
IMDb member since October 2004
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Silent Witness: Seven Times: Part 2
Episode 6, Season 23

Was there a resolution?
Because I didn't see one. It would seem the police know who the criminal(s) is/are, but it's never confirmed. Perhaps a woman was a victim, and maybe she wasn't? All a muddle to me.

Last Man Standing

They ruined it!
I watched Season 1 on Netflix in one week. LOVED IT. I would have given it 10 stars.I just finished the first two episodes of Season 2, and I'm done. The Travis character has become shrill. The new daughter is too old and too strident. The Allen character became a conservative buffoon, when before he actually made conservatives look good. Boyd became three years older in one season, which was jarring. And Ryan is Meathead, and it's not funny anymore. Ugh.


It was not a good mystery. I thought it was way too simple to solve way before the movie was over. I'm also tired of movies where the police are painted in an unflattering light. The supporting cast did a good job. I do think, though, that the roles were very stereotypical. There wasn't anything fresh and new about this film. The worst problem was the serious miscasting of the lead role.

I totally agree with the earlier comment on Marlo Thomas not being a good choice for the role of a mother with a young child. She's still attractive, yes, but she does look much too old to be the mother of the little boy. She looks old enough to be the mother of the actress playing her sister. I could have enjoyed the film much more if that oddity hadn't kept bothering me.

The same applies for William Devane. Despite the fact that men can have children much, much later than women, I think they look silly.

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