
IMDb member since September 2004
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Man of Two Havanas

Outstanding Documentary
Director, Vivien Weisman, does a superb job of drawing you in to the Cuban revolution and the following migration of its refugees to Miami. This personal journey brings home the risks involved in taking a stand. Courage has its price. Her family's deep commitment to the Cuban cause takes a strange twist when ex-patriot Cubans shoot bullets at her childhood home. Growing up with danger,Weisman portrays the Cuban situation (with all of its complexities) from an insider's point of view. This film is bound to stir up emotions for Cubans and on-lookers alike. From the perspective of a daughter caught in Cuban politics since before she could talk, Weisman juxtaposes the poverty of the Cuban people with her own life in the United States. Great imagery from the revolution. Very compelling movie.

Sonny Boy

Powerfully honest and moving film
I saw this film at the Aero Theater in Santa Monica and was profoundly moved. Having had a mother who died of Alzheimer's, I found Soleil's portrayal of her father hit a chord. She showed the tenderness and love that can be the unexpected gift (yes, it can be a gift) of this otherwise horrible disease. Her reconnection with her father, Virgil Frye, and her attempt at closure over some long held anger, were some of the most powerful scenes I have seen on film. Soleil bared her emotions and ventured into areas that some might have avoided - after all, what is to be gained from exposing the failings of a dieing father? But in talking to her father about his shortcomings as a father and his neglect of her as a child, she seemed to find some healing and more moving, Virgil also seemed to gain some comfort from talking about what seems to have been avoided topics for many years. Just as I found a beautiful new aspect of my relationship with my mother after she could no longer put her thought into words, Soliel and Virgil seemed to have found a new peace. One thing about Alzheimers is that it cuts through the crap and the facades and lets one find the real person inside. That can be horrible or beautiful. Soliel found what I am guessing she already knew, that while Virgil did not always lead an admirable life, he had an inner decency and kindness. I am thankful that Soliel shared her journey with us. It was a brave thing to do.

Kudos for a wonderful movie.


Wonderfully moving with great performances
This film is wonderfully moving and beautifully crafted. Kirk Douglas's performance was near perfect as the hard-headed businessman producer, a man's man, who has an experience that penetrates to the depth of his vulnerabilities. The scenes between Douglas and Ron Marasco as Stan are wonderful with captivating and moving performances on both sides.

Writer/director Michael Goorjian was nicely understated in his role as Douglas's son and Karen Tucker was charming as Isabelle.

We need more of this type of film. It has an uplifting message that leaves one smiling. It could have easily become saccharine and sentimental but does not. It made me smile.

We saw it paired with the short, "The 100% Perfect Girl" by Greg Boudreau, a marvelous combination.

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