
IMDb member since October 2004
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Are You Afraid of the Dark?: The Tale of the Nightly Neighbors
Episode 8, Season 1

another quite boring episode!
the plot is a family move in next to dayday and they're from transilvania CLICHÉ!!!!!! and they never come out in the day so after this happens a few times his mate or brother or maybe even his sister tells them that they might be vampires and not to let them in as the only way a vampire can come in is if invited. so they go creep in the house and see a big fridge and they find loads of bottles of blood in there so they scarper out of there quick. then they come round and the parents invite them in and they say that they work for the hospital and they're looking after the surplus of blood (im presuming this is some sort of back alley hospital as who lets the staff take blood home!?) so all appears to be well and they are invited to dinner the next night. then the parents go home and wait for it..... they really are vampires! wow didn't see that coming did you! and the twist is the little boy is the master vampire and the parents have just got access to the neighbours house and its gonna be a feeding frenzy tomorrow! THE END now that was boring wasn't it, not a great story and the acting wasn't too good either,

We Know Where You Live

very good strange black comedy
i used to watch this with my sister when i was 12 (I'm 19 now) and found this really funny, the one i specifically remember was some weird man in the woods who would say a strange line, i can only remember 2 lines he said. The first was where he walked out from behind a tree and said "ive just had a poooooo!" and the second was "I'm wearing corduroy pants". they were just so bizarre and strange that it made them funny! I'm sure my 12 year old sense of humour probably found it more funny than i would now but it was still a great program. my dad really like it too so it appealed to most ages i suppose. very good and hardly many around now with the same bizarre quirky sense of humour.

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