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FC Venus

Close to being a train wreck
When I read the summary of FC Venus, I thought to myself, hey, why not give it a chance. Perhaps I'm in for a surprise. After all, the premise sounded way too predictable to not include an ironic twist that would make the movie at least half enjoyable. To my disappointment, it merely followed through with its paint-by-the-numbers storyline.

If you're looking for any kind of message, how shallow it might be, look somewhere else. Not even a contrived "women can be powerful" message can be found here since too many circumstantial things happen before and during the final game (I have to be a little vague because I don't want to spoil anything for those inclined to see this movie).

It was obvious how the movie tried to go for the typical Hollywood drama without being cheesy and having the feel of being German, i.e. a pretense sense of realism. The skills of the soccer players were held to such a low level that it almost looked ridiculous. I'm a better soccer player than those guys who are supposed to having played soccer for years. However, the film failed even more miserably when the supposed suspense scenes kicked in. Like a train wreck, it was hard to keep your eyes off it since they serve as a text book example for bad filmmaking.

If you are young, female, and into soccer, you might enjoy this film. If any of these traits don't apply to you, by all means, stay away.

S.P.Q.R. 2000 e 1/2 anni fa

I thought it'd be more well-known
When I was a kid I always assumed that this movie is part of the "Naked Gun" films because it's called "The Roman Gun" in Germany. And as a kid it seemed quite funny to me but when I watched it today I realized how bad it actually is! The jokes are few and childish making "S.P.Q.R. 2000 e 1/2 anni fa" totally boring. The only funny things about it are Leslie Nielsen's (who has very little screen time) usual look on his face and the last 5 minutes. The rest is just wasted time. I saw the German 95 min. long version. I can't believe how somebody would be able to sit through the Italian 193 min. version.


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