
IMDb member since January 2013
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Dead for a Dollar

Solid, old fashioned western
Great to see Walter Hill still has the touch. A well acted and solid western. Many harsh reviews here. I don't know what movie they were watching or expected. Obviously, a low budget film, but so what. Not overly stylistic, more of an old school western and thoroughly enjoyable.

Waltz always solid and a nice performance by Defoe. Supporting cast and Bratt very entertaining.

Hopefully, Hill will get another chance, but in today's Hollywood probably not gonna happen. As an old fashioned western fan and admirer of Hill's career, I recommend this film. Don't be deterred by the overly critical reviews you see here.

Ray Donovan: The Movie

Well done wrap up
Movie captured the heart of the series, as best you can in 100 minutes. Flashbacks used well and are obviously necessary as opposed to some opinions here. If you were a fan of this excellent series, you should be satisfied. Acting superb as always.

What Would Sophia Loren Do?

More than meets the eye
Well done story about an Italian mom. Some reviews here miss the point entirely. Nancy is way more interesting than Loren is. Otherwise why watch it. A real story of a real life. While Loren is a true star and has way more class and character than the fools that are stars today, Nancy's story really moved me. Well worth 30 minutes.

Hunters: Eilu v' Eilu
Episode 10, Season 1

Interesting story
Pacino does and excellent job. He doesn't go over the top as he can sometimes. A good supporting cast. The main reason for writing this is the big age discrepancy error I see about the main character if he is 19 and we are in 1977. His grandmother got freedom from the camp in 1945. She couldn't have had a child until 1946. So how could star have been born on 1958?

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