
IMDb member since November 2004
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    19 years


The Pentagon Papers

A traitor? I don't think so.
This real story describes how did Daniel Ellsberg try to stop Vietnam War. He was one of them who thought the victory belongs to USA. But when he was being a inspector in Vietnam, he started to doubt himself. The papers for evaluating the situation of the war for Vietnam from Rand Corporation is totally changed him. I don't know anything about Vietnam War before seeing this movie. And this movie makes me to recall another movie, Fahrenheit 911. Both movies are different in style. One is telling the truth in back, the other one may be a truth, too. One is using serious way, the other one using a humorous way(but we should take it seriously, war is not a funny thing). I think anything has connection with politics, that will be the most terrible thing. Because everybody has a dark side. No one is totally bright!(That is that guy's dark side is having huge bright proportion.) I don't think Daniel Ellsberg is a traitor. If he is, he betrayed to the law which protect people who make wrong decision and don't want to take responsibility.

Malabar Princess

Don't think too much!
A little child (Tom: I am not your child) lost his mother when he was young. Five years passed, his father brought he back to that place(grandfather's home). He use any way to find the body of his mother that he can. The interaction, children's thoughts and adults' thoughts can be found in this movie. This movie didn't make me bored, there are many funny things during the whole movie. Tom found many information and things about his mother step by step. Because no one tell him what happened to his mother or they just can't. Eventually, he knew the whole story. When he and his grandfather talked about his mother's death(or missing), it seems there is a final hope to find his mother(body?) in his heart. Adults always consider and evaluate many conditions and situations. What should I do? what shouldn't? What results will be caused? Children don't do these too much. Children just simply want (to do) something!

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