
IMDb member since February 2013
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Meg 2: The Trench

Check brain at door and enjoy the laughs
I enjoyed it more than I expected to. It obviously isn't made to be oscar contention so just sit back and enjoy the ride.

There isn't many Jason Statham movies I haven't liked but what I did like about this one is it didn't take itself too seriously. I mean com on if you watched the first one you know what to expect.

The CGI is over the top and worth a laugh for that reason alone. I don't understand the negativity. It is what it is and if you expect anything else more fool you.

My husband & I didn't expect to even last through it but we did suprisingly. Action a plenty, belief suspension a plenty but still worth a look even if it is to shake your head and say "what is hollywood thinking".

The only thing I must say is the giant octopus was really not necessary.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny

Don't listen to the negativity.
I was a little nervous about seeing this final Indi movie. I liked it and came away thinking it was exactly what it should have been. Yes it wasn't perfect but when you compare it to "the flash" trash (except for Michael Keaton) and yes I shouldn't compare but really that was a horrid movie.

Anyway I digress. This movie was fun, a little sad and didn't take itself too seriously. My biggest complaint (not against the actress at all as she was good in it) would be that for the 1960s I cannot for the life of me see a black woman in such a position in the CIA.

Harrison Ford looks good for an 83 year old & I hope to have half that energy when I'm that age (assuming I make it to 83).

The Diplomat

Twisty, witty, with a humdinger cliffhanger!
Wasn't sure what I expected but I binged it. Witty, well written & intelligent with a dash of humour.

As is typical if the political arena everyone has their own agenda both male and female. The Ambassador is a pawn but an unaware one to a degree of just how much she is being manipulated and by who. So much happens and the cast is brilliant. Rufus Sewell & Keri Russel work well together who's characters have a very complicated marriage.

She is thrown on the proverbial fire and handles it more than well. I love that fact that she is intelligent can hold her own and yet still be vulnerable without it being shown as a weakness to her character like so many other shows with leading female roles. She doesn't need a man to save her. She knows where she stands and doesn't always like it but can push just as hard.

Her husband is a political animal and plays by his own rules much to her dismay, anger & frustration.

It has one heck of a cliffhanger and I was OMG I did not see that coming. Cannot wait for 2nd season now.

Quantum Leap

Room for improvement but not awful.
Does it have the chemistry of the original actors, No but it is only 1st ep in. Room for improvement.

If you look at Caitlin (addison) acting history she is an ex soldier. Very robotic but she may get better as she gets more comfortable in the role. I miss Dean stockwell sense of comedy. I like Ben so far.

The series has room to grow so time will tell. Just please don't let it become too woke. We are moving around in history don't alter how people behaved to suit what we know now.

The original series had a lot of charm and heart. I hope to see more of that.

I'll keep watching for now.

Side note: Bring back time travellers wife. That series was so much better than movie & had it all.

The Time Traveler's Wife

Another one bites the dust. WHY!
As I write this I realise how annoyed and frustrated I am at networks. So much reality (cheaply produced crap) out there. Was this given enough p.r? Did the network not promote it enough. Why only one season so much more could be explored in Clare & Henry's relationships.

I really enjoyed this so much more than the movie. The acting is amazing to be able to play a character at various ages and stages of their lives is a skill.

Was really looking forward to another season but NOOO the powers that be like blood and gore and more swearing.

Inventing Anna

starts well but by ep 3 found annoying.
As I suggest above this starts well. Intriguing as to how she did it but that voice I found so annoying and how dumb the writer came across. I mean there was no questions about the so called father ever showing up. No looking at her history. Even the super rich never questioned her about her father ie where was he, pictures etc.

The writer and the lawyer was seemingly sympathetic to Anna but why? I mean the woman obviously knew how to play everyone and very manipulative. How could a lawyer and a journalist not see this.

Anna never answers questions about herself just throws it back on the other person.

I gave up after ep 3 just couldn't watch it all out.


For the soap lovers not crime show followers.
Do not understand the high ratings. I gave it a generous 6 and that was just based on season 1. Season 2 I have tried to watch but gave up the soap is driving me nuts.

Can Jared get through a scene without an um or er or a stutter in the conversation. Not coming across as a competent lawman. The other cast members better actors and carry the show more.

I only vaguely remember the original series but I wonder what Chuck thinks of this version. The writers need to pick up their game and stop the soap side.

Zoey's Extraordinary Christmas

I want more!
Was so excited to see this was coming on Stan & wasn't disappointed (apart from knowing there may be no more). All the gang were there and I had tears & smiles and it was just so nice. The dynamics between the characters are still good. Cast are so talented.

I love that this is such a different series that explores relationships and loss with humour and tugs on the heart strings.

Not a Dr, Fireman or a nude scene in sight for a change.

Bring us more!

Virgin River

Was once great
Really enjoyed 1st couple seasons. Now becoming way to melodramatic. Too heavy & depressing. The whole business with Charmaine is just painful to watch now.

I could go on but if it doesn't lighten up a little I won't continue to watch.

I know everyone has drama in life but this is just everyone in Virgin river has a heavy issue to deal with. So please dial it down.


Fast, OTT fun & Helen Mirren!
It is exactly what I expected with a few more laughs & emotional story lines. The cast have an easy flow amongst them and you can tell they know each other well hence it just works.

You get what you pay for don't expect an academy award movie but if you love cars, OTT action & a few laughs you'll enjoy this. So many cool cars & Vin is in his element I think. I love the fact he doesn't make it all about him. No ego there I suspect unlike other actors that have to be in every scene.

Helen Mirren is so right in this role. Love her & her unforgiving way of not being cast in "old" roles. She has sass & looks amazing.

Stick around for the scene after the first credits.

My only thing is (yes I know it is expected but) all those nice cars getting wrecked.

June Again

Go & see it!
I agree with a review written about the title needing a rethink. It is a brilliant Australian production with excellent cast and script. Apparently it was filmed in 3 weeks! Shows the dedication and professionalism of the australian production team, cast etc.

The story itself is well written & has a unexpected moments that make it even more poignant and meaningful. It is a story about family, life, mistakes made & misunderstandings.

Having had a grandmother pass away from Alzheimer's it is so relatable. Insidious disease that is so hard on the family.

Noni Hazlehurst shines as June and her wit is as always worth a chuckle.

Please go see it take a tissue but tell your friends to go tell everyone to go.

Hudson & Rex

Against the norm of trash, gore & swearing Thank God!
There is so much trash on TV but this is so easy to watch. Not always easy to pick the culprit & I think it is getting better. I love the relationship "Rex" has with the actors and he seems to understand every word.

We need more shows like this without the swearing & gore too. Hope it continues. The scenery is an added bonus.

Operation Buffalo

Brilliant Aussie dramedy. Watch it!
Tongue firmly planted in cheek humour but does not take away from the seriousness of the topic of Maralinga. Acting is top notch as is the writing.

Only 6 episodes of a time in our history that should be heard of more.

I don't understand the low ratings. People either don't have a sense of humour or don't like a serious topic been shown in this way.

Just loved it.

Firefly Lane

Bring on Season 2. Katherine Heigl is back!
Believable, sweet, funny, sad, I could go on. The cris crossing of the years was done well. The music of the 70s & 80s I love but Oh God the fashion was atrocious.

I loved the way they connected things. Never read book but want to now although hope it doesn't spoil the series for me.

Kate gets herself in some hilarious situations. Tully is a mess and with a childhood like she had any wonder.

So much misunderstandings and funny how we all have the same life experiences in families but remember them differently. From perceived slights to judging someone for what we perceive as not caring.

Can't wait for season 2. The cast is brilliant and the 2 actors who play the young Tully & Kate are excellent in their roles.


Not for everyone. More depressing than fun
I get it the world has changed but during the year of the COVID we all need a bit of lightness in our lives and this isn't it. I get the message it is trying to say Santa is giving out more coal we are raising more spoilt entitled brats. But this was depressing & violent.

I liked the ending and it was certainly different but would I watch it again and put it on the must watch every year list? No

It did have it's moments wasn't all bad but it missed the mark for me & my family felt the same.


Not meant for the oscars. Just good fun
It's a family movie not meant for the oscars so don't expect it to be. Go and enjoy the ride and come out with a smile on your face.

Really enjoyed this so much more than I expected to. Yes Roberts' accent was a tad annoying but the movie was such fun and we all need a bit of that in our lives. The visuals were good and the gags had me really laughing. Wasn't stupid comedy i thought.

Frankie Drake Mysteries

light and fun needs time to find its feet.
Miss Fishers' murder mysteries is a favourite of mine so I wanted to check this out too. A little disappointed. Costumes and set design are fine but the lead actress plays it with very little emotion and delivers her lines like she's not emotionally connected to the role. It is early days and that sometimes it takes a while for a an actor to know her character and I hope this happens.

It does have potential and the supporting cast are quite fun. Not being familiar totally with the era I'm not sure of the historical accuracy but I can put that aside if it gets a little more gritty while still having a bit of fun.

I do enjoy the banter between the characters so will keep watching.

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