Reviews (3)

  • Everything has the same name. Hard to follow or know what you missed. Some I want to watch again but no way to figure out which season.

    I love most mysteries and who done it series.

    Sadly the mergers of Fox selling to Disney has messed up all streaming for people who cut the cord.

    I refuse to pay for Hulu more than twice (two months) a year. Horrible business model.

    I buy paramount+ and Max year around and barely miss any shows. FX used to be a favorite network but now I just buy the series in iTunes. It's cheaper.

    I don't watch commercials and I would rather pay more to get freedom from the obnoxious commercials.
  • I have a complicated ancestry which I've spent a ton of time on; because the dna doesn't lie!

    How can I get CeCe to help me get my answers?

    Celebrities have money and get this for free; I'm retired living below the poverty line and no help.

    I know my father was adopted within family. But of course I'm the black sheep for bringing all this information to lite. I'm just not as young as I used to be and it's difficult for me to picture my matches three dimensionally- I have plenty of tested relatives.

    I'd pay what little I have to find the answers before I die. That's all I'm asking for. A mystery solved.
  • Inaccurate statements and facts, as they have almost the entire state of Kentucky in Appalachia. Kelly, KY, Hopkinsville, KY and Fort Campbell are all in west central Kentucky. Appalachia is hundreds of miles east. Maps and information are incorrect as to showing the outline of Appalachia in red. Many of the statements on the program itself are possibly correct as I have not researched any of the data on the Aliens, Sheepsquatch and Mothman. My family is from the Hopkinsville area, which like stated above, is no where near the Appalachian Mountains. Living about 20 miles east of Kelly, KY, my mothers' family never reported to me any sighting of anything out of the ordinary. Although I believe the Aliens exist.