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Law & Order: Organized Crime: The Last Supper
Episode 4, Season 4

Dumbest episode yet
The team is going to protect a family from a violent drug cartel; doesn't bring semi-auto rifles or extra ammunition, Stabler gets there faster from his home than the patrol cops or SWAT/ESU, no one appears to be wearing body armor including FBI agents outside, standard equipment for a protection detail or anytime cops expect incoming fire.

Not to mention the fact these highly important witnesses against a violent drug cartel would be protected by a specialized tactical team, i.e. ESU, FBI HRT, not by detectives. When the kid's gun went off the muzzle angle was nowhere near Sgt. Bell for her to be struck.

Not to the usual L&O meticulous standards.

The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch

Every episode is funnier than the last.
Every episode is funnier than the last, somehow the "team" always comes up with some dump "experiment" to fill the time in between the stupid facial expressions from the "cast," and I do mean cast, members.

I fully expect the crew from The Curse of Oak Island to make a guest appearance and dig for treasure, I mean, you gotta fill an hour, right? To be followed by the wacky, zanny antics of Bobbo and the crew from (NOT) Finding Bigfoot. Why not, at least it would make the show funnier because serious it sure isn't. "Dragon"? Really?

So tired of the "mysterious Mesa" references. You wanna know? Hire a construction crew to build an apartment complex on top of the Mesa and they'll have it excavated and a complex built in 90 days, end of show.

Last night's episode (8/1/23) had me in stitches at the end. When Fugal dropped the "cone of silence" on the room I was rolling on the floor. Too funny...


What a mess
The most awful "movie" I watched since...ever. So much potential and a good beginning but there is no actual theme to the plot and no conclusion. Don't suffer through this expecting a sensible connection of all the multiple loose ends, you will be highly disappointed.

A good beginning with a hint of meeting some sort of alien intelligence off the Florida Coast by a loopy team of "scientists" who sound like frat kids. The greatest potential discovery of human history and these are the best people the government could get? The whole pig in an underwater cage followed by the girl in the underwater cage made zero sense.

Skip it.

Hope Street: Episode #1.10
Episode 10, Season 1

No Amara Karan !!!!
Amara Karan was the best reason to watch this show. She is very easy on the eyes and her portrayal of the savvy detective Layla was key to the show. The budding romance between Inspector O'Hare and Layla added just the right spice to the show.

She was a heck of a lot more interesting than the daffy goofballs that make up the cast. I was flummoxed to realize she was kicked off for the second season. I surely did not tune in to Hope Street for the silly, ad nauseam drone shots of the light house or seagulls. One more shot of the light house and I will get sick.

You lost me. BRING BACK AMARA, please!

Fire Country

Too much melodrama
Hollywood writers seem to follow the same path. They begin a good show with lots of interesting action, but always veer off into fluff and silly dram to fill up time. A good story line with an original and little covered subject, wildland firefighting. A huge untapped potential, but ruined by the high school level melodramatic dialogue.

Viewers tune in for the fire action, not the silly high school drama. Stick to the fires. Do that and it'll run 12 seasons easy.

Keep dragging the show down with silly drama and soap opera dialog and one season tops. Writers please stick to the format that began with episode one.


getting worse
The original premise was a good story with lots of potential. Season one had a good story, a slightly different take on the original. However, the former Marine sniper was turned into Jason Bourne; master of spycraft,hand-to-hand combat, national security, terrorism, international drug cartels, with a new Bond type archenemy in every season. Predictable.


Disjointed nonsensical hodgepodge of film school ideas
Feels like a film assembled by a committee of film school dropouts after a night of drinking. Don't expect any semblance of a coherent film. Don't fall for all the artsy schmartsy reviews by the film school wannabees. This movie is nothing of the kind, just someone's weekend project.

UFO Witness: Close Encounters
Episode 4, Season 1

Not much of an investigator
Ben, the ex-FBI man spends hours working on locating the farm in the famous Hopkinsville little alien attack case, locates the possible site of the alleged crash, runs the metal detector haphazardly over the ground but makes no effort to thoroughly examine the site.

If that wasn't bad enough, he runs a metal detector over a tree (allegedly looking for bullets or slugs from the multitude of gunshots the family men fired at the aliens) and gets a strong audible "hit" on a tree and walks away. WTF? No effort to dig out the slug?

"Its getting dark so we got to leave"??? Double WTF? He has managed to locate potential evidence that may validate the famous Hopskinville Alien attack and "we r gonna leave 'cause it's getting dark"? No though of returning next morning????

This is a joke.

I hope Ben was a better FBI agent than UFO/UAP investigator.


Rachel is annoying
After the first 10 minutes of the annoying Rachel I was on Ray's side! Sorry. Her constant whining and failures as a human being did not endear her to me.

PS- Apparently there is no police or 911 in this city...

Ancient Aliens: Countdown to Disclosure
Episode 21, Season 14

Who is Luis Elizondo?
So sick and tired of the Ancient Aliens misinformation; you'd think AA works for the US Government as a disinformation agent.

"To the Stars Academy", notwithstanding its misleading name, is a video production company and has nothing to do with UAP/UFO research.

I have exhausted my research on "Luis Elizondo" and can't find his resume anywhere. Who is "Luis Elizondo"??? Was he ever a military officer? DOD doesn't assign enlisted men to head the program in the most significant event in human history. Are we expected to believe no generals, colonels, or Phd. Scientists were available???? You can't swing a dead cat at the Pentagon w/o hitting a colonel or a general. I worked there, I know.

This lack of info on the Head of ATIP is very disturbing. I smell disinformation. Until Elizondo publicly addresses just exactly what in his background qualified him to head ATIP, I place Elizondo in the Bob Lazar category.

Inside Man: Most Wanted

A cheap Will Smith
Aml Ameen cheap imitation of Will Smith got old after about the first 5 minutes. Someone please tell him if he want to make it in the movie business he needs to develop his own style.

Don't Look Up

It ain't Armaggedon
A total flop, not even a good comedy. Most parts are played as a joke, except none are funny. Do not waste your time on this and do not be fool by the name actors.

Midnight in the Switchgrass

Low budget piece.
When, from the beginning, they don't bother with basic production values, wrong and incomplete uniforms, wrong department's jurisdiction, wrong everything, you know the rest will be subpar. I don't think Willis appeared for 10 minutes total screen time. Don't waste your time...

La Brea

Fun escapism
Not bound for the greatest SciFi hall of fame but an entertaining concept. I would like to know where is this filmed. I've never seen the USAF uniform mangled so horribly. The female captain is wearing a set of wacky wings I've never seen in any service branch. Her ribbons look like a box of crayons exploded on her chest. Not one recognizable military ribbon on it.

The Little Things

Rami Malek
A good actor but sorry, he just can't pull off the jaded detective role. Not tough looking enough; looks like a Blockbuster video clerk. I had to keep reminding myself he was playing an LASO detective.

Lancaster Skies

Oonly gave it one star because there's no lower ranking
A movie about WWII Lancaster bombers w/o any flying. A total waste of time . Should have been called, "There's no flying in this movie."

The Blacklist: The Mombasa Cartel (No. 114)
Episode 6, Season 2

Brain trauma?
Ressler and Keen must be the dumbest agents in the history of the FBI. The fact they are continually turning their backs to shady characters and get hit on the head a lot must be the reason for their stupidity.


They sure nailed the Louis Freeh FBI mindset. All about the glory and bullying other LE agencies...

The Call of the Wild

A CGI dog, really?
Using CGI for the main character is an insult to the viewers. We watch these films for the animals, real animals, not computer generated caricatures. Imagine Old Yeller w/o old yeller. If they had to CGI a character, Harrison Ford would have been better; we can't tell the difference.


Not bad
The action is good and not bad for a cheap evening pop corn movie. Someone forgot to tell the graphics designer it was NOT an outer space movie. The Stealth design of the fighters would fly in the atmosphere as well as a suitcase. Aerodynamics is the name of the game.

The Mandalorian: Chapter 12: The Siege
Episode 4, Season 2

Gina and baby Yoda
Two reasons to watch. Baby Yoda is super cute and funny. Even though Gina is getting chunky she is still an eyeful.

Mission: Impossible - Fallout

No way Cruise flew the helo
There has been a lot of hooha about how Cruise does all his own stunts, including flying the chopper. No way. He may have been taught to hover and done a few cyclic movements to get a few shots, but it takes a skilled pilot to fly the maneuvers on the film. Otherwise, it is a most excellent flick.

Trial by Fire

Good movie, but don't confuse fake reality with life
He was convicted on the evidence. All the "innocent man" tears and hogwash will not change that fact. Get a grip. This was arson and murder. Even his wife believes he did it. The movie was entertaining, though.

Whale Wars: Dead in the Water
Episode 3, Season 5

Phony emergency
Who will rescue us? Well how about the boat filming alongside? Just a crazy thought...

The Right Stuff

Stick to the movie
I thought I was going to watch the Right Stuff, you know planes and rockets, but NO Hollywood had to turn it into the Real Housewives of Cape Canaveral. Cheating and menopause. Don't waste your time. just pop the movie in the 'ol DVD player, you'll be happier.

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