
IMDb member since March 2013
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No Time to Die

Average, but entertaining and a fitting fairwell to Craig
Craigs films peaked with Casino Royale and have slowly been depreciating from there. However, this film nicely finishes his tenure as bond and left me slightly emotional at the end, not because of the ending but saying goodbye to the best Bond ever (in my opinion).

Few key things to mention:
  • Film is 30 mins too long and they could easily cut some scenes.

  • It is clear the screenplay writers kept getting to late stages in the film then realising they need to adjust earlier plot lines to accommodate the storyline. Most significantly the main antagonist has a key piece of collateral over Bond and simply gives it away for no apparent reason.

  • Ana de Armas character is completely pointless, which is a shame as she is a good actor. She is simply put in as eye candy and to push forward a scene.

  • The plot line and how it linked to Spectre was not well devised and fell flat, which great acting and interesting fight scenes managed to keep afloat. It felt like a shoddy mission impossible rip off with the Bond style overlaying.

  • Rami Maleks character was underwhelming and a shame for how good an actor he is.

Overall, Daniel Craig deserves a lot of credit for what he's done for the franchise and was a pleasure to watch him as bond.

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