
IMDb member since March 2013
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    11 years



Enough to get me to watch the second ep
I'm always looking for something new, and being a Sci Fi fan, this hopefully might be the ticket. Right off the bat, the soundtrack reminded me of Interstellar, and the plot will hopefully keep me interested in this series. The effects and scenery look nice, and another plus, aside from 3 actors, I didn't recognize the rest of the actors in this. I've been a fan of Mark Addy since the Knights Tale. I also did a double take when Haley Joel showed up, and the girl from Superman is hot. Hopefully this gets picked up

Those Who Kill

Cancelled after two episodes.
I wanted to like this shoe, but frankly it was terrible, and evidently the viewers did too. A&E shelved this debacle only 2 episodes in due to horrendous ratings. After the premiere, the show lost almost half the viewers it did have on it's opening evening, which prompted them to nuke it. A .5 rating, which dropped to .3 means they could do better running crab fishing repeats and pull better numbers. With 7 episodes still in the can, someone took a major bath on this turkey. I hope Chloe Sevigny got her money up front, and didn't put in a clause for profits. Who knows, maybe someone can leak the unaired ep's so the 6 or 7 people that actually liked it can get their fix.


Better than I expected.
Funny show. Yes it's offensive to the PC sheep who live off their "career" trying to tell others how to think. Some of the Connie Lez stuff is hilarious. I I thing they took Tosh's voice down a touch with the "machine". I would have been happier if they left it alone. Overall, I give it a passing grade. I've watched most of them, and while there are a few dud ish ep's, I'm generally happy with the series.I don't think the Malloy character is the funniest, something I thought would have been automatic considering it's Tosh. is it south Park. Nothing is South park, so calm down and watch something else, or give it a chance. The whining is tiresome.

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