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Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

Funny movie, but the first one was better
Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle was a minor hit in 2004 when it was originally released in theaters. However, when it was released on DVD, the movie more or less exploded. It was a big enough hit to warrant a sequel.

Four years later, Harold & Kumar are back in another journey. The first Harold & Kumar movie was better, although this is a good film as well. There are still plenty of laughs to be had. Neil Patrick Harris returns as himself. Many people viewed him as the highlight of the original. He was very funny in this one, and is also very funny the second time around. The whorehouse scene is hilarious.


Unfairly criticized action/thriller
The movie is not the best of 2007, but it is a lot better than some people are giving it credit for. If you go in with the right expectations, you should find this film enjoyable.

While there is not as much action as some people might expect, and Jet Li and Jason Statham don't share a lot of screen time, the movie is overall a good one.

What action is contained here is overall exciting and energetic, and does manage to "deliver the goods". Worth a look if you're in the mood for this type of film.


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When it comes to action, it doesn't get any better than this
Hard Boiled is not just a movie. It is an experience.

This 1992 Hong Kong action movie just might be the best action movie of the 90s.

The story is typical action movie fare. It is about a tough as nails cop and his partner taking down a group of mobsters. But what makes this movie are the action sequences. The action sequences in Hard Boiled are perhaps the most intense action scenes you will find in any movie. The highlight of the movie would have to be the teahouse shooting at the start of the film.

Every action movie fan, even a casual one, should own this movie. It is a masterpiece of action.

Die Hard

There's a reason this is one of the most popular action films of all time
The reason why this is one of the most popular action movies of all time is because it is one of the best. Not only that, but the movie has cross-over appeal. The movie makes most action lovers top films lists, and even many people who aren't big action movie fans like it.

The acting is top notch for the genre. Bruce Willis plays the part of badass cop John McClane perfectly. Although there are literally millions of gunshots in this movie, Willis is forced to use his brain just as much as, if not more, than he uses his gun here. The terrorists are played very well, too, led by Alan Rickman, who was perfect for the part of Hans Gruber.

All of the action scenes are well handled. There are moments of drama and humor in the film as well, and they are placed perfectly. All the parts fall into place very well.

If you haven't seen this movie, I recommend you see it as soon as possible. It is easily one of the best action movies of all time.

Rapid Fire

This underrated martial arts vehicle stars Brandon Lee as Jake Lo, a college student who becomes the targets of drug lords after being a witness to a murder.

The action scenes are very well handled. The highlight of the movie would have to be the warehouse scene about 20 minutes or so into the movie. However, some of the other fight scenes are also very entertaining to watch.

Brandon Lee gives a pretty good performance in this movie, better than most martial arts movies made in this era. Overall, this movie is worth your time, and unfairly overlooked.


One of my favorite comedies
This movie is absolutely hilarious. Of course, critics are not the target audience of this movie. It will never, ever, ever win an Oscar, but that's OK. This movie isn't meant for that.

The movie pokes fun at various stereotypes that North Americans have of Europe. The movie is kind of a parody of how "we view them", although it's not a spoof of any movie in particular.

There are plenty of hilarious scenes, although I don't want to spoil any of them. Also, Michelle Trachtenberg is really hot in this movie.

Don't watch this, however, if you are easily offended. But if you aren't easily offended, watch this movie.

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