on this cinematic suppository....


Director's Cut Is A Must See
After getting the Alien Quadrilogy last Christmas, I must say that the actual Director's Cut version is incredibly good. The studio should have let David Fincher's version onto the screen. It's much scarier, makes more sense and is in every way superior to the theatrical release. The documentary on the making of this film is just incredible, you really get an inside view in the making of this film. From the conception, to the completion - battles with executives and producers.

I think David Fincher was screwed by the studios, but still got an incredible film out eventually - check out the boxed set.

I think you'll find your money well spent!

Hearts and Minds

A Brilliant Film
This is a brilliant film that shows the sad, heartbreaking results of conflict on everyday people and the arrogance of those leaders and politicians that don't have to be on the ground doing the actual fighting. No matter who starts a war, it's always the population that pays the highest price.

The parallels with the current war in Iraq are mind-boggling - from no W.M.D., to the non-existent "Gulf Of Tonkin Incident". America's leaders have lied to the public, hidden the truth, and lead them in unjustified wars and permitted genocide many times in the past. This film is a well-documented example.

Every American should see this film. For other prime examples - check out 1992's The Panama Deception....or read more about Venezuela's latest elections, the US record in the UN on Israel and Palestine, Cambodia, the genocide in East Timor....the list is massive.

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