
IMDb member since February 2013
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


Studio 666

A Little funny. A little gory, A little stupid. I liked it!
A Little funny. A little gory, A little stupid. I liked it! I've seen movies with higher rating that were much worse. I'm not a big Foo Fighters fan, but I thought they did decent job and was surprised at how gory some of the scenes were!

The Vigil

A thoughtful, atmospheric allegory
Horror with a message? I liked it!

For me, this movie was all about singular or collective guilt, and how guilt can wreak havoc on our lives and spirit. Yes, this movie is Jewish-centric, with historical and religious undertones driving the themes of guilt. However, the parable of coming to terms with guilt, shame or denial I found to be universal.

It was an interesting, dark take on wrestling with inner demons. With a thoughtful ending.

Sweetness in the Belly

I've seen a lot of bad movies... This isn't one of them.
I almost didn't watch it because of the ridiculously low rating. It's a nice, authentic, non-hollywood movie. No CGI, or dreadfully ludicrous, unrealistic fight sequences. It felt honest and authentic, like a good indie film should be.

What We Don't Say

Strong, honest performances
The only other review of this movie gave it a "1" out of "10" and that simply isn't fair. It's not a flashy CGI mess. That's a GOOD thing! I thought the characters and performances were real and honest, and it takes bravery to not have all the loose ends tied up and have a Hollywood happy ending. Life is messy. People are messy. Relationships are messy. I thought this movie portrayed that quietly, eloquently and honestly.


A slowburn delight!!
This is one of a very select few movies I wish I could erase my mind and see it anew over and over. I was either delighted, touched, shocked, saddened or hopeful throughout. The LESS you know going in, the better. If you want to watch another overblown, meaningless CGI mess, this won't be for you. If you like your movies to grab you and resonate long after the credits, this was just such a movie for me and I hope it is for you too! I wish I could UNSEE it again and again! Fantastic!

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