
IMDb member since January 2013
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The Nun

It had potential
Well, the beginning wasn't bad... And that's where it goes downhill. There was a comic relief character and he was so out of place that i considered this movie more of a comedy than a horror movie. This movie tried to tie it self to the conjuring movies, but it felt forced and totally unbelievable. Horror is felt more when it's realistic, but this movie felt really fake and fantastical. I would consider this more like an adventure fantasy comedy with a couple of jump scares. It had elements that could not be logically explained, it had plot holes and felt cheesy. Definitely not a horror movie for me. A decent comedy though...

The Evil Dead

Not great at all
First of all, i like older movies and i like discovering cult classics. I have heard a lot about this one and i was expecting something like watching Alien for the first time... And what did i get? A horrible piece of shite. Props were terrible, acting was awful, cinematography - just hilariously bad.

The only interesting thing here was the concept of the story and that's it. It looked more like a school project than a movie, much less a cult classic. definitely not worth the hype. It was full of continuity problems particularly in the props department. Acting was so campy and farcical it was just laughable and it's not because it was an 80's movie.

I almost regret watching it, it wasn't enjoyable at all... at least i know now that this movie was an over-hyped piece of crap. Maybe at the time of its making it was something new, but now, it's not worth your time, you're better off watching a nightmare on elm street.


I expected so much more
Well, after i saw the trailer i thought - what an original idea - it had so much potential. Firstly, i'll admit that the visual effects were great and the plot wasn't that of a disaster. But, i was frowning the entire movie because of disappointment. It would probably appear somewhat stupid even to small children.

If i had to describe it in one sentence, it would be: It was the most stupid, obnoxious, full of plot holes and more than full of clichés movie. The entertainment value is to the minimum, there are some comedic points, but i have never seen such an atrocity that even dares to call itself a movie.

In conclusion, would i recommend watching it? Probably not, though it would be somewhat entertaining to small kids or total morons.


Well, i had very high expectations for this film after watching the trailer... but, it wasn't quite so. It actually was a good movie, but not what i expected. It could have been an epic, like La Mome or Ray, but it just missed that opportunity.

The story is somewhat incoherent, maybe it's the script, or just bad editing. There were some scenes that are short and take place in different times, so it becomes hard to follow and understand the story and the importance of those scenes. It's a little bit confusing at times and because of that the film loses flow. That is basically the one major flaw in this movie.

Apart from that, the actors did a great job, i've never seen Queen Latifah like this, she was wonderful. The music was great of course. The costumes, the set - beautiful.

In conclusion, i wouldn't call this a masterpiece, but it's not bad, i would recommend watching it on a Friday night with your loved one maybe. The plot is interesting, the music is wonderful, it sets that 20's mood and you'll have a great time for sure.


Just another version of Cinderella
Well, what can i say... it wasn't bad, but with that rating i was expecting something epic as always from Disney, but what i got was just an elaborate retelling of the same story. I'm not saying that Cinderella fairy tail is bad, but this movie was a bit shallow in my opinion, i would find boring even for children. It had it's moments at times, but all in all just over the top costumes and almost exactly the same story. I was expecting something like Tagnled - a very nice version of Rapunzel or something like that... Almost nothing was satisfying about that movie, totally average, as so many Cinderella movies.


I know that this movie is sort of like a cult movie, so i watched it…. BIG mistake. If you are a movie lover and enjoy actually good and meaningful films, i do not recommend this for you.

There's not much to say about this movie, it had it's moments, very few of them. And all of the other content was utterly awful, 2 hours of it. Unrealistic, over the top, pretentious piece of crap…

All you're gonna see here is boobs, ass, well basically something between striptease and pornography. Practically no logic plot and boring or stupid characters (stupid - not in a intentionally good way). So, if you are curious, just want to pass the time or laugh at it, go ahead. Otherwise, don't bother...


Not a masterpiece, but still a good watch
OK, probably the main audience here is Lithuanian people or some other eastern European people. And this movie is just for that audience, maybe some British people would like it too. It's not for everyone, because half of the jokes there are for Lithuanian audiences. But any other person would probably enjoy it just as much.

First of all, i think it is just a bit over-hyped. I mean it's a good action movie and full of dark humor(it's hilarious actually), but there is no deep meaning or anything like that, you won't even find a moral to the story (maybe the "don't steal" one). And it is definitely not worth the rating of 9.7 or whatever it is now.

Well it is basically about a group of small time thieves who rob the wrong people and try to run away to Malaysia, but due to a volcano eruption, their flight has been REDIRECTED to Lithuania's Vilnius airport and then those "wrong" people try to track them down. Then the fun begins and all the myths about Lithuania are brought to life in this movie. Oh, and spoiler alert, in my opinion there was no proper ending in this movie or they are planning on a sequel. But for a simple, easy movie this would be perfect to watch with friends and a couple of beers.

The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones

Not awful, but not good either
Well, what can i say... They obviously wanted an awesome movie and clearly overdid it.

It looks pretty, good effects and good looking actors etc... But the plot... OMG I don't even know where to start. The beginning was rather interesting, it made want to watch it, but nearing the end it got bad... It was somewhat predictable, at some points clichéd. I mean the plot wasn't bad, but it was made to look stupid and at times i wasn't following what was happening. There were some major plot holes and a lot of unnecessary parts.

If you want to just watch something cool, i would recommend seeing it, but if you want to watch a good movie, this isn't it.

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