
IMDb member since September 2004
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Poketto monsutâ

I'll be a fan for Life!
No matter how bad some episodes might be, no matter how bad the animation gets, no matter how goofy the movies might get, I'll be a fan of this show for the rest of my life! I think the first, second, third, fifth, and seventh seasons are the best so far. The sixth season was just.....kinda boring, it didn't have a great plot, and it was short compared to most of the seasons. Anyway, I hope they do release Pokemon uncut one day, I've been wondering about it for a few weeks, but I don't think there are any plans yet! How come Yu-Gi-Oh! gets released uncut and Pokemon doesn't? Maybe they're afraid it'll harm tape and DVD sales....NOT! I think it would INCREASE sales, I would buy an uncut subtitled DVD if it ever came! I wish they would hurry up and get an uncut disc here already! How long have people been waiting? I only started waiting a two months ago, but that's long enough! Anyway, watch this if you know what's good for you, this is a more kid safe show (I'm talking about the edited version), unlike InuYasha, which has many things that are not for small kids.


It was terrible, and we only watched the first ten minutes! We couldn't take it!! I mean, who the heck likes demon worms possessing a demon pig, pig skeletons, and arrows chopping arms off?!? Not us!! Think all you want about us, I'm glad I got my parents to try it with me, or else I would have been having nightmares!! There are PLENTY of good Anime shows out there, so do yourselves a favor and AVOID THIS MOVIE AT ALL COSTS! Lousy lousy lousy! Miyazaki did much better movies, like Castle in the Sky! Even if you hate me for dissing this movie, give Castle in the Sky a try, you'll like it!! Princess Mononoke is a big no no! I can't believe it's rated PG-13, it should be rated R!! Do yourself and your family a favor, put this back on the shelf and step away from the display! It sucks! Don't watch it! On a scale of ten being the highest and one being the lowest, I give it one!!

Home Alone

GOOD Good good!
Too cool! Kevin, a bratty little boy is accidentally left home alone (duh!) by his parents who are heading to Paris. This movie is hilarious and well, hilarious! It also contains bad words! And, the most important thing, near the end of the movie, Kevin and "Old Man Marley" have a talk in a beautiful church about the true meaning of Christmas, it's about being with family and celebrating the birth of Christ. This movie is brilliant and perfect for children older then 8. Any younger, and, well, it's not exactly appropriate for children younger then 8. My favorite scene is -gasp- SPOILER!!!!!! Anyway, my favorite part is when Harry, one of the criminals that tries to rob Kevins house, is when Harry gets his head burned by a blowtorch! Wheeeeeee! Well, Ja-Ne!

Transformer: Super Link

Under rated!
Much better then everyone thinks it is. I like the Energon version, I haven't seen the Superlink version, I don't don't think I want to, for now anyway, maybe sometime in the future. Transformers Armada is UNDER RATED as well. It's more then a comic, it's a really cool show! So is Energon! The humor is hilarious, like when Kicker (the main human character)kicks Ironhide for no reason, such as when Arcee called Kicker "little man", he began yelling and kicked Ironhide instead of Arcee, and Ironhide said, "What are you kicking me for, I didn't do nothing'!", Yep,that's what he said! How are three giant robots laying on beach chairs for a knee slapper? I thought it was pretty funny! Wheeee! Well, Ja-Ne!

The Transformers: The Movie

Pretty Good.
I am a fan of the show, so I like the movie, but I hated the fact that so many died, including Optimus!!! A lot of my favorite characters died, including Ironhide, (I really liked him!) Brawn, Bluestriek, and Wratchet! What's with that! Wheeljack died also, I really hated seeing a lot of the characters that were there since the beginning! I'm 12 by the way. :) It made me sick to see the Autobots portrayed as wimps without Optimus, that is one thing I can NOT stand!!! Oh well, this movie is still pretty good despite that crap! I do like the new leader, but Optimus is Optimus and Hot Rod is Hot Rod, not Optimus! Who in the right mind thought of killing Optimus, huh?!? When I told my cousin Rebecca about Optimus dying, she said,"That's stupid!" Then she made a joke, "Hi, I'm the lea-Pfffhht!" (as in he died when he was introducing himself!). My cousin doesn't like Transformers much at all, but I'll try to convert her into a fan by having her and her brother watch it with me! And I'll have her watch episodes from all the seasons I've watched, too! That'll hook her, I hope.....o_o; Watch this movie a few times, then put it away for awhile then watch it again when you have recovered from some of your favorite characters kickin the bucket. 5/10 Ja-Ne!

Transufômâ: Maikuron densetsu

I like it!
This is one of the best Animes out there, I can't understand why everyone hates it so! I have seen episodes from Generation 1,Armada, and Energon, and Armada is the best one, then Energon, then G1. I think that everyone should watch the Transformers, boys and girls! While there are no female Transformers in this series, there is a Female human as a main character, so girl will enjoy this! Ya see, I'm a girl, and I have been intrigued ever since I saw this show! My cousins know I love Transformers, and they got me a Transformers Birthday card, and I still keep it in my room! Watch this show, you'll love it! 8/10 Definitely! You need to watch it, or you'll miss out on something totally cool! Well, Ja-Ne! Oh by the way, I'm not Japanese, but I like to say Ja-Ne because it's something different and just plain sounds cool!

Gekijôban Poketto Monsutâ Kesshôtô no Teiô Entei

The worst of the first three, but still good.
This movie is good, and anyone who doesn't like Pokemon is an idiot! I really enjoy Pokemon when I watch it. BEWARE, SPOILERS! Ash's mom is kidnapped!!!! It's all because this girl who has lost both parents found the Unown Pokemon tablets her father found just before he vanished, and wished she had a father and a mother. The Pokemon Entei appeared and became her "father" and then Entei went and kidnapped Ash's mom right in front of his own eyes. He tried to stop Entei, but it was too fast and Ash couldn't catch up. You are NOT going to believe this, but Ash and the little girl Molly were friends when they were both younger!! She and her father and mother would come over and the two kids would play together!!! I have already told you too much, so I will keep my mouth shut about the rest of this movie except for one more thing, I was really happy for Molly when her father came back, and I was thrilled when her mother was found and brought home, that was probably my favorite part. :) Well, JA-NE! 6/10

Gekijôban Poketto Monsutâ Maboroshi no Pokemon Rugia Bakutan

Anyone who doesn't like this movie is a FOOL!
I can not believe how many people hate Pokemon! I mean, I don't watch it much anymore, but I almost always watch when it's a new episode! I will remain true to Pokemon always, no matter how annoyed and angry I get about too many reruns and not enough new episodes! I was really

angry and sad when Togetic (Togepi evolved!!!!!:o ) left Misty forever, and even more so when Misty left the show AGAIN!!!!!!*>( Anyway, I'm raving about the show when I should be raving about the movie! This is most definitely the best Pokemon movie so far, although all of them are good. Lugia is cool! And we finally get a good look at Articuno,Moltres,and Zapdos! THAT'S SO COOL! :D Oh, and to the person that said if you like Pokemon that you suck, well, he's wrong. It's not that we fans suck, it's that idiots like him SUCK! Thank you for reading my review, Ja-Ne!

Pocket Monster: Myuutsu! Ware wa Koko ni Ari

It's good!
I have loved Pokemon ever since my friend introduced it to me in 1998, was fond of the first movie, and am pleased with the sequel. Mewtwo is back! He may not fight much in this movie, but I would still recommend it to any anime fan! WARNING! Seriously, this is an important message, or at least I think so! This movie has at least one scene that might scare smaller children, so if you're planning to buy a Pokemon movie for a fan 7yrs. or younger, think it over first, you may want to buy a different one until the kid is a little older. All of them have violence, but I would recommend Pokemon 2000 for children who can't deal with scary scenes or death. Yes, some of the Pokemon movies contain death, but there's no blood, so anyone who can handle death in movies can watch. Anyway, if you want to learn more about this movie, watch it yourself! The only reason I have the spoiler warning on all my reviews is so just in case the staff thinks that my review contains a spoiler, I don't get in trouble! :)

Gekijô-ban - Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn S

Pretty good!
Not as good as Sailor Moon R, but I still like it a lot! This review contains spoilers, so you may not want to read the rest of this review until you have watched the movie. An evil queen wants to freeze the Earth, and it's up to Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts to save the day! Very good plot, especially scince Luna is in love with an astronomer that saved her from getting run over by a car. Near the end of the movie, I was thinking that the evil queen was nuts, and a few minutes later, Sailor Moon actually told her she was nuts! Yikes! Maybe I'm a psychic like Raye. Yeah right! It would be cool though! I like this movie a lot! It is SO COOL when Luna is turned human for a few minutes, but then she turns into a cat again after she shows Kakedo her feelings for him. WATCH!

Thomas and the Magic Railroad

This Movie is Good!!!!!!!!
I'm 12, but I really like this movie I don't see why everyone hates it so! It even has my favorite actress in it, Mara Wilson! Anyone who hates this movie is mad mad mad! I think they are even hinting at another movie! 'Cause on the web site, they said,"No one knows where Diesel 10 is, but you can be sure he is up to no good!" Ha! How do you like that,you non-Thomas and the Magic Railroad fans, you!!!! Ha! Ha Ha Ha! I love Thomas!!!! Wha ha ha! Tee hee hee! Ah, I have calmed down. I was pretty annoyed when I saw all those bad reviews, so it took me a little to calm down, as you can see by how my writing has changed from angry to nice and calm. Anyway, good movie! I give it 8! :D

Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn super S: Sêrâ 9 senshi shûketsu! Burakku dorîmu hôru no kiseki

Not as good as the others, but still good.
This movie is good, but watch R and S first. Only true fans will really enjoy this movie. It took me a little bit to like it as much as I do now. When I first saw it (it was the very first Sailor Moon Movie or episode I had ever seen, period.) I thought "Hmm, it wasn't that great except for the comedy and the final battle..." I had to watch more Sailor Moon movies and episodes to enjoy this film as much as I do now. But when I first watched this movie, something in my heart told me "Look kid, you love Sailor Moon now and you know it!" If it wasn't for that movie, I still would think Sailor Moon looks weird. Trust me, Sailor Moon is a excellent Anime, and if you don't like it you're mad! Like another reviewer said, if you don't like Rini this movie isn't for you!

Gekijouban Poketto monsutâ Adobansu jenerêshon: Nanayo no negaiboshi Jirâchi

A good Pokemon movie, one of the best!
This is a great Pokemon movie, the only one that's better is "Pokemon 2000 the movie". I'm not spoiling this movie, you need to watch it yourself! :) I have watched all of the released Pokemon movies so far, but this one and 2000 take the cake, frosting, and food coloring! I felt like crying at the end, it was so sad when Jirachi went back to sleep for 1000 more years. The last three movies had me crying or almost crying, In Pokemon 4EVER, I cried when Celebi died (even though he was brought back to life but it was still sad....) and also when Sammy left. SPOILER! SAMMY IS PROFESSER OAK!!!!!!!!!!!!! In Pokemon Heroes, I cried when Latios was killed. SPOILER! At the very end of the movie, I saw the dead brother Latios, the dead father Latios, and the live sister Latias (yes, her name is Latias, not Latios, it varies depending on gender, boys are Latios and girls are Latias) flying above the ocean!!!!!!! What's up with that!!!!!!!!!! And in this movie, when Jiraci left Max, Ash, May, and Brock, I almost cried with that. The end song was wonderful, I love listening to it over and over and over! All in all, this movie is very good and actually has emotional scenes between the semi-villain Butler and the one he loves, Dianne. Well, bring on Pokemon Movie 7 coming out in Febuary!!!!!!!!!

Gekijô-ban - Bishôjo senshi Sêrâ Mûn R

A really great movie!
I love all of the Sailor Moon movies but this one is by far the best! I wish Sailor Moon was still on TV..... Anyway, this movie is emotional and the animation was excellent. I don't want to spoil it, but I will with a brief description O_o. If you haven't seen this movie, don't read the rest of this review. There's this evil being know as the Kiseanean Blossom that wants to suck all the energy out of every star and planet! She took control of this alien guy named Fiore who was Darien's childhood friend. They send this flower monster thingie to Earth where it sucked many people dry of their energy. Soon the Sailor Scouts defeat it (in like, fifteen minutes O_o!) Then Fiore appears and trashes them. When he's just about to kill Sailor Moon, Darien jumps in the way!! He just barely survived. You'd think Fiore would stop after he sees how close Serena and Darien are to each other, but NOOOOO! He takes Darien away with him, leaving Serena crying. It's up to the Sailor Scouts to save Darien, the Earth, and Fiore from Kiseanean Blossom. Hey! A little later on, (like 5 or 6 minutes later!)Fiore says to Darien "Now only I can give you flowers!" What a stupid yet funny thing to say! :D This movie easily deserves 10 stars. The American version, anyway, and yes the voices were weird, but I like the movie all the same. I REALLY LOVE THE "POWER OF LOVE" SONG AT THE END, IT'S SUCH A GREAT SONG!

The Bourne Supremacy

I don't understand why this movie was made.
Generally the sequel to a successful movie is made to capitalize on the popularity of the original. However, in the case of The Bourne Supremacy, the screenwriters and director seemed to have the sole purpose of emotionally eviscerating the first movie's fans with the second installment.

To "kill-off" 3 of the 4 main characters, from the first movie, within the storyline of the second is not only emotionally unsatisfactory it is counter-intuitive to producing a successful sequel. Where is the motivation to see a 3rd movie, if 1 is made? A series of movies needs more than 1 common thread (Jason Bourne) to hold interest and be satisfying. To have only 1 character that an audience can really care about survive the second movie seems to mean, to me at least, that the perpetrators of this film believe that unrelenting violence is enough to tie these movies together. Forget about human relationships, humor, character development, plot twists, a satisfying ending, etc. and just give the audience blood, bullets, and chases. It is far easier to script and cast a movie based on those principles. The "shaky" camera didn't bother me nearly as much as the uninspiring script and the pedestrian direction of this film. If Universal wants this movie and any sequels to reap profits at the box office and in DVD sales, it had better resurrect Marie and make her part of the 3rd movie.

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