
IMDb member since January 2013
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La linea verticale

Absolutely fantastic, touching and well acted - with a flavor of humor!!
It's hard to describe this show, and I think this will work more for those who know Italy and Italians. Italians make great movies and television, but they are not necessarily known for their (somewhat dark) humor - but this show has it all. I'm not sure how well it works if you have to rely on the subtitles only - I speak pretty good Italian, so I enjoyed seeing it in the original (even though I'm a bit out of touch and kinda did both). The acting was great - every single one of them did a great job portraying the character they were given.

We only watched this as it said it was going to leave soon on Mhz, otherwise I doubt that we would have been interested as it was described as a "comedy", which I really don't think does it justice!!

1000-lb Sisters

It's hard to rate this type of show
As others have said, it's totally trash TV (possibly exploitative, but I'm not convinced on that part). But it's also strangely addictive, and isn't that what makes good TV? It's definitely not Arthaus and I'm sure it has not aspirations to be. I don't agree that they are all simpletons - the other sisters and especially the brother seem alright to me, actually really nice and likeable, esp. The brother. So yeah, I will keep watching!

This Is Us

Engaging series that draws you in
I rarely write reviews, and I actually rarely watch American TV as I usually find it boring and unoriginal; when we first started watching this, I didn't love it and thought it was just the usual stuff, so lost interest. I recently got a free trial month of HULU and decided to give it another try - and lo and behold, I am now completely drawn in!! The most amazing thing about this show for me is the acting and the chemistry between the actors - they really did a stellar job casting this!! There really isn't any character that I dislike (if I had to pick my least favourite, I'd say it was probably Randall. And the whole Deja storyline, I thought that was a bit overdone). My favourite has to be Mandy Moore - that is one talented lady, and I especially love how soulful her facial expressions are!! My favourite storyline is her and Jack - those two are absolutely wonderful together and it is such a great and at the same time heartbreaking love story! And the way they interact with their children is just so wonderful - makes me wish I had had a childhood like that!! It's inspiring and a really good watch!!


Terrible, terrible, terrible!!!
I admittedly do not like action movies to begin with, but I somehow thought the cast sounded good. Boy was I ever wrong! I kinda realized after a few minutes that recording this was a big mistake. What utterly ridiculous garbage!! Not even the fact that it is set in my home country of Germany makes this bearable. Shame about all those nice cars!!!

Trial & Retribution

Giving it 9 out of 10 for the early seasons
I agree with pretty much everyone else that the later seasons aren't as good as the early ones and that the Roisin character is not an adequate replacement for North...not sure why they did that, I'm guessing the original actress wanted out for some reason? Otherwise it would have been madness to do this. But I want this to have a really good rating here on IMDb, because despite the flaws in the later seasons, it is still a million times better than anything American TV has to offer!! Gritty, realistic (for the most part), gripping and horrifying. Everything a good police drama should be, unlike it's US counterparts. So I'd highly recommend watching this!

The Governor

Well made prison show
It was a bit of a slow start for me, but as the series went on, I really got into it - well made in a non-American kind of way (i.e., realistic and not over the top). Characters one comes to know and sometimes like, sometimes despise and an impressive portrayal of the dreariness of prison life - and also getting the point across that quite a percentage of inmates probably suffer from mental illness. Not a fun show but worth watching!!

The Cobbler

Ignore the ridiculously low ratings!!
So....I almost NEVER watch movies; usually don't have the patience for them and don't find most of them enjoyable; stumbled upon this on Netflix, said to the hubby "this sounds weird enough to be good" and started watching. Had no idea all those big names were in it - Adam Sandler, Steve Buscemi, Dustin Hoffman...plus what I thought was a great cast of unknowns (well...unknown to me, that doesn't mean much!).

Anyway, I think it's a great movie, very different from most movies out there and a great performance by Adam Sandler...there's a great tear- jerkin scene with his mom and his dad but I can't say more because of spoilers, but I had me teary-eyed...

You got nothing to lose by watching it, so do it!

My Mad Fat Diary

Absolutely fabulous show!!
I hardly EVER take the time to write reviews, so the fact that I have decided to write one for this show speaks volumes!! Ironically, I almost DIDN'T watch it because the blurb sounded like it was a show directed more at teenagers / younger folks (I am 46). However, as soon as I started watching, I was completely hooked - the acting on this show is the best I have seen in a long time, possibly ever! Every single character on this show is utterly amazing and totally credible. I think my personal favourite is Rae's mother; I had seen that actress in other things before but never realized quite how outstanding she was!! And the MUSIC!!!! Oh my goodness, I'd watch this show for the music alone...lots of Radiohead, Oasis etc. My favourite kind of music and it reminds me of when I was younger... This show manages to be tragic, sad, funny, witty all at the same time - kind of like life itself, right?? Watch it!!!

Die Friseuse

This is NOT meant to be hilarious
I don't understand why some of the reviewers go on about this movie not being funny - this clearly goes to show that they don't get it as it is NOT meant to be funny!! People who don't understand German will not understand this movie as the subtitles do not do it justice at all - non German native speakers should therefore refrain from writing reviews! This is a very good movie about the human condition; it shows how drab and difficult life is, esp. when you live in East Berlin and don't look like Claudia Schiffer (which is most of us!) Of course, if you're into Hollywood movies, you will be disappointed. In that case, I recommend you don't watch this movie.

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