
IMDb member since September 2004
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    19 years


The Ex-Mrs. Bradford

Ignore that other review, Powell and Arthur have GREAT chemistry!
I've seen the Thin Man series -- Powell and Loy are definitely great, but there is something awfully sweet about Powell and Arthur's chemistry in this flick. Jean Arthur SHINES when she looks at Powell. There is an unmistakable undercurrent buzzing between them. This film may not have the wit of the Thin Man series, but undeniably makes up for it in charm. While I watched it, I thought for sure Powell was carrying on an off-screen affair with Arthur. My friends thought the same. This is one film where I wish I could step back in time (to schmooze and lock lips with Powell!) There seems to be no end to his lovable playful smirks! Powell's character, Lawrence Bradford, is probably the closest thing to the "perfect man." Okay, this is sounding way too gushy, but I can't help myself.

The More the Merrier

I loved this film! I've got a huge crush on Joel McCrea.
I'm tickled pink every time I watch this film. Charles Coburn plays a meddling businessman who invades the apartment of a young woman during WWII's Washington D.C. housing crisis. The trio cast including Jean Arthur and Joel McCrea is stellar. This is a doting film that takes its time with details, yet is warmly effective. The chemistry between Arthur and McCrea is heart pounding (especially the side walk scene!) The magic shared between them permeates the screen. (There's something about McCrea that makes a girl want to fall into his lap.) Coburn's antics as the sly matchmaker are hilarious. "The More the Merrier" is cleverly written and humorously acted. For classic film lovers, this one's a gem.

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