
IMDb member since May 2013
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Justin Bieber's Believe

I really enjoyed this... and I'm not an 11 year old girl...
So just being honest, I'm not a teenager, just a middle-aged graphic designer watching a movie documentary while doing some work. I wouldn't normally write a review but dear lord, there's a lot of mean reviews about this film here. I actually found many of the scenes in the film very touching (especially the scenes with the ill 6 year old girl) and the music is great. It's well shot and edited. Justin comes across well. Sure there's not much of a plot, but what do you expect? Seriously, it is what it is. A positive documentary about Justin Bieber and a behind the scenes of his tour.

So honestly, it's probably an 8 out 10 but I've bumped it up to 10 to counter the unwarranted number of negative reviews.

Peace and love!

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