
IMDb member since May 2013
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The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special

Just a holiday special
Themed around the guardians of the galaxy. Short little story with some fun moments but an overarching christmas theme.

Throughout the entire thing, you get the feeling that Chris Pratt was paid by the number of words he said or by a scene. His part is very limited and his character is silent when typically his character is running his mouth. Similarly other top paid characters have limited parts or sound bites are used.

Overall if you're a fan of the movies and are expecting this to be a seamless extension of the movies you may be disappointed. This is its own thing completely and it feels like that.

The Matrix Resurrections

Was it the most entertaining movie around?
No, it's not the most entertaining movie around.

Note: The Matrix Resurrections doesn't stand on it's own. It isn't a movie you can watch and follow along perfectly. If you haven't watched movies 1, 2 and 3 then I would suggest you do. The trilogy definitely sets this movie up. The original movies were very entertainment driven on the surface but required reading between the lines. Understanding the intended meaning behind the interactions.

If you didn't enjoy the Matrix 1, 2 and 3 for what they were, an intriguing idea with special effects and maximum entertainment value then you probably won't enjoy this movie.

I found The Matrix Resurrections a nice little cherry on top of the 3rd movie.

A lot of people disliked the 2nd and 3rd movies. Those people will undoubtedly not like the 4th movie.

The Matrix Resurrections is most definitely for the fans. I wasn't originally pleased with the way the 2nd and 3rd movies went but a rewatch with the mind of an elder millennial definitely helped to understand the stories and this movie adds onto the trilogy perfectly.

There is action, special effects and dialogue.

Well worth the watch if you're a matrix fan.

Other reviews seem to be from hyperactive, instant gratification viewers who prefer content to smack them in the face.

Chick Fight

Just another overcorrection movie.
One time watch at best. Production quality is good. Fight scenes are BAD, you have people waiting to be hit like they use to do in 80's & 90's movies. This is magnified when they use slowmo, you have a fighter standing there with their arms down just waiting to be hit.

This feels like a feminism overcorrection movie with a side of racial overcorrection. This seems to be all the rage at the moment in hollywood, people feeling guilted into choosing these loosely entertaining ideas and hiring people based purely on the colour of their skin, gender or sexual orientation rather than the merits of their hard work or suitability for the job.

I feel as though the budget and talent in this film could have been used in a better way to make a movie that wouldn't collect such review as "Don't even bother watching".

Bad stuff aside, movies as entertainment, it was reasonably entertaining but the lack of original thought left me thinking it could have been more.

Mr. Robot: eps3.7_dont-delete-me.ko
Episode 8, Season 3

Mainly Filler.
Little bit of back story which wasn't really relevant in my opinion. My hope is this doesn't become a common occurrence. You could easily skip this episode and not lose any story. In this day and age where one TV show isn't your weekly quota of watching they really need to step up the relevant content. This weeks episode didn't deliver that. Granted, it's still Mr Robot and it was still reasonably entertaining but not much happens. You start to wonder why you are watching certain scenes, why they were not only specifically put into the episode but why they even bothered shooting it. All in all, you can get a more compelling and emotional experience from a random feel good video online.

The Aliens

Low Budget held it back I think
Great entertaining show. About 50/50 on predicting what comes next usually. Characters are good. Actors for the most part are alright. Decent idea, this is where the budget I think comes into play but also limits the entire story if there were any CG components to the aliens. Essentially aliens are segregated from the populous by a wall. They sell their Hair as drugs for the Humans yet power ball dish-washing tablets are their drug.

Will be good to see if this show continues on as I think it has a lot of potential for growth and complexity. Particularly with certain groups that wish to "set things right" for Troy (the aliens sectioned off area). Is there a reason they called it Troy? Does that indicate a possible plot in the future?

Jack the Giant Slayer

The "Jack and the Beanstalk" with a slight twist.
This movie is somewhat expected. They didn't quite NAIL it but they were close.

Nicholas Hoult played the character of Jack reasonably well whilst still letting the "Nicholas Hoult-ness" show through. The subdued yet surprised looks and scarce bursts of energy.

The CG in this movie is fairly decent. Definitely pulls you into the world of not only the Human part of the world but also the world of the Giants.

There is one key feature from the original story that is left out, I'll leave that to you to find out what it is.

All in all, strong characters, decent story, great actors and a very fun and enjoyable movie to watch. Pop it on; tune out to the world and get sucked in.

They falter with a few missed opportunities but still stay somewhat true to the story.



Entertaining, little annoying. No more spoiler than a trailer.
Solid enough story. Hated the flash back type of stuff. Seems to be the way to do things these days. Flash between a couple stories much like a lot of TV shows. This however didn't need it, it was all part of the one story. If this movie was set out more linear it would have been a more enjoyable watch. This could have allowed a more streamlined and thin story setup. Which, unless you were living under a rock at the bottom of the ocean you would have KNOWN the re-gen, cancer stuff anyway. Which brings me to the Trailer, a lot of the good gags are in it along with pretty much 90% of the story points you need. The ending although somewhat witty did lack any substance. Action packed for the sake of it with all the destruction.

All in all a decent 8 movie. Could have done with some more GORE and relational remarks/interactions.

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