
IMDb member since February 2013
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Red Dog: True Blue

Good story set in Outback Australia with a Handsome Dog
The original Red Dog is a 9/10 film for me, an iconic movie so any further films have a tough act to follow but I think True Blue does well. It's a different take on it, an original story that explores the origins and whilst its not a classic like Red Dog, it's a good film in its own right. I liked all the characters, I liked that its somewhat simple and I just like the story. You can't have enough Outback Australia and Red Dog. I definitely recommend it as good entertainment.


Was very excited about seeing this film when it came out, I mean, it's Ridley Scott right? Bladerunner, Alien, Gladiator...the list goes on. I fully knew this was not directly related to the Alien series and was opened minded and ready for a real cinematic treat.

To say I was disappointed is the understatement of the year....other than impressive visuals, the rest of the film was just total toilet.

Confused, senseless plot tied with a crew of idiots, I was actually embarrassed by the film and left the cinema numb.

There are so many terrific sci-fi films out there - Moon, 2001, Bladerunner, Alien, etc - you just don't need to see this rubbish.

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