
IMDb member since February 2013
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Remember ET??? Well....
This isn't like it at all!! Let me first say the story had potential, it was basically like an ET film, it had a few humorous moments (like when the old man kept trying to report it), but for me this movie was a letdown. I went to see it, hoping to get an ET like movie, but felt disappointed. It was poor, I'm surprised the automatic machine I bought my movie ticket didn't say, "are you sure you want to see this film!!??"

Here's why it's bad, for one it's not for kids (though the alien creature is cute) because they say a few choice curse words, but the biggest issues I have is the alien itself. The actor who played the alien had the easiest pay day ever. He didn't say ONE WORD!!! The alien literally had no lines!!! That to me was where is was bad, you literally had to guess what the alien felt since he didn't say a word. It wasn't the worse movie, but it wasn't good. Solid D.

The Little Mermaid

Oh here it goes again....
Disney, why do y'all keep remaking these?? It's hard to impossible to pass the original. Like all the other remakes, there's good and bad. The good, well the acting wasn't dreadful and the music was fine and at least they had a few talented singers. Melissa is perfect for Ursula.

Now the issues, like the other remakes it's obviously not much different from the original, so why spend money to see the movie you have already seen?? It had a few good additions, but it was otherwise a shot for shot remake. It was also a bit too long especially for a kids movie. You know a kids movie isn't going to be that good when the kid that goes wants to leave before the ending. So yeah, middle ground movie.

Hocus Pocus 2

Hocus Pocus 2 time....
Well let's just say it wasn't the best. To me the ending was very predictable (saw it coming from 100 miles away). The story wasn't bad, just not great. There were good or great things. Firstly, the sisters were great (unsurprising); the story with their enemy wasn't bad; good musicals; decent comedy. The issues, didn't love the teen actors especially the best friend and the boyfriend of the mayor's daughter who isn't acting well. The mayor was overacting (he was better as the pastor at the start) the magic guy was ok, he was a bit cowardly which I liked, though his sorry made NO sense, but his ending sucked. Overall I give this an eh or an average grade.

The Pest

Not a bad lead actor but.....
This movie is complete garbage!! The Pest makes North look good because hey, at least North is a kids movie, so they at least could be entertained. The Pest isn't for kids and it's so cheesy it'll make some mature teens roll their eyes and only immature teens will like it. Adults likely will think this is the dumbest thing ever made and they could be right. It's offensive, and while John can act, the script really sucks.

Mean Girls

It wasn't bad, but....
I wasn't a fan of the realism here....sure I see some of the stuff that could happen yes, but a lot of this movie just came off as a poor comedy version of a movie about bullies. The girls (while Beautiful) came off as a bit fake even for a movie. Some things I can see girls doing (like having a burn book). However it's hard to picture a popular clique letting a dumb blonde in the group. So since it has good moments. 5 stars.

Odd Girl Out

A very good movie that has some realism
This movie is basically about girls bullying one girl. It starts off with 3 friends, 2 of them being best friends while the other is more like the 3rd wheel type and is clearly jealous, so to move up the friend ranking, she decides to set up the kind hearted best friend, then replace the best friend with a "wannabe" friend. The plan involves a guy, so naturally it works. They bully her so much.

This story pretty much paints a picture of how some girl cliques act and how they hurt the girl being bullied. The only thing I questioned with being real was a guy actually getting involved in calling the girl names, but the girls were spot on. One was clear cut mean, the other a wannabe, while the queen bee was such a fake. Good movie to show and teach kids on bullying.

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

Great start!!!!
A great start to the Harry Potter series, acting is spot on, the story doesn't differ much from the books and the story and effects are amazing. Easy A for me.

WCW Bash at the Beach

Just bad
1) WCW World Cruiserweight Title Match Lt. Loco (w/Corporal Cajun, General Rection, Major Gunns & Major Stash) (c) defeats Juventud Guerrera (w/Disco Inferno, Konnan, Rey Mysterio Jr. & Tygress): just a garbage match, it had potential, but pointless run ins destroyed it. 2 stars thanks to run ins

2) WCW Hardcore Title Match Big Vito (c) defeats Norman Smiley and Ralphus It was good for some comedy, but that was it. It's not a classic match. 3 stars for comedy only

3) Wedding Gown Match Daffney defeats Miss Hancock (w/David Flair): Awful, awful, awful!!! The only good thing is seeing Hancock strip, but if you watch wrestling for wrestling, this was awful. 0 stars!!!

4) WCW World Tag Team Title Match KroniK (Brian Adams & Bryan Clarke) defeat The Perfect Event (Chuck Palumbo & Shawn Stasiak); The match wasn't good, but the title change at least helped it, still Kronik comes off as a fake APA, Perfect Event is too green..,2 stars

5)Singles Match Positively Kanyon defeats Booker T: Match ending made NO sense at the time!! Why is Jarrett in this?? Why is DDK winning this? He's a comedy character. Good match, bad ending hurt, 3 stars

6) WCW United States Heavyweight Title Match Mike Awesome defeats Scott Steiner (w/Midajah) (c) by DQ Match ending made Scott Steiner looked like a moron, but at least the belt is off Steiner who needed to be in the main event picture at that time instead of having the US title. After this the belt goes to the best US Champion in 2000; 3 stars

7) Graveyard Match Vampiro defeats The Demon (w/Asya) This is pathetic and not even a match!!! It was complete garbage. 0 stars

8) Singles Match The Franchise defeats Buff Bagwell A very eh match and an odd run in that was confusing. 2 stars because of that

9) WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Hulk Hogan defeats Jeff Jarrett (c) Not a match, just a dumb segment. It leads to a promo from Hogan and Russo. No one knows to this day the true story since it seems all parties involved either forgot what happened or lied...not ranking this one

10 Singles Match Goldberg defeats Kevin Nash (for Scott Hall's contract): Another match with a run in, Russo seems to love run ins doesn't he?? The match is between Nash and Goldberg so of course it's not a great in ring wrestling match...2 stars

WCW World Heavyweight Title Match Booker T defeats Jeff Jarrett (c) TITLE CHANGE !!! Match wise this is a great 4 star match, my issue with it is how it was written. Why is Booker T number one contender now?? How did that happen?? He just lost earlier to comedy character Kanyon who's mocking DDP. So story wise this makes NO sense, but Booker T deserved the belt at the time so great...4 stars for the match, 1 star for 3 stars.

Overall, this show was bad and clearly written by a guy who isn't much of a great monthly storyteller considering how Booker became champion basically overnight instead of pushing him to the title over the month. Put it like this in todays terms. It would be like WWE having Roman go into the PPV laying down for Cena then keeping the belt and losing to Riddle later that night. Sure he would be a good wwe champion, but it's best to book them over a month and not hot shot it. That's what WCW did here. So hot of 10, I give it a 3.

Law & Order: Legacy
Episode 7, Season 21

Good episode except..,
The part when McCoy acts like it's a surprise when Price wanted to charge the dad. If this was the first time a case like this happened then I'd agree with him asking "is there a precedent for this?" But because McCoy essentially did the EXACT SAME THING in Loco Parentis!!! So really this episode reminds me so much of it only now McCoy is the DA.


It wasn't great, but it wasn't bad either
This Scream wasn't a bad movie, but it also wasn't the best. First the good, the acting was well done. I liked the main character and her backstory, it made the movie most interesting. I also liked having teens who were related to former characters in this as it made it a bit nostalgic and the place where the ending happened felt that way too. The gore was also amazing too, especially the deaths of the killers

My big issue was the same issue I had with Scream 4. I like the killers in Scream to have great motives, The first 3 did that. The last 2 did not and that really hurt the movie in my opinion and it's why the movie is good, not great.

The Batman

LONG!! Solving a Riddler Mystery?? But great
This movie is a very long movie, but the movie is so good and so intense that you don't want to get up to go to the bathroom as you would've in Batman and Robin. The mystery of who is The Riddler keeps you wanting to watch and see if you can spot him. At the end when he's revealed you're like, "i remember him!!" It was worth seeing this movie, Batman was played perfectly, Alfred was good, Riddler was amazing. I wasn't as big on Penguin, but he wasn't bad. Just felt like a supporting character and this time they got Catwoman right.

Clifford the Big Red Dog

Best of what I've seen with characters from books/games
I've seen some pretty bad movies from books, Cat in the Hat is one of them and that was pathetic and all the characters stunk except Fanning. In Sonic, Sonic's annoying floss made me want to end it and Jim Carey saved that movie from failing.

Well Clifford is different from those movies. Clifford had a sense of cuteness to him despite being a fake dog....the child actress who played Emily-Elizabeth was both adorable and made you feel sorry for her. The bully downside was the bully was very lame and the main villain did overact a bit, but Emily and Clifford had a very "Air Bud" type of relationship. You felt she really loved him and that made the movie really good for me.

Space Jam: A New Legacy

The acting??? The story?? The rapping??
Wow was this bad.... Porky Pig and rapping shouldn't happen, it was brutal, like why have that in?? Reminds me of all the bad raps I've heard.

The story wasn't good either, it made me like LeBron less because his character wasn't a very good father, he reminded me of a pushy dad.

But wow was the acting bad except for the villain. The humor of the movie comes from listening to LeBron trying to act, he shows no emotion, it's like watching a robot. Michael Jordan can sleep better knowing he's better than LeBron at not just basketball.

Doug: Doug's Halloween Adventure
Episode 4, Season 4

Usually Doug has some odd episodes and Doug comes off as a geek or a nerd. His first episode for example made him look so dumb, but here he shows amazing character.

He does the right thing even when he's helping a guy who's a clear bully. The episode made Doug look both brave and selfless such as standing up to a creepy looking man.

Hey Arnold!: Arnold's Halloween
Episode 7, Season 2

Very entertaining
A good entertaining Halloween episode, Doug's was better and Hey Arnold got my best review with Christmas. This wasn't bad either, mainly because Arnold had a nice prank and even had a funny line from grandpa when he said, "Halloween is a serious day and it's not for kids" hahaha, good line grandpa. The story and one line made it fun.

Hey Arnold!: Arnold's Christmas
Episode 11, Season 1

The best Christmas cartoon ever
There's many good Christmas episodes in cartoons and many good Christmas cartoons. Charlie Brown was a great message to know what Christmas is about, Frosty is a fun kids classic, same with Rudolph. Doug and Rugrats did decent Christmas episodes, but Hey Arnold was the best.

It was a real tearjerker of an Episode, Mr. Hyhnn gives up his daughter (to live in America) to have a better life during the Vietnam War. He later comes there, but doesn't know where she is. Arnold (to make that man's Christmas the best) decides to locate his daughter.

This episode makes not only Arnold and Mr. Hyhnn strong characters, but Helga too who actually ends up sacrificing something she wanted just to help someone she truly loves. The ending will make any adult cry.

Jaws 3-D

It's bad, but you could laugh... how bad the special effects are!! Jaws 3D has bad special effects (at least without glasses, can't answer on with them). The story is also kinda funny and something else that made me laugh is why did Seaworld want to do this movie?? "Come to Seaworld, we have Jaws!!" Yeah doesn't sound real fun for me. If you want a laugh at a smart shark who can hide evidence of a life raft then enjoy, but really this movie's story and effects put it at 4 for me.

Remember the Titans

One of my all time favorites
Such a great movie and while I'm sure some of its true story wasn't all that true, the drama of the integration and the story of the coaches mixed in with the wonder players with of course some nice football highlights made this movie. It was wonderful hearing how Boone runs few plays and it's split veer, as a football fan I like knowing this stuff and the drama with him trying to get this team together made the movie as great as ever. For sure it's 10/10 for me.

The Dark Knight

Great movie
The Dark Knight was a very great movie. 8 for me, The Joker was different than Jack Nicholson, but good in his own way, he felt more cold and calculating than Jack's version was. Two Face also was an upgrade from what Tommy Lee Jones did. Tommy had Two Face a bit too crazy for me, but on The Dark Knight, he's more cold and calculating. Batman wasn't great, but the bad guys and great story won me over, but Batman and his voice.

Without a Trace: Wannabe
Episode 15, Season 2

One of my favorite episodes
Just an all around great episode. If you were a kid in middle school who dealt with what the boy went through, you felt this episode and loved it. In middle school I was bullied for 1) how I sounded which kids would say I sound like I belonged in an EC class and 2) for lack of knowledge in more adult things. As a middle school kid, I didn't know what the phrase "get high" meant and was made fun of for that, so watching a boy like Eric hurting was a reminder of myself. Thankfully I never was flushed in a toilet (was tripped on purpose) or never had a girl trick me into my underwear and tie me up, but I get feeling like a loser.

The show's story here gets 9 for me.

Space Jam

It has moments of comedy...but
Space Jam was a movie that had some pretty good comedy at times. Watching Barkley get packed by a girl was laugh out loud times the looney tunes could get a few chuckles.

The story wasn't half bad either, and the game (despite multiple rule violations that even made me as a kid question why the ref sucks) was entertaining. BUT the issue is Jordan's acting, it just didn't come off as good, but despite his poor acting, the movie had enough funny moments to give it a passing grade.

Skip and Shannon: Undisputed

What to say??
I feel for Shannon and the rest of the hosts. This show is ruined by Skip Bayless. All the topics revolve around Dallas, Tom Brady or how bad LeBron James is (to Skip). There is only so much someone can take before they find Skip's show repetitive and that's really the issue it's the same team's or topics discussed and there's only so much Skip annoying we can take.

Draft Day

Good movie except one thing....
This movie showed amazing realism with how an NFL Draft works where there's willing and dealing, front office and coaches disagreeing on who to pick (like Washington did) and draft drama on what player to pick (passing on Bush).

The only issue I had was the realism hurt when Jacksonville traded their first pick for 4 2nd rounders. I can't see a GM making that deal.

The Adventures of Mary-Kate & Ashley: The Case of Thorn Mansion

The mystery is fun, but....
The singing gets a bit overdone. I really like the mystery in these videos, the mystery is fun to figure out even if for adults it gets really easy to answer since the clues are dead giveaways...but as a kid the mystery was harder to answer and it was fun to figure out.

You're Invited to Mary-Kate & Ashley's Sleepover Party

Good for little girls, for
This show (can't call it a movie) was (if I'm right) the start of the series. This show wasn't bad for kids (mainly girls). It has songs and things girls kinda enjoy doing at sleepovers. The girls weren't bad at acting or singing. The issue I had was it made the boys out to be jerks then losers. Other than that, good kids (mostly girls) movie. Adults will likely roll their eyes to it, while girls will enjoy it.

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