
IMDb member since January 2013
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The Killer

21 minutes of the killer bragging about himself
Nothing happens for the first 21 minutes if this film. Like all great filmmakers finches is capable of making a dull uninteresting movie. Killer doesn't offer anything we've never seen before. Yes the cinematography is stunning but who cares. It's painfully slow.nothing about the main character is redeeming. The killer ata he's so calm and disciplined but then he pants like a dog in a stressful situation. The movie should've started sooner and avoided all the boring cliches we've seen a million times. It has so many unnecessary scenes. Great performance by fassbender he remains as one of my all time favorites.

Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One

Too much talking
This movie should've been an hour shorter by cutting unnecessary talking. There are some nice action sequences but nothing we've never seen before. The plot is so thin and weak that makes the movie lack substance. The added new back story feels forced. Overall entertaining but it makes you feel like something is missing at the end. I left the theatre feeling unsatisfied. I kept thinking what was missing but I can't put my finger on it but this could've improved by cutting out one whole hour from it. I think the filmmakers wanted to give all the characters enough screen time as this franchise is coming to an end soon.

Extraction 2

There won't be a 3rd one
The movie has one fatal flaw. It's monotonous. It's one action after another. You'd enjoy it if you're 18 and under. It's well executed but lacks substance and all characters are flat. More attention should be given to developing characters and story. It's filled with recycled dialogue. Stunts are nothing we haven't seen. The gun fights gets boring after 5 minutes. Hollywood is creatively bankrupt. Go back and study movies like die hard and see why it worked. It's not about one guy killing all the bad guys. Focus must be placed in three dimensional characters. I've also noticed this website manipulates the ratings.

Den of Thieves

Gerard butler Carrie's the movie
It's entertaining but it's nothing we haven't seen. Watch "Heat" and "Town" . Those 2 movies did more character development. I didn't care for any of the characters in this movie. I had no reasons to. Nonetheless it was good fun.

Un prophète

It's good but not great
I thought it was too long. Overall not bad for a French film. The slow pace bored me a bit. Nothing original here................................................................................

War of the Worlds

A movie with no 3rd act
This is a prime example that anyone can make a mistake even Steven Spielberg. This movie lacks a climax and has no 3rd act. The hero is simply saved by the bell and watches on. Leaves you feeling hollow.

Top Gun: Maverick

Extremely slow
This movie is basically about Tom cruise having fun. There is no real story. No character development. Forced unnecessary romance. Very little conflict for the hero. His mission movies are way better.

Le samouraï

Waste of time
Such a slow movie. Nothing really happens and there is no rhyme or reason to the plot. Alain Delon looks beautiful and gives an emotionless performance.


2 hours of foreplay and no climax
The movie is well written and beautifully shot and edited. It is very slow as most Iranian movies are but it really has no ending or no satisfactory ending and no climax and no resolution. It leaves you feeling empty feeling you wasted your time. It had the potential to be great.

The Matrix Resurrections

Wish I could give a negative rating
Just awful. Seems like a parody of matrix made by a film student first time directing. Pointless lousy dialogue. Why why why? Feels like it was shot on a handycam.

Don't Look Up

Just baaaaaddddddd
What in the name of Jesus was this ?

Bad is an understatement. They took the main plot from the movie Armageddon and make it purely boring and political. Don't even try.

Knight and Day

Pointless shoot outs
Even Tom cruise couldn't save this train wreck. Another great example that just cuz u have great actors and big explosions doesn't mean the movie will be great. Weak story equals failure.

House of Gucci

I'm a huge fan of Ridley Scott. He does one epic film followed by a small film. All his smaller films are usually forgettable. This film is mediocre on every level. From the cinematography to the acting. We would have all been alright if this movie was never made. It is entertaining but somehow it fails to land hard memorable punches.

Red Notice

Weak script
Just like most other "content" on Netflix this movie suffers from the same disease. A lot of glamour but no substance. The structure is awful. The dialogue is awful and the acting is mediocre. They say the spent a ton of money but the visual effects looked very cheap.the movie is a knock off of mission impossible and Indiana Jones.


Very mediocre
I miss those good ol shows where you'd watch one episode and you'd fall madly obsessed. I couldn't even get through episode one. I mean who writes these? Rule number one of screen writing is: make mr care for characters enough to follow them. Epic fail on creating character identification.


Expensive set pieces no story
What a waste of potential. What a weird structure. No story at all. Characters we don't care about. This is a great example that just because you have a big budget doesn't mean the movie is going to be great.

That background music please make it stop.

No Time to Die

Just awful
Original director dropped out since he wouldn't agree to this none sense script so they went and hired a new director so they can control him. The movies plot makes so sense. The villain is weak. Sorry this is the worst bond in the franchise.

Casino Royale

One of the best movies ever made
This isn't just a bond film. It's a great character study. A masterpiece in filmmaking and screenplay structure. A great origin story with superb cinematography and direction. I watch pieces of this film every week and quote lines from it randomly. Sadly they don't make movies like this anymore.

The Americans

Lots of foreplay not a lot of sex
Show has great characters. But it's too slow and has a lot of dialogue and little action.

Bad Education

Too many plot holes
Plot holes turned me off. They keep giving basement key to the kid who is snooping on expense reports. Had to stop watching half way. Also I don't get why they had to portray high jackmans sexuality.


This movie has a serious pacing problem
The movie is very slow. Suffers from poor dialogue and structural problems. I only watched it because Hugh Jackman was in it.

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy

The slow pace has ruined this
I don't care how many famous actors are in this movie, the slow pace of this film is painful to watch. They could've cut out 30 minutes of this and still tell the same story.

Mortal Kombat

There are some good moments
If you are a 10 year old boy you will enjoy this movie. I left the theatre unsatisfied. Too many characters with the same back story and too little time to develop them. Great visuals but we all know that's not as important as a great story. Even the sound track couldn't compete with the original.

Honest Thief

So many plot holes
The writing is so bad I'm surprised Liam neeson agreed to do this. Full of plot holes Gets better if u just Wanna watch the action

The Informer

I definitely enjoyed the cinematography. It builds up slowly and it survives because it has a great cast of actors.

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