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Monsters University

Disney Pixar movie
This is the story before they work at Monsters Inc. When Mike is a little child, he visits Monsters Inc. And he meets a star of Monsters Inc, and star said "If you want to be a great monster, you must go Monsters University." He decides, he will go to Monsters University. Then he studies much and could go to there. He meets some monsters after his key persons.

I like Monsters Inc. So I waited this movie. As I though this movie is exciting so much. Truly Disney Pixar! The characters are so much funny. They must be a star of Disney characters. My favorite scene is the last scene. If they could not go the decided road, they hacked their way to be a worker at Monsters Inc. That is their dream. I was impressed their figure never to give up.

I recommend you this movie. This movie can have fun time if you are adult of children.

Kaze tachinu

Studio Ghibli
This movie is the latest work of Studio Ghibli. The hero has dream. He really likes airplane when he is young. However, his eyes are not good. So, he becomes the engineer of airplane. He has a best friend. He is also the engineer of airplane. Airplane is the all of him. One day, he meets a woman. She is a destiny. They fall in love and…?

This story is little difficult for me. It is because may be there is a message that I cannot find out I watch it once. I want to watch one more. Of course I can understand this story. However, I think, there is a more message. I like the scene that he and his best friend talk about the airplane. When I watch the scene, I think it is the beautiful that people are absorbed in one thing. I want to find my favorite thing I can forget other things and be absorbed in.

I recommend you this movie. If you watch it, you will want to find your favorite thing.

Wreck-It Ralph

This is the movie about a man who works at the game. His name is Ralph. He is a bad man in his game. However, he thinks always, he wants to be a hero. Actually, he is not bad man. He is gentleman. There is more character. Her name is Vanellope. She is a girl who wants to be a winner of her game, car race. One day, Ralph escape from his game and…?

I like this movie. This story is simple. Little children also have fun. The story is so funny. In Ralph's game, he is a bad man. It is because his work is broke buildings. And, the hero fixes it. It is a destiny of him. He could not be a hero and disliked from people. It is so sad. However, he find out it is the work only he can. My favorite point is not only story. I like colors of this animation. In Vaellope's car race game, the colors are very pink! It is so cute.

I recommend you this movie. Please watch this movie with your family. It will have enjoy time.

Hakoiri musuko no koi

This is the movie about a man who is serious too much. He thinks he will and does not want to marry with someone. He is the only son of his parents. His family is a good birth so his parents want to marry him. One day, he meets a woman who is blind. Therefore they are attracted to each other. However he is disliked from her father because of his Wishy-washy personality. Her father thinks he will not be able to support her.

When I see this movie, I think that any parents think their any children are so cute and so important for them. It is so funny too much serious character is. I have one brother. I watch this movie the hero is like my brother. I worry about my brother, can he marry with someone? Worry about it and watch this movie is so funny.

I recommend you this movie. If you watch this movie, you will learn what is beautiful love.

Chûgakusei Maruyama

Love! Kudo Kankuro
This is the story about a boy. He is a junior high school student. His name is Maruyama. This movie is messy a little bit. May be some people dislike like this movie, but I like this movie. There are many characters. They are so funny characters. A boy thinks erotic things. He is a junior high school student and adolescence, so he thinks many strange things. That is so funny.

I like this movie. I like Kudou Kankuro supervisor. He made so funny movies. I like those. The characters that this movie appears have intense individualities. In this movie, the appearing characters are directed on a spotlight. Therefore, I like the scene Maruyama dances with a beautiful women they have nice body. That scene was so funny. I laughed it.

I recommend you this movie if you like vulgar thing. When you laugh out, you must watch this movie. You will feel funny!


Disney Pixar movie!
This is the movie about one boy and his dog. One day, his dog dead. He is really sad about it. He is genius of science. He decided he makes to revive of his dog. There are many characters. They are so unique.

This movie is made by Disney Pixar. I love Disney Pixar's movies. It is because their movies are so exciting. This movie is also exciting. This movie is white and black. White and black movie is difficult to explain feelings. However this movie's feeling is rich. The story is also funny. May be little children are also enjoy. The story is simple.

I recommend you this movie. Please watch this movie with your family. You will learn we should not make to revive who dead. It is not real them and it is not good thing. People feel so sad when someone dead you are still sadder if it is those whom he loves. However, it dies and must not carry out opposing.

Les Misérables

Most favorite movie of me
This is the story about France Revolution. One man is caught by policeman who is a regal slave. He escapes from the policeman. He is changed by a kind pastor. He becomes mayor and meets the policeman to say hello but he does not want to he is a man who escape from him. He meets one woman who is poor. She must makes money because of her daughter is sick. However she makes trouble and…? This is the most favorite movie ever. I saw this movie at the theater twice. I wanted to see it three times but I could not so I bought this DVD. I think there are no bad people of this movie's characters. I aid the mayor at first and I thought the policeman is bad person. However, the policeman is right person also. He fulfilled his works and he does not disobey God.

I recommend you this movie. You must watch it. I wanted to you see this movie at a theater. It is because you can see it intensively. You feel it is short time 2.5H are.

Oz the Great and Powerful

I love Diseney Pxar!
This is the story about one impostor magician. He is magician of a little town. He thinks "I do not want to be a good man. I want to be a great man." He was kidnapped by a huge tornado. He arrived at oz. That is a wonder land. He was asked punishing the bad wizard.

This movie is made by Disney. I really love Disney Pixar. Expectation was not betrayed. This movie is also so exiting. The all of characters have deep individualities. The only doll of china is looks so cute from the middle. I think Disney Pixar's movie has many these patterns. I think it is wonderful. The story is so interesting also. Using colors are also wonderful.

I recommend you this movie. It is because if you watch this movie, you will be gave power of dream. Therefore, I like this word. "I do not want to be a good man. I want to be a grate man." I want to be also!

Life of Pi

beautiful sight
Life of Pi

This is the story about a boy who lives in zoo. He is genius about mathematics. One day, his family moves to new living with their animals. However the terrible sea accident happens. It is misfortune, a boy, a monkey, a zebra and a tiger.

I think this movie is so beautiful. The pictures are really beautiful. The animals are looks like real and sight view is also beautiful. My opinion that it the most beautiful scene is whole dive into the sea. That scene is shining. I want to watch this movie again. It is because it is little difficult story for me. It may be there is the deep message in this movie. It is for example, religion. Of course watch it once is so exciting but, I want to find this deep message or important things.

I recommend you this movie. Please watch it. You will be surprised of beautiful view.


The oldest psycho homicide movie
This is the movie about psycho killer's story. The main characters are one woman who works at office, her boyfriend, sister, one man who managing a motel, and his mother. It will be interesting that you watch it and guess the killer and why the killer kills victim.

I am interested in this movie. It is because when I research this movie, the website said this movie became a forerunner of psycho homicide movie. Then, I saw this movie at the theater (By chance, the movie was shown at one theater). I was so excited about this movie. The scene that policeman and private eye talks about the madder how and who did it is really interesting. I was surprised last scene.

I recommend this movie. It is oldest psycho homicide movie. Psycho homicide movies are popular now days. I like kind of this movie. If you also like kind of this movies, you must try to watch it!

Otousan no tabako

The Errand
This is the story about one family. The father is sick. He cannot give up to smoke. He really want to smoke cigarette, but he cannot go out from bet. So, he ask his daughter to buy cigarette. The daughter bought it, but her mother scolds her. He must give up to smoke. The daughter cannot understand why her father must not smoke. She worry about his father because he looks very painful, and she understand the father want to smoke. She wants her father to be fine. a delinquent girl appears to the daughter. She smokes. The daughter says to the girl "Please give me a cigarette."

I like this movie. It is because I can see love in their family, The daughter really worries about her father. I like last scene, but I cannot tell the last scene because if I tell it, it will be board for you.

I think you should watch this movie with your family.


This is the story about a war. A woman waits for her husband. He goes to battlefield. She really worries about her husband. She has nightmare again and again. The nightmares are about husband's fighting. Her husband is killed again and again in her dream. One day, her husband comes back to her. She feels easy. However, she look an ear. That is enemy's one. She was surprised. She think he is not former him.

This story is too difficult for me. However I really think about this movie. Why is she does not want to touch by her husband? It is difficult program. They love each other and she waits for him for a long time and meet him? The war is so sad. The war is makes him that he is not former him. The woman may be sick of mental.

Please watch this movie, and think about this movie and war.

Knick Knack

Knick Knack
This story was created by PIXAR in 1979. So, this story was created 34 years ago. That is so wonderful, because I was not born in 1979. Pixar has computer graphics technology. The movie was so beautiful. The characters move so smoothly. I think there was no movie in Japan using Computer graphics technology then.

This is the story about a snowman in a snow globe. He wanted go to out of his snow globe because he wanted to meet a beach girl who played outside. Therefore the beach girl invited him. He tried to go out and did something.

I think this story is so funny. Children may like this movie. I like the scene that the snowman used his nose and hammer to go out. It is so funny that the nose bent. Therefore I like the last scene. However I can't tell you what happened in the last scene.

Please try to watch it.

Father and Daughter

Father and Daughter
This is the story about a father and his daughter. First, the father went to somewhere by bicycle and boat. His daughter saw him off by the sea.

The daughter waited for a long time, because her father did not come back. A long time passed after he went. She waited and met for him on the rainy day and wind day, with her bicycle. She grew up. She made many friends. They spent their days the usual way. However, she did not go through. She stopped at the place she said good bye to her father. She had never forgotten.

This story makes me so sad. I want her to meet her father when he lived. However I like this movie, because I can see the love of the father and daughter. It is so beautiful.

I recommend this story. If you see this, you can see the love of father and daughter. You will feel so good.

Fish Out of Water

Fish out of Water
This story is about a man who rides a boat. He picked up some people. The first woman is not a good woman and…?

I like the way the film end. I think the last shot was well-composed, for example, color.

The scene that the old middle-aged man littered on the water disturbed me. I hate this movie because I don't be confused by beautiful women? Don't pick up unknown people?

I suppose the woman was a bad woman because she rides his boat without permission and, she invited her friends(?) without asking.

I am not sure I understood the message. Putting aside the message the movie wants to convey. I think this movie's images are pretty good. I like it. The actress who was the bad woman is really lovely.

Please try to watch it. I could not understand the message of this movie so try to find it.


This is the story about an exam taken by a small alien. One day, the small aliens come to a house. There is a sleeping man. The alien operated an UFO to take out him. Does the alien succeed in taking out the man in the end?

First, this story is so interesting for small children. Also I am able to have fun seeing it. It has humor. I laughed. I like the scene the big alien helps the small alien. I think the big alien is so kind. I like him. I have one more favorite scene, the scene of small aliens operating the UFO. He does not have confidence. So he looks the big alien who is examiner. I like that scene because I really sympathize with him. Sleeping man is also funny.

You will be happy if you watch at this movie. I laughed this movie. The animation is beautiful and great.

For the Birds

For the Birds
This is the short story. It is made by Disney Pixar. One blue bird comes to an electrical wire. He wants to relax at there. However other bird comes to there too. He tries to the other bird to drive out. Nevertheless, more and more birds come to there. Finally, the big bird comes. The wire slacks. What will happen to blue bird?

This movie is funny. I like pictures and sounds. Moving is so smoothly, colors are so beautiful. The sounds are funny. It is may be for the little child, if I watch this movie when I was child, It must have be my favorite movie. I like the scene when the big bird comes to the wire. The small birds are so surprised. Their expressions are so funny. The big bird looks so funny. I laugh about it.

Please watch this movie with little children. If watch it, they must be glad.

Tangled Ever After

This is the story Tangled Ever After. In this movie, Rapunzel and Eugene get marry! Everybody is blessing. Eugene's horse and Rapunzel's chameleon carry their rings. However flowers are in the horse. He sneezed and the rings go out. They get in patient and follow it. They are in a lot of trouble when they follow it. What will happen to them? Can a marriage ceremony be finished safely?

I really like movie of Tangled. I saw it in a theater. I remember that how I was excited by this movie. Therefore I saw it again and again by DVD. When I found this Tangled Ever After, I was so happy. Tangled is interesting usual. I like the animals of this story. They have really nice humor. The people are also. There are a lot of scenes I can laugh and be happy.

Please watch this story after you see the movie of Tangled. You will have fun time!

Partly Cloudy

Partly Cloudly
This is the story about clouds and white stork. Clouds are able to make babies by likes a magic. White clouds can make pretty babies. However the black cloud cannot make pretty babies. He makes ugly babies. He does not want to make ugly babies, however he cannot make pretty babies. The skinny white stork carries ugly and dangerous babies. He regards other clouds. He wants to carry pretty babies. He goes to the other beautiful cloud. The black cloud is angry and sad. However the black cloud and skinny white stork are good friends. What will happen to them? I think the black cloud is pitiable. It is because he does not want to make ugly baby, however he makes it. I like their friendship. The skinny white stork is so kind. He thinks that he wants to carry pretty baby, however he returns to black cloud certainly. I am enviable.

Please watch it. If you watch this movie, you will want to make better friendships.


This story starts at a station. One paper was blown and carried by window. The paper was an beautiful woman's. She catches it and waits for a train. There is a man. He has a lot of documents. One of them is also blown by window, it put on the woman's lip. There is kiss mark on it. He laughs at her, but there is no her. He works at the company there are a lot of papers. He finds her that meets at the station. He folds a lot of paper airplane to window there is her. Can he send it to her?

I think the man's expressive changes again. The first scene before he does not meet a beautiful woman, his face is crowd. However his document put on her lip and printed kiss mark, his face is shining. When he works at his office, also his face is crowded. When he finds her, his face is shining.

I recommend this movie. This movie is so cute.

The Crush

The Crush
This is the story about a little boy. He loves his teacher. He gives a ring for her, and promises to get marry. However she has a boyfriend. They decide their marrying. He does not like that. One night, his father hides the gun in the closet. The little boy sees it. He decides he will kill teacher's boyfriend. What will happen to them??

I like this story. The little boy is so cute. I think this movie is easy to understand, if you cannot understand English. It is because this movie is so kind. Expressions of the little boy are a lot. I like the scene that the little boy is peevish. He said he wants to get marry with his teacher, but he saw she dates with other man. I think he really loves her. I wish they marry when the little boy is able to marry to age.

If you watch this movie, you will be happy. The boy is so cute. Check it out.

The Lunch Date

The Lunch Date
This is the story about one old woman. She wants to take a train, but she does not take it because of late for the time. Therefore, she decides to have lunch, and she will eat salad. She put it and her bags on a table. She recognizes that she forgets to take a fork. She goes to take fork. There is no salad there. She finds it. Where is her salad??

I can see kindness of people. If I was man, I will angry with her. She made mistake but she did not sorry about him. However he shares his salad and does not angry with her. I like his kindness. I think that there is humor in this movie. When she decide that is not her salad, I think it is so funny!

I recommend you this movie. If you watch this movie, you will feel good. Please try to watch it.

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