
IMDb member since May 2013
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    IMDb Member
    11 years


R U Faster Than a Redneck?

Good Old Fashioned 'Merican Fun
If you're into sissy crap like dance movies, and love stories then you'll probably think it's "drivel". Let's face it, if you're that guy you don't know how to have fun anyway, and ya ain't got no business watching muscle car shows in the first place.

The cars get a little repetitive some times, but it's still fun to watch American Muscle rip it up on a road course. The host and commentator are pretty funny when they're paired up during the races. There's not much "drama" involved in the show, which is another plus in my book. Basically just a bunch of guys and gals out having a good time burning up the track.

Bottom line: If you like classic American muscle, like beer, and wish it was legal to run Prius' off the road then you'll like the show!

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