
IMDb member since April 2013
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    11 years


Resident Evil

It's the characters, stupid
Let's set aside the fact that this 'adaptation' fails to capture any of the tone and atmosphere of the source material, the fact is it fails in the storyline department in the most fundamental ways possible. Starting, and perhaps most importantly, with the characters. The characters are completely unlikable and find themselves entrenched in plot threads that have you rooting for the monsters. There is an attempt at elevated world building by following the characters in two timeliness, but it fails miserably.

Head Count

Actually, not bad
I was reluctant to watch based on some of the negative reviews but I found 'Head Count' to be perfectly watchable. It's not challenging cinema or anything but it has a good enough hook to keep you going to the end. You won't be blown away but it's an entertaining once-and-done.

Jacob's Ladder

Another Unnecessary Remake
I feel sorry for the filmmakers here. The original is such a classic, and so we'll acted; it achieves very singular levels of story, atmosphere, and performance. The remake was always doomed to pale in comparison. That said, I was willing to give it a shot and judge it on its own merits. What I found was a story devoid of character enriching beats and a tired visual style that was at its best when it tried, however infrequently, to approximate the original. I never once felt drawn in to the muddied predicament of the characters and in fact became increasingly annoyed with the plots tendency to drift away from the core mystery in favor of tired paranoia driven conspiracy tropes where no one is who you thought they were and the protagonist's family, friends, and lovers are out to get them. The denounment is pure laziness. I had to rewatch the original the next day to cleanse my pallet.


Don't Waste Your Time
At first, 'Solis' seems like a moderately effective single room suspense yarn. The fatal flaw is that the film sets up a stress inducing downward spiral of worsening events building tension over whether the protagonist will or will not survive, then ends abruptly moments before revealing the answer to that question.

If the film had dealt with some struggle that transcended the circumstances this might have worked, but alas it did not so you are simply left frustrated.

To be realistic even if it had ended it would still only be a mediocre movie at best. As is, it's a complete failure.


A Taught and Frightening Slow Burn that Pays Off
Adam Macdonald really arrives with Pyewacket. I was a bit put off by the idea of 'teen angst' being a center piece of the plot, but once I saw the type of angst Macdonald was talking about and the absolute realism and dramatic conflict (external and internal) that he divines from it, well I might never look at 'teen angst' the same way again.

It's well worth noting that 'slow burn' is a very apt description, and Pyewacket requires some patience, but luckily it thoroughly nails the delivery of its final act in a way that pays off the viewers endurance as well as the story.

Great film and should advance Macdonald up the charts in the horror genre. Can't wait to see what comes next.

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