
IMDb member since March 2013
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    11 years



Cannot understand the bad reviews??? We ALL loved it
Fine acting, beautiful production and one of the best things I have have ever had the pleasure of seeing and no surprise it is rated 5th best Netflix programme! It deserves to be higher, but then it is rated no 1 in MANY countries!!! so the bad ratings are from people who just 'don't get it'!

Season 2?

Vanity Fair

beautiful visuals and acting
I have watched episode 1 & 2 on catch up and I LOVE it so far, I can only imagine it to get better, so waiting patiently for next episode

I have never seen the previous versions, nor would I want to, but I have read the book, but I appreciate, being a person who is open to diversity and to new and fresh interpretation.

The characters in the series are well done, and am so far thoroughly caught up in their lives.

I most definitely recommend it and also urge people to give it a chance!

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