
IMDb member since December 2004
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The Departed

It's okay
I found this movie to be rather boring. I love Martin Scorcese's other films, and when I saw this one win so many Oscars, I expected something as good as Goodfellas, which is a true masterpiece. The acting was great, and the cinematography was pretty good, but the story barely held my attention. About an hour and a half into it I wanted to turn it off, but was compelled to finish it, hoping for some really cool plot twist. I figured that must be the reason that everyone liked it so much. Perhaps there was too much hype, but I was extremely disappointed. I just don't see what all the fuss is regarding this movie. Most of the movies that are coming out of the studios nowadays are complete garbage. So now Scorcese makes a pretty good movie, and people think it belongs in the top 50 of all time. We're becoming complacent and settling for less. This movie is good, but not that good.

C'era una volta il West

Masterpiece even by today's standards
One of the best things about this film is that you don't have to make any excuses for it. So often older films seem to receive a ratings cushion based on when they were made. Some films are "groundbreaking" or "ahead of their time." While these statements could be used to describe Once Upon a Time in the West, they are not the only reasons to appreciate it. The casting and acting are superb. Claudia Cardinale is gorgeous. The cinematography is incredible. The music is perfect. If Sergio Leone were alive and making this movie in the 21st century I don't think he would have changed a thing (except maybe the voice dubbing). Westerns were so formulaic and non-artistic before the Italians came and started writing and directing. This movie is the ultimate timeless example of the potential of this genre. If I had not known what year this movie had come out I would have no idea if it was 10 years old or 40 years old.

It's Pat: The Movie

It's not THAT bad.
They probably should not have made a feature length film of the "Pat" sketch. They probably should not have even made it a running gag on Saturday Night Live. It should, however, probably be ranked higher on IMDb than Carrot Top's Chairman of the Board. Julia Sweeney is kind of annoying, but Dave Foley is great. What REALLY makes the movie is Charles Rocket's spiral into dementia over the enigma of Pat. That whole bit has me rolling on the floor. And also - Pat plays tuba with Ween! The karaoke scene is hilarious too. This movie is not a 10, but it's definitely not in the bottom 100 of all time. I liked this movie enough to buy it, but I gave it a 5 for a lame premise saved by the co-stars (Foley, Rocket, and Kathy Griffin).

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