
IMDb member since November 2004
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    19 years


An Inconvenient Truth

Absolute Junk - More Lies per minute than any movie in history!
Al Bore uses selective and/or false evidence to continue the global warming hoax. His apocalyptic predictions are even more ridiculous than the original, now discredited IPCC report.

If you believe anything in this movie, I know of a bridge in Chappaquidick, MA that Ted Kennedy would love to sell you!

This movie has even less credibility than Dan Rather or Michael Moore. Top meteorologists at MIT, the University of Colorado and elsewhere have declared the concept of man-made global warming an absolute lie. In fact since 1998 the temperature of the planet has DECLINED.

Don't believe the lies of the Hollywood elite and the man who owns a 24,000 square foot home that consumes more electricity in a day than most of us do in a year.

Nancy Drew

Good fun, got my daughter wanting read the old series! A win-win!
I disagree with previous comment about this movie. I think it was cute and fun and it carried a good message for young girls like my daughter. You don't have to dress like a cheap hooker to be cool. You can be smart and pretty and classy all at once.

I think the cast was good and the story was fine for the target audience. All-in-all my wife, daughter (10) and I each thought it was a good movie. I certainly recommend it. It also has encouraged my daughter to start reading the original Nancy Drew mysteries which I am sure she will love much as I loved the Hardy Boys.

It was a struggle to get her to sleep tonight because she wanted to start reading right away. I can't think of a better outcome for that movie than rekindling interest in that classic series.

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